Give the option to remove Entropic Embrace completely!

I didn’t ask for a compromise. I asked for high elves.

Because I was searching for ways to remove entropic embrace, and this popped up. So I commented on it, and so discussion was born.

No one asks for a compromise. It’s something you get instead.

ofc they can visit their homeland. nothing ever stated otherwise. as i said you people are the ones who created this fanfiction that modern ‘high elves’ and blood elves hate each other. when nothing states this. the closest thing to hate was between farstrider and magister types

is azeroth flat too? dalaran is still neutral

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Something something about a compromise giving something to both sides of an issue.


And it’s my right to accept it or not. I don’t accept any compromise on this matter. Either we have high elves, or we don’t. No amount of false pandering will sway that.

Yeah this is objectivelly wrong. Read blood of the highborne and In the Shadow of the Sun. Next

It’s still alliance, actually.

Is the fanfic convention in town or something today?


You were literally linked a picture of Khadgar declaring Dalaran’s neutrality. How much more do you need?

Except it didn’t say that. It said KHADGAR (who is not the sole leader of dalaran) is neutral. Maybe something stating that the city’s status has changed would convince me, idk

what about it? cite your passage or something lmao

Some high elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas after the Third War.[[14]] Other high elf remnants have chosen to rejoin the Alliance in recent years, arriving to a cold reception.[2] Modern high elves are a rare sight, and are commonly mistaken for blood elves.[15][16]

please look up the definition of some


  • an unspecified number or amount of people or things.

“here are some of our suggestions”

at least a small amount or number of people or things.

“surely some have noticed”


Jaina was the one who declared them for the Alliance in MoP after she kicked the Horde out.

Jaina is no longer affiliated with Dalaran, nor in control of it. Khadgar is. That’s as explicit as it needs to be, really.


It doesn’t matter what the population of high elves are. Void elves are smaller. Literally a tiny army. An elite fighting force. Their very inclusion now opens the door to damn near anything to be added, no matter the numbers.


The silver covenant literally arrose as a way to keep blood elves out of dalaran. Give me a break.

‘’“Lor’themar Theron.” High Priestess Aurora Skycaller’s voice was measured and not a little unkind. “I must admit I am surprised to find you here.”

“You have some nerve,” Renthar Hawkspear said cruelly, “to show your face. I should have a dozen archers turn you into a pincushion.”

The words stung even as he expected them. He let them roll across him and settle in the dirt at his feet.

“I have news,” he said simply, “that you should know.”

“You couldn’t have sent a letter?” Renthar sneered.

“Would you have read it?” Lor’themar answered, and the small twitch at the corner of Aurora’s lip and the deepened scowl across Renthar’s face told him that no, they would not have.’’

And last I checked, wowpedia is not a primary source, so, please stop with the fanfiction for a moment :wink:

What Jaina did was a coup. In legion we learn how big changes like this must go through the council. As far as we know, there was never a vote on making dalaran neutral. There was, however, a vote on allowing horde into the city, which is a different thing.

If Jaina left, and none of the other council members had any interest in leaving the political shift of the coup in place, I don’t see why they’d need a formal vote on it.

Jaina kicked the Horde out in her coup, and then declared the city to be for the Alliance. As far as I remember, there was never any formal vote initiated to make them a member state of the Alliance in earnest.

If that did happen and I’m just not remembering it, I’d appreciate a source.

whats your point? youre citing in the shadows of the sun, you should know the kirin tor were the ones who reached out to quel’thalas

the SC are just ex farstriders who wanted to check the magister types preemptively. they have no power or voice. no council member, nothing. just the wife of dalarans leader at the time

and the passage? yes, SOME high elves are exiled. whats your damn point


their sources are

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There wasn’t a vote because it was a coup. That’s how a coup works. Do you have a source for khadgar doing a coup on dalaran to make it neutral?

you know why jaina left right?

this is just getting weird


Without a source you’ve circled back to the earlier part of my post: why would they retain Jaina’s changes to the city after she abandoned them?

Ansirem was the only one who voted to keep the Horde out, and he didn’t even grumble aloud when he was outvoted, so I don’t see him insisting on something like a vote.