Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

Pretty much this another example is a lot of people think high elves are pallies when in reality they only have two paladin npcs, both of which have zero lore or backstory and one is literally an inside joke.


Explain why a high elf can’t be a paladin? What force drives them away from the light? If they are a Thalassian, they have the capability to wield it. If they live among some humans, then some have the culture to embrace it. WHat even are your arguments? Just bugger off.

There’s also generic high elf paladin units in the Paladin Order Hall, but that’s probably just throwaway flavour.

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I’ve never seen any npc high elves in Silvermoon on pilgrimage.

We saw a contemporaneous account of high elves going to the Sunwell in Wrath before the Silver Covenant’s ethnic cleansing and mass imprisonment of the Sunreavers.

There’s no indication that they’re still welcome after that second time Thalassian elves have been imprisoned or worse without trial in Dalaran.


counter point there is night elves exist in there as well and IIRC some other races that cant play it are in there as well.

Two is better than none I guess. One teacher creates 30 students.

Still waiting for an answer. Either answer it or leave. Ridiculous statements like that need resolution.

There’s a difference between “can” and “are”. The point being that paladins really became a thing with Thalassian elves with the Blood Elves, and the one prior high elf paladin from before is a blood elf now. Less that they can’t do it, more that they aren’t shown as being particularly interested in that as a whole.


That doesn’t matter. We’ve seen high elf paladins who have been interested. Generic, or flavor, or not. They have existed in the game. Since there is no barrier that says they can’t be a paladin… then they can be a paladin. It’s as simple as that. Even for night elves, the door is open for them to be pallies, it just hasn’t happened yet. But I am sure we will be seeing them any time now. Probably next expansion.

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Probably also because they are too busy writing poor written main story like Shadowlands that they aren’t too focused on other NPCs that dont matter right now to explain why there are no more high elves to teach paladinhood.

Kind of like FF14. Where Endwalker, they are too focused on the story but they left out the half of tempering lore and Ascian lore because for readers own good.

Some lores and stories are better left unexplained.

They don’t even need another high elf to teach. They have humans, and high elves have engrained within human culture, as you see them living in human cities.

There is no reason a human can’t teach a high elf living in their city, or residing within their militia.

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I mean the point was that there are popular conceptions about high elves that are actually made up, and that the idea that High Elves are prone to paladinery is one of them.

Doesn’t have to do with whether or not they should get it, but that it isn’t really a thing in the lore, but people think it is.


i would say their core is for sure. just like the core of the sunreavers is mages

look theyre both fashioned after their leaders. the only way to have a hunter/mage leader is if the majority are hunters/mages imo. but both organizations were able to attract and have like minded melee and mage types in them as well. that shouldnt be too surprising

as for other classes; when you see them out in the world actually doing things its almost always rangers or mages. zulaman helping the horde only hunter types showed up. isle of thunder melee farstrider types and magister types. suramar vereesa brought some mages to assist khadgar and the kirin tor/alliance/horde. you dont see paladins and locks ever

i actually think they were just a gameplay device for the hub in wrath like portal rooms. but they do exist and i cant debunk them. still i wouldnt use plural

after all the SC showed up for the hunter class hall and the sunreavers had a role in the mage hall. that didnt surprise me at all



People want it because it’s actually necessary for them. Blood elves have demon hunters, and Warlocks. But a high elf very likely would not have Warlock, and obviously they wouldn’t have demon hunters. if you leave out Paladins as well, they’d have very few classes.

WoW has always been about arbitrary cultural restrictions. So the “because they can” argument never holds up. If your race doesn’t have a large culture around a certain class they aren’t going to get that class full stop.

Again, that’s not the point that was made there.

And for that subject, I feel we’re at the point that they just need to drop class/race restrictions completely rather than pick and choose any more.

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Well you wouldn’t be wrong. But we still don’t have the race. :confused: so I am not sure how it’s going to help.

But also idk if they are adding in more allied races for next expansion.

They’d have void elves’ exact spread, minus Warlocks. So your options are void elves with a different name and different racials, or something even closer to blood elves in terms of the game.

I’d like this as well, but until then. No, high elves aren’t a race that really has a culture of paladins and they especially should not be given to void elves.


Well, they’d have paladins though. Something a void elf cannot be, ever. But a high elf? Plenty of reasons for that to exist. Again, culture with humans, and the fact their brothers can wield the light just fine. If they were going to expand on them, suiting more of them up to be paladins to help fight whatever new threat is coming would be a smart decision for the alliance.

See, the whole point is expanding on the lore, expanding on connections already made. They would obviously be attending human churches, even if we do not see it often.