Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

Understand that the people who want high elves don’t want all that hyper fantasy tripe. It’s good for you, not us. High Elves give us this human-like fantasy character, while not being as boring as a real world human in a fantasy world. It’s the middle ground of fantasy, yet grounded to be human-like. That is the appeal to us. Felblood and undead simply are not. It’s why void elves do not work as a compromise.

Besides, we are not high elves yet. We lack any natural hair options. Not hair color, actual non wicked hair. We still have entropic embrace, we still have purple blood. And the name still says void elf.

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Zan here is one of the early church burning Blood Knights. He was ambivalent towards doing it but the ends justified the means.

He was driven enough to protect his home and the family of survivors that he became a part of during the fall at any cost.


The hair doesn’t look wet though, at least not with the new textures. Neither your hair nor mine looks wet. Maybe a bit messy, but not wet.


I want sharp cut. Like every other living being to choose however they want their hair to be cut like from Paul Mitchell.

Void Elves don’t need a third customization pass before everyone else gets a second customization pass, one that has as much effort and care as the Humans and Night Elves got in their first pass.

Go to the back of the line and wait your turn.


Antis should learn to know their place.

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You act like we really got a lot of love and care. We just got a few copy and pasted things, and a toggle on tentacles. COnsidering we share the same model as blood elves, that likely took a total of a few hours to implement each. Basically, what we got did not detract from other races getting things. They are ready when they are ready. We just got that cause it was quick and could be shipped out any time.

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Exactly. Humans and Night Elves got amazing options compared to most, but even they could have some things touched up, like scars being decoupled from their faces. And Nelves could use tattoos for the women, and colour customizable tattoos for the men, as well as possible face markings.

However, those things are miniscule priorities and should be saved until after races that barely got anything meaningful, like Undead and Blood Elves, get some things first.


It’s pixel elves. You’re really going to pull out '80s teen movie villain lines for pixel elves?

You mean the stuff you’ve been demanding?


Yes. What I’ve been demanding is quick, and easy for them to add. And like what we got before, would not detract time away from the other races.

My place as an adult is to tell people to behave and wait until everyone else gets a second pass before void elves get a third pass.

That’s only fair.




The only difference we’ll always have is that you are an anti and I am a pro, and that will never change that at the end of the day and we will never get along because of it. I don’t care how much we have to learn to get along for whatever the game is suffering from, but even then - you antis and we pros will never get along because you will always choose parts that you don’t want high elves to be a thing in alliance whether it’s void elves or blood elves joining alliance.

I honestly would not have known you were an adult after many months of your behaviors.

We’ve had two passes that both add up to being great. Like, just look at me. I’m practically Alleria with unbraided, brown hair.

Meanwhile the blood elf pass was relatively poor. They got the minimum of new skins (all of which void elves got as well), ear options (less than nelves, and which velves also got), a few eye colours (which everyone but Draenei got), and some awkward jewelry that only females can use.

Like, is it that hard to see where they’re coming from?


No. Please provide proof that literally swapping one cosmetic to another that shares the exact same model would actually take any time? They don’t have to make anything from the ground up. So it’s very simple, very quick.

I’m a pro and I’m literally a mod in the anti Discord, so I don’t know what you’re on about.


No. Not really.

But you can just admit that you are an anti too by disagreeing the idea of having high elves option for whether its void elf or allied race completely.

I don’t disagree with it. I just try to point out that we have it pretty good at the moment, and we can go enjoy what we have.

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For all we know, they probably have all the hair styles, and blood particle effects pre-loaded on the void elf model. Why do I say this? Because when they gave void elves the reg skin tones, they came with the blood elf underwear until it was changed. Showing the that it’s all rigged from blood elf cosmetics.

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I guarantee they’ll say you’re not a real high elf fan because you don’t want racials removed from the game or something.

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