Aren’t the peons like slaves to the rest of the orcs?
I think they got bigger problems than being mocked.
You got to indulge some of his fantasy to get through to him.
Aren’t the peons like slaves to the rest of the orcs?
I think they got bigger problems than being mocked.
You got to indulge some of his fantasy to get through to him.
The orcs just killed the trees in front of them, they observed the orcs actions. If they observed the actions of the draenei they would see the draenei working to heal the land and creatures.
They weren’t laughing when they attacked. But it’s actually funny you are so upset one of them laughed while observing, maybe it was a way to try to scare them away so they wouldn’t keep destroying the forest.
And as far as the nelves had known, so had the Draenei.
And more importantly, it was Archimonde’s plan to kill Nordrassil.
It’s literally just two Night elf spies speaking Darnassian, and one of them is laughing about sth unspecified. And that’s his evidence that Night Elves don’t care about trees?
That… is an orc grunt talking. No subtitles about what the Night elves were saying…
The orcs talking gives context to what the elves are doing and laughing about.
Jesus wept.
I hope you’re trolling, buddy. For your own sake.
That’s… not how language works buddy.
But it is how story telling works.
Yes, you keep linking that, the beginning is where they are observing and where the dreaded laugh comes in. They don’t attack until like 2:20. I also laughed at the orc line “Women! They’re Women!” game is pretty dated, but maybe that is why you are so upset there was one laugh, lmao.
I guess this is pointless because you don’t understand what observation is. We know the night elves observed the orcs destroying the forest, if the night elves observed the draenei and not just a crashed ship, they would have seen them healing the forested and healing the land.
So, your entire headcanon is based on 2 untranslated sentences in darnassian that prove Night elves don’t care about trees, because they were uttered in a mocking manner?
Ah, ad hominem.
The clarion call of the defeated argument.
Music to my ears.
You’re putting a lot of emphasis on the night elves observing the good the draenei did before they saw everything else.
and with no citations at all.
and with azuremyst isle being furthest from teldrassil.
Silly me.
You’ve already provided canon proof that they didn’t see the good the Draenei had done.
The Draenei found that priest, and the priest is CERTAIN that they’re demons.
I thought we’ve already solved the mystery of the Draenei / Night elf alliance?
We did indeedly.
Author fiat.
Anyway, with this argument solved I’m gonna go have lunch.
I do not feel terrorists should be negotiated with, whether demon tainted or not.
Because laughter, yes.
The laugh is irrelevant, it’s strange and humorous that you are trying to make it relevant to say the night elves don’t care about trees. The laughter is just something that gets to you personally, not really something that is relevant to anything in this conversation.
Cite an example of what the sentinels were aware of in regards to the crash when it happened and being ready to go to war over it. I use the qualifier IF because we don’t know what they were aware of, all we know is what the draenei did the whole time they were there after the crash, which is what the night elves would have seen if they were observing them like they observed the orcs.
She was knocked out because of the crash and being treated by the draenei, she didn’t know what happened but thought the draenei were Eredar initially, this is the draenei starting experience. Night elves are not a hivemind where if one sees something they all know instantly.
Fiat would imply that it’s arbitrary and doesn’t take in-universe logic into account. But the Moon Priestess behaved in the way you expected her to behave.
Well, we don’t know that!!
Tree-hating, laughter-having night elves may very well have a hivemind!!