Give the Horde a break

Well, I mean in Legion they got the stuff like extra story quest that gave them more AP (or similar resource) when everyone needed it.

I do like how they ignore that the Alliance shows up in the cinematics as well, since sad orcs can’t do anything until pretty blonde kings give them a pep talk.


You mean the Andiun thing? Wasn’t the equivalent of that the Sylvanas becoming warchief?


No, Sylvanas became warchief in the bit of the intro quest where we get introduced to the Demon Hunters. Anduin’s field trip was in a later patch, an extra quest on top of the weekly story patch that rewarded the same stuff the weekly quests did (plus if I remember right was actual story on a week where the ‘story’ quest didn’t have any story, was just fill up a bar and wait for next week)

I know they were in later times. What I am saying is the Horde players got a bit of extra content for the advancement of their story with Voljin and Sylvanas.

And later in the expansion we got Genn and Andiun discussing things.

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How is that extra? It’s the equivalent of delivering Varian’s letter to Anduin (you know, what the intro cinematic was 90% about) and the follow up with the demon attack etc.


Grass is always greener. Which is worse, having no content or having to share your content?


I am not saying that is extra content… I am saying its equivalent so it balances it out.
Like the Legion intro cinematic balanced out the garrosh WoD cinematic.

Typically things have been somewhat balanced when it comes to cinematics and content. BfA was the first expansion where it was so blatantly centered around the Horde.

If things are fair in 10.0 we will be getting our trailer grade cinematics and quests about… renewal? Perhaps then they can explain what the heck that is.
And if all that adds up to 15 minutes then I guess we have re-established the cosmic balance.

But it is extra, as Sylvanas becoming warchief was part of the intro scenario and Alliance had their own version. Anduin’s field trip was it’s own extra thing with a quest, extra reward that put Alliance ahead of horde in power progression, and its own in game cinematic.

Garrosh was the villain of WoD, it’s like saying the Wrath cinematic was Alliance content because of Arthas.

If things were fair in 10.0 the whole expansion would be predominantly horde focused, with most of the quest npcs coming from horde races, Alliance would get dressed down by Talanji without a chance to sass back this time, and you might get a chance for an Alliance character to announce a muffin based world quest as the majority of your participation in a later patch continent.

Oh, and maybe throw in a bug where in the central neutral hub for that patch some horde npcs trash talk your faction every single time you zone into it.


What was the Alliance bit? I honestly don’t remember?
Until now I viewed it as the Horde getting a cinematic for their new established leader and Alliance got theirs.

I honestly did not play legion until the very last patch. So everything happened at the same time.

Come on dude if next expantion we got a trailer grade cinematic about Azshara and the Night Elf Empire and its characters we can pretend it doesnt count but we both know thats a fan service for NEs… well NBs too I guess.

Delivering the Letter to Anduin/the intro cinematic being Varian writing the letter.

Depends on what the context is. Since the context of WoD was basically damning the Orcs to be worse monsters than originally thought, is it really fan service?

Azshara’s a villain, if it’s on her predominantly it’s not Alliance, if they pull out the Alliance characters that were around back then, that’s more fan servicey. If Tyrande goes to the beach, that’s complete fan service.


Anduin becoming king.

Alright if you want to say the single quest of letter delivering it is indeed extra content. Hopefully with the Horde getting a myriad of quests involving the rebellion questline in BFA was enough to pay that back with interest.
And Andiun conversing with Genn and Velen makes up for the early cinematic when Sylvanas takes power.

Absolutely it is, its showing orcs and pivotal moment in their history, you can see them kill Mannoroth again. If its advancing, or fleshing out something, then it should count. Whether the cinematic is sympathetic or not is not really relevant.

If we are seeing Azshara back in the day with Night Elf empire stuff then its content that fleshes out lore for people who are fans of night elves. Since Horde has Nightborn now then the Horde is now included too in content that is available so its not “Alliance only” but just because its showing a villain doesn’t discount it.

I am sure you complain about the Legion being very Alliance focused. I could quote things I am unhappy with or certain Allied races, characters going neutral and etc to say none of that counts.
Fan service is fan service so lets not play this game of wackamole that Dread wants to play. Content is content and if its Alliance focused or Horde focused then it will be obvious and recognizable.

In BFA the Horde got a lot of focus, they got some extra questing content for the rebellion questline and 3 trailer grade cinematics to go with it. All I am asking is for the same service, Blizzard should make 3 trailer level cinematics for an Alliance race, preferably the Night Elves to conclude this Renewal storyline they have pushed.


No, Just saying that that’s the Alliance equivalent of Sylvanas taking on the warchief, you’re the one trying to say that the in game cutscene there is “extra” when the full blown cinematic at the start of the game went over varian’s letter to Anduin.

It’s the orcs we fight and kill, being led by the orc we just tried to take out last expansion. It’s not like it was the Horde Orcs.

Yeah, but I’m not the one pretending that only the other side occasionally gets more content for them in specific expansions.

Depends on how you think of fan service. I mean, the Wrath intro cinematic was fan service for a popular villain. It’s something for the fans to geek out over, but I wouldn’t call it Alliance fan service.

Yeah, but ‘neutral’ races going to one side or the other kinda even out. And at least they were explained in the story as to why that happened. The main problem Legion’s Alliance heavy story has is that it highlights the lack of effort put into telling Horde stories (even if only for the horde) unless they are in conflict with the Alliance, and at least as of BFA, they’ve shown they aren’t willing to do a balanced and nuanced conflict story, they just do one sided morality plays with a virtuous side and an evil side.

2 for the Horde, the third was pretty heavily Anduin based. And again, I feel like much of that is them realizing how poorly this story would land with the horde and trying to do something to lighten the blow. I mean, BFA has pretty much killed my desire to play the game, and if I didn’t have a problem with these forums I would have stayed unsubbed.

The horde may have had focus in BFA, but it’s not the kind of focus you should put on a playable faction. It’s the focus that an unplayed villain faction should get, a faction that can get destroyed for what they did. That’s the problem with BFA, it’s destroyed a faction for no good reason in a way that will be damned hard to bring it back from in the story.

Please no, I have freaking night elf fatigue, they’ve been all over the story for years, and they need a massive rewrite to bring them in line with the rest of the world so we don’t hear more complaints about how horde characters are sues or stus because a night elf character didn’t immediately turn them into a greasy smear on the ground and instead they got to give their villain monologue before retreating in defeat.

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How rich asking for fairness. How about this, you can have Lother’mar give us a verbal finger wag as soon as you have a giant crater in Org for 3 expansions, have Tarren Mill leveled and turn Bildgewater harbor into Theramore 2.0.


Well, first of all we’d need a capital city with anywhere near the amount of detail put into it as SW. And as for the others, first we need around 6 years of the Horde having equivalent extra content over the Alliance, so a leveling village that sends horde characters to it 10 levels higher than the Alliance characters being sent to a nearby village, a mini capital with boat that rivals the smallest of Alliance capital cities (ETA oh yeah, and a zone away from two Alliance capital cities for easier access), and more leveling zones and quest content for that time. If we want to be fair.

Oh, and the Alliance gets to be unapologetically evil in taking out Tarren Mill and Bligewater.


You are no longer granted authority to negotiate on behalf of horde fans.



But I’ll fight you over my authority on behalf of Tauren fans to demand that the stupid cubic zirconia dwarf end up having been hoodwinked by an old god and has no connection to the Earthmother Azeroth


I dont care about King Diamond, or his uninvited guest. Just don’t negotiate away TM and Bilgewater and the kind of evilness typically reserved for the Forsaken.

I’ll just note that TM and Bilgewater were his demands there, just explaining the minimum 6 year wait and villain batting that would be needed to be an equivalent to the Southshore/Theramore deal.