Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

I will be a high elf in time, and you will cry. Send me the tears in the mail when it happens. I’ll keep them on my shelf.

Reported for High Elf spam.

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Reported for reporting

The discussion has long passed what the old post count was before. So no, it has brought something to the table. Like it or not.

I mean, it’s just the same old same old whining about not having the perfect pretty elves and making up lore to back that up. It’s just the same old song and dance

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Elves were a mistake.


And that’s also called spam reporting just because you are sensitive nancy.

No one has made up any lore. You are being biased based on your own feelings. And your feelings have no merit. Not with me, nor with blizzard.

you are telling someone else this? lol


Hey, don’t bring all of us into this.

Blizzard doesn’t respond to demands, just saying Also, this is spam, because Blizzard gave a compromise after stating that if you want to play a Helf, then the Horde us waiting for you. Get this through your thick cranium.

Or better yet, play another game.

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I am making demands, not supporting an argument. of course demanding something is of my own bias. That was never in question.

you are in no place to make demands. blizz has done what they intended to do. either play. don’t play. rage. cope. whatever it is you’re going to do. but the compromise has been made.


Oh most likely, no, no one here made anything up. You’ve just been repeating stuff other people made up that fits your biases, since you probably couldn’t come up with it on your own.

But we’ve had the ballista conjecture in here, Dalaran not being neutral, the fel eating stuff, etc etc etc

No, see they’re saying that only THEIR feelings are valid and blizz thinks they’re special


Blizzard has responded to many demands. If they didn’t, no positive changes would have been made. You are here coming off as very weak-minded. Reporting and crying. I’m not gonna waste my time with you.

But you are making a demand in a very old thread. Like as if you went back couple of main forum’s pages to post about your disagreement. I get that. But you had been obnoxiously had been attacking void elf community plus antis to prove yourself that you want high elf.

Who says they are done? When they made void elves, we did not have these options before. Obviously, void elves were as they were intended before. But after demands, they were changed. Demands work. We will see more changes in the future. It’s silly to believe this is the end.

I could care less for void elf players. If I upset them then good. They are parasites that latched on to our community, and took it away. Void elves would not exist at all if not for the high elf demands in the first place. You could have just been given ethereal and left high elves alone. But you had to be our “Answer” But you’re nobodies answer. Just a plague.

idk. if they actually do allow glyph for void elf paladins to go light mode, I honestly will take it.

I am just tired of this game and expansion as it is. lmao. Look at the ending.

Actually a lot of what I liked about high elves turned out to be my own headcanon.

A big example I’ve seen from multiple high elf fans, and used to believe myself, is that high elves have more chill attitudes than blood elves. This is an illusion created by their click on quotes, which are recycled from night elves.

They aren’t intended to make them seem different, they’re just used because in Vanilla they were the non-night elf elves. They weren’t updated in BC because high elves weren’t very important in BC, and all the blood elf click on quotes referenced the story of the blood elves.

A direct counterpoint to this thought of high elves being chiller is Frostfencer Seraphi, who puts the most obnoxious blood elf to shame. This seems to be Blizzard’s vision of high elves, they just never bothered showing it in game because it wasn’t important to them.


Also he just left because he needed a break, it wasn’t personal. He was burnt out.

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