Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

They could technically do something like FF14 does. Like Elezen but you choose either Wildwood or Duskwight, in this case - you’d choose “Elves” and choose either High or Void.

Not every race needs a deep history to use something. So long as it’s not counter to what the race is about (Like gnome pallies, since they are firm believers of science, not religion) Then it has no warrant to not exist.

And I’ll say it again, we have seen high elf paladin npcs. Despite your bias thoughts on it, they exist, they are out in the world. If they are out in the world as a certain class, the race should get that class. Simple.

So if they somehow remove the whole “faction” restriction, and allowed you to play as a -blood- elf but allow you to join Alliance, would that be a compromise for you?

A sub race system, basically. Yes, people have requested this. Someone even made images of it, one including that exact spread you mentioned. Unfortunately I can’t find it at the moment or I’d link it for you.

Yet gnomes have Priests. :thinking:

The whole largely unsubstantiated high elf paladin thing throws away the entire lore of Blood Knights.

If high elf paladins were really a huge widespread cultural thing, then why are the Blood Knights such a notable thing in belf lore?

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They exist.

in Gnomregan instance at the cleaning room.

That’s because it’s stealing Naaru’s power and they said ‘there, I stole the light and that makes me the paladin. see?’

it’s like that scene from Lord Farquaad when he claims himself that he’s the king in Shrek.

Paladins are of those of extremely high faith. There is a disparity between priests and Paladins. Paladins pretty much infuse themselves with holy light, rather than just use it. It’s why void elves can be priests, but not pallies, same with undead. Undead can wield the light, but if they were to become a paladin, they’d explode.

I don’t want to ever see that happen. I don’t want to see a blending of horde and alliance races. I liked high elves because they were a separate faction, with different political beliefs from the horde counterparts. I liked the tension between them. it leaves a lot open for interesting acts of contention between them.

Simply just having a blood elf, but on alliance is not what I want. I want the history, along with their hatreds and loyalties.

I know. That was my point.

There are some more around.

For example:

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Our characters are all outliers of the societies that they come from, we do not need to conform to the usual standards that they do. That gives us the excuse for anyone to be anything, and trying to pick and choose winners or losers from that is just petty now. Plus I’m sure someone could come up with reasons for say Gnome paladins that is just as strong as your argument for helf pallies.


Horde has the high elves. Their name changed to blood elves when kal’thas changed it to remember the blood spilled by arthas. The elves you seek are on the horde. The lore even supports it.

You may not accept this but facts don’t care about your feelings.

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No one said anything about this. Everyone knows blood elves are high elves. People just want Alliance Thalassians, as they have been very prevalent on the alliance side.

You said you want your name on the race to say high elves so I’m fact you said it. That would be a big no the high elves are horde.

No, they can exist. There are several Undead Scarlet Paladins.


Oh god Marjhan. I forgot about her.

I feel bad for her since she literally got screwed over to death since vanilla.

Talk to blizzard about that. They themselves said it would cause them to explode. So you can chalk these up to no longer being canon. Two writers. One not knowing what the other had in mind. But don’t look into that, because it’s no longer of use. Their stance on it has been made firm.

I did. They still go by high elves in the alliance. Horde, they mostly all go by blood elves. It makes sense for them to be called high elves, and for you to stay blood elf. Alliance thalassians never adopted the blood elf title.

Can you provide a source for that?


This thread is more alive in death than it was when it was alive.

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It’s like… It’s like you didn’t even read the Lore of your own race. Void elves are High/Blood Elves. They were exiles of Silvermoon. Last time I checked Silvermoon is almost 100% populated by High/Blood Elves. Congrats, you have a High Elf on the alliance side. With a slight tinge of void taint