Give the Horde a break

Only if the Exodar is made of mutant monsters, water purification, and crazed moonkin cleansing.

It is not. It is made of crystal.

Not as far as nelves would know. It was all invasion and murder.

And yet, they were trying to fix things. While the orcs were just destroying.

You can build a strawman around this, but it will still just be bad headcanon.


Did you just reply to yourself? o.0


He does that when no one agrees with his nonsense :stuck_out_tongue:


That’d be ‘author fiat’. Fiyat is a Turkish word that roughly translates to things like price, cost, figure and terms.


Wait, are you saying the draenei did not work to heal the land and creatures? So you really DON’T know anything about the draenei starting zone story. I knew it.

Incorrect, I posted the exerpt from Chronicles Vol. 3 in that picture above you didn’t read.

Cenarius had also been watching the newcomers, and he smelled the demon blood in their veins. Thinking that the green-skinned creatures were Legion servants, Cenarius attacked them alongside the night elves.

Yes, but that’s also irrelevant to how the draenei acted. A crash is one thing, how they act is another.


So this whole time, Trengmoore has been talking about the cost of an author?


Yes. And terms on said pricey author :wolf:

The chronicles say that he attacked them, having already sensed the demon taint.

The first time he brought up fel taint, I linked the video where the night elves first met orcs.
I had provided the source.

see below:

Tyrande had literally met Tichondrius (or Malganis, I confuse dreadlords.)
Nevermind the previous invasions in the ancient lore books where only night elves get to shine.

Cutting down trees is not destroying.
The Draenei had released hostile aliens, corrupted treants, and god knows what else.
The Night Elves’ answer to this was to silently watch them???
After Archimonde had nearly succeeded in genociding their race???

Author fiat, homie.

I don’t think you know what a strawman is.
A strawman is when the person you’re debating recontextualizes your argument into something you aren’t actually saying.

Readin’ comprehension there buddy-boy.

No. But I am calling into question Night Elves being witness to it.
You said they were.
So provide sources.

Chronicles retconned it, but we saw plain as day how it happened in the game.


It technically is. Now answer me one question: Where in chronicles does Tyrande say she hates the Orcs because of racism, and not because of the way they treated nature?


I said if, I didn’t say they were, there is no source that is needed for that because we don’t know if the night elves observed them or not, but IF they did it would be seeing them healing the land.

No idea.
I haven’t said much of anything about Chronicles.
Just the game you haven’t played.

And to be clear, I never said Tyrande said she hated orcs because of racism. I said nelves killed orcs because orcs weren’t a subservient race. They laughed and made fun of orcs whilst orcs cut down their trees, which shows that in Warcraft 3’s release they didn’t hold Ashenvale in as high regard as the retcons say they do.

Thank you.
So my point is that night elves would not be erratic to treat Draenei worse than they had treated orcs, because Draenei had caused more chaos than orcs had. Orcs were just cutting trees. Draenei had performed orbital impact. A result of this was poisoned land, feral alien monsters, and corrupted treants.

Oh, forgot a point.


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Crashing a ship is one thing, the actions of the draenei afterwards is another. It would be erratic for them to attack people for no reason, the night elves don’t just attack first without reasons for doing so after observation. An accident is very different from intentionally destroying the forest, the draenei’s actions afterwards showed that they were not the same as the orcs who attacked Ashenvale in WC3.

Again proving you didn’t play the starting zone. Archimonde is also a giant and filled with fel energy, draenei are not.


As an aside to this argument, it is obscenely lame that they have never updated draenei or blood elf land for flight travel.

Orcs reeked of the demonic taint. The Night Elves could sense that.
Draenei were by definition cleansed of any demonic influence.

Besides when Orcs arrived on NE borders the NEs were just coming out of a 10 thousand year of self-isolation. When Draenei arrived the NEs were in a much different world and awareness.

Also a defeated legion and a world tree gone that no longer needs to be protected helped a hell of a lot on the whole kill on sight doctrine.


But you yourself admitted that there’s no canon source for nelves having witnessed their good works. You also admitted that it took the words of the priestess to vet them to the other night elves.

No reason?!
You’re saying cutting down trees is reason, but poisoning the land, corrupting the treants are not?!
Looking like the most evil being that night elves had ever met up until that point?! The one who had nearly snuffed them out as a species like a single, solitary candle?!

You tipped your hand.
I didn’t know you were trolling until this moment.
Well done, Mara.

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Aaah, finally backpedalling from your original “Night elves were racist” narrative

Where in Chronicles does it say that? Genuinely curious.

So… you DO think it was racism? I don’t know what you even want to say anymore.


Can you read, friend?
You said I said Tyrande was racist.

On the night elves’ part.

And he was not out there, trying to clean.

I do, but I don’t think you know what the lore is.


Tichondrius has history with night elves.
He comments on it with Mannoroth.

Proven you wrong in basically every argument thus far.