Give the Horde a break

Sorry, Dreadmoore, but the in-universe explanations make sense to me and I’m still not seeing the Orcs as the poor victims. You failed.


Okay so you have no examples of your previous statement for the night elves showing “impossible disgust for outside races”. Your question about the draenei was answered by the draenei starting zone, something you keep ignoring.

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Besides the orcs? Which they were unaware of fel taint?
Besides Trolls, which they genocided?
Besides the Duke, whomst they killed for being allied to orcs?

The world Pre Pax Nelfana:

The world Post Pax Nelfana:


The orcs destroying the forest and the human working with the orcs who killed cenarius who are both destroying the forest later are the same thing.

The trolls would be well before their time in Ashenvale, before the WotA and it would also be related to highborne who would become high/blood/nightborne/naga as well. I wonder who was in charge? Maybe you could ask Azshara. It’s interesting how you are trying to deflect this onto the current night elves.

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Citacion needed

So, the Night Elves were a small kingdom of evolved Trolls that got harassed by the bigger Troll Empires, but the poor poor Trolls lost and the Night elves weren’t nice to them? What. A. Tragedy.

Kinda related to the whole “coming into our lands and killing our demigod” thing.


Bloodmyst Isle.


I’ll redirect you to what you had said:

Tyrande/Cenarius don’t recognize the fel taint until Mannoroth arrives.
Play the game.
Or watch it on youtube, I’m not your mom.

No? they weren’t ‘harassed by bigger troll empires’
Azshara decided she wanted more land, and the night elves used the blood of Azeroth to empower themselves and take it.
Then Azshara enslaved the Zandalari into policing the rest of troll kind for her.

Draenei are literally related to the demon god who nearly killed the entire night elf race.


You don’t know that.

The Dark Trolls were the smallest of the Troll Empires. Then they evolved and beat the bigger fish. What a tragedy, boohoo.

Got explained in the starting zone.

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Mara!! Didn’t you tell me earlier this week that arguing with Trengmoore is a waste of time?

Told you it was fun.


This just goes back to your inability to play through the night elves starting zone as to why the night elves accepted the draenei. Additionally Bloodmyst is not Ashenvale.

It’s actually irrelevant whether they did or not, they were destroying the forest.

The night elves even in WC3 didn’t just attack the orcs for no reason, they observed their actions first.

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Yes I do.
Tyrande even comments on it.
The night elves joke and laugh about tormenting the orcs prior, because they don’t realize what they’re messing around with.

The dark trolls weren’t an empire at all. They lived underground.

They used Azeroth’s blood like orcs used Mannoroth’s.

Because of author fiat.
The night elves are only racist when it’s convenient for the Alliance.
Which is admittedly pretty much nine tenths of the time.


It’s true, he might be stupid, but when he tries to ignore the one tiny piece of content draenei actually get in the game I couldn’t help it, lol

This is you strawmanning my argument either because you do not understand it, or because you know I’m right.
No shame if it’s the former, happens to all of us.

But it was nelf land, which the Draenei’s appearance had poisoned and corrupted.
Thank god Metzen for author fiat saving the Draenei’s lives from nelf defense forces!

It’s like you have this on and off switch in your brain where you refuse to see that Night Elves had every reason to be confrontational with the Draenei, from self preservation as a species, to preservation of the entire planet.

They took one priestess’s word that being that looked exactly like the demons of the burning legion (who are well known for lying!) were an okay lot.
And it was because of author fiat, not because it made any sense.

They scared them and tormented them. They were having fun doing it, which really suggests they didn’t actually care about the trees being cut down as much as the retcons suggest they do.

Here you are.
Strawmanning again.
I’m beginning to think you do understand my argument, but just can’t counter it.

We’ve been shown what Night Elves do to anything once they think that it’s related to the Burning Legion. Duke what’s his face stands testament to that. The Draenei arrived. Poisoned their land. Had seemingly corrupted their guardian spirits and their treants.

Author fiat had the night elves take one priest’s word as gospel, objective truth.
They gambled the fate of the world tree, their entire race’s existence, on that one single priest.


It’s not a strawman, it’s you again ignoring the entire draenei starting zone as well as how the night elves observed what the orcs were doing before attacking. They didn’t just see a bunch of chopped down trees and then attack the first thing in sight.

You usually make a headcanon and then say the author is wrong when you are shown to be wrong. You make simplified comparisons that are not really relevant.

Bloodmyst isn’t in Ashenvale, the draenei never even really encounter many night elves there except the ones they helped. Additionally Teldrassil did not exist at the time, the night elves primarily lived in Ashenvale/hyjal.

The night elves have shown to observe first and then attack based on their actions. I found this from Chronicles Vol. 3, Tyrande after learning they were not demons was willing to let them pass through Ashenvale but they were making “war” on the forest. Cenarius also sensed the demon blood in their veins BEFORE they drank again, and thought they were agents of the legion which is why he attacked with them before they drank again.

What observations did they have of the draenei before the draenei made contact with them? Did they observe the draenei making “war” on nature? The actions of the draenei were only healing the land and befriending and helping the beings there like furbolgs.


They observed the orcs cutting down trees.
They also observed the draenei crashlanding, releasing alien monsters (by accident, but they didn’t know that), as well as LITERALLY poisoning their land and corrupting their treants.

The Draenei outdid orcs at that time.


You forget they also observe the draenie trying to clean up the damage. The first nelf they met was poisoned, and the draenie are the ones healing her. By the time they have met that elf, they have been hard at work putting things right. After they meet that elf and bring her to other Alliance, they all get to see the draenie trying to fix their mess.

They met the orcs while the orcs were causing problems. They met the draenie while they were fixing them.


After the crash the draenei only worked to heal the land and the creatures living there. If the night elves observed their actions on this island after the crash it would have been seeing them do that.


The draenei were literally trying to UNDO the damage they did to the land. They were looking for cures for the poisoned land and animals.

The orcs were making war on nature itself, recklessly cutting down trees and harming the nature spirits. It’s why the Sentinels started to attack when they realized the orcs weren’t simply passing through. Which they would have, if they left the land alone. :wolf:


Bloodmyst was nelf land.

ye, sorry, confused the names.

We literally witness the elves toying with and tormenting the orcs long before they commit to fighting them.

But not before Mannoroth arrived.
I literally posted the video.

Sure, but that could be as much about repairing the exodar as ‘trying to be good people.’


The Burning Legion has definitely never used subterfuge to kill an opponent before.

Far less than the problems which Draenei had caused.

Again. They bet their entire species’ future on one priest being right.

Citations if you please.
I’ve been providing mine.

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Orcish history with fel corruption did not figure into their first encounter with the Night Elves. Draenei looking like Eredar got smoothed over quickly.

Warcraft III is not that deep, I promise. There is no need to deep dive and moralize over some of the most unambiguous gameplay in this IP’s history.


Go play the draenei starter zone. As you told Gudakar We’re not your mom after all :stuck_out_tongue:

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