Give the Horde a break

I’m not sure what your problem is anymore tbh. So the Night Elves had both a vivid memory of what fel taint looks like and what Archimonde looks like. The Orcs had a green skin showing that they were corrupted by demons (which, believe it or not, is correct), and they were destroying nature in Night elf heartland. A Moon Priestess stranded on a remote island and noticed that Draenei looked like Eredar, but befriended the Draenei after they explained that they serve the light. Am I missing something?


What other demons were night elves aware of that had green skin?
Also, gentle reminder: The night elves were tormenting the orcs long before they discovered their fel taint. The green skin didn’t alert them to demonic influence.

Also, secondary gentle reminder: Orcs turned red when they were becoming demons. They turned green when they were weened off of fel.

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I’m amazed how you’re trying to find nonexistent plot holes

This was answered in the draenei starting zone, a night elf priestess who was injured in the crash caused by the blood elves woke up under the care of the draenei and thought they were eredar demons. Then the draenei eventually are able to reach out the to the night elves.

Additionally draenei are not demons, draenei are also not fel corrupted. The orcs were fel tainted and still bound to Mannaroth, the night elves observed as the fel tainted orcs destroyed the forest. I wonder if you know anything at all about the story.


You made a claim.

But you don’t seem to know of any demons which night elves had been exposed to that had green skin to denote demonic influence.

You’re correct.

Also correct.


They didn’t notice the fel taint until mannoroth himself became involved.

You’ve yet to actually disprove anything I’ve said.
But I have disproved something that you did.

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Notice how the campaign name is “invasion of Kalimdor”, LMAO

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I pointed out many errors already in your post, as well as answered why the night elves were not hostile to the draenei who were not fel corrupted, as well as not destroying ashenvale as the orcs were doing and were able to reach out to the night elves as per their starting zone. Go play the draenei starting zone or read through the quest before making erroneous comparisons.

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Are you trying to say I denied that they invaded?
They didn’t know they were invading. That doesn’t mean they weren’t. It means the Night Elves are murderhobos.

No, you didn’t. Infact, you pointed out that you haven’t been reading the entirety of the conversation.
I’ll show you.

Here you imply that I am unaware of why the night elves accepted the Draenei.

Night Elves showed an impossible disgust for outside races that were not subservient unto them, compounded by demon kin. So, the authors had to get around that racism that is inherent to the culture that living in a forest and killing anyone who isn’t subservient to your race provides.

The Night Elves were well aware of Dread Lords, of the Legion’s ability to shapeshift and tell lies. The acceptance of Draenei so quickly was entirely out of character, but the staff wanted players to quickly be able to acclimate into the game.

Author fiat.


Also, wasn’t Cenarius kinda right to assume that the Orcs were connected with demons? In the level where Grom fights him, he calls the Orcs demons if I remember correctly. The same level where Grom drinks demon blood.

Blizzards message is that racists are correct, then? Because the Orcs were fel tainted and did pact with demons afterwards.

He sensed it whence Mannoroth arrived.
Which was after the Night Elves started tormenting the orcs and before the orcs knew Night Elves existed.*

Blizzard’s message is as flip floppy as Doctor’s Who’s timeywimey.
They want their cake and to eat it too.

*actually I don’t remember if night elves revealed themselves to orcs before Cenarius did.


Hahaha, nice try dodging the question.

There is no dodge.
They loved racism when it’s against the Horde, up until last year when they removed what Trollbane said. But even then they didn’t change Trollbane’s last name, and had nothing but terrible things to say in the Kalimdor book about a troll’s inability to read without a strong white man teaching him how.

So idk homie. Maybe Blizzard’s super racist?


Yes, I know you said this without any proof other than attacking the orcs who were destroying ashenvale. Show me your source on this part.

Yeah, Tichondrius I believe makes the plan to have the orcs kill cenarius by recharging their demonic power with his blood after they were losing to the night elves.

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What about the good Duke?

Idk Dreadmoore. I don’t know how you know what the Night Elves knew and didn’t know. Maybe they sensed that demons wandered around their lands and started to investigate, discovering a whole army of unrelated, but nevertheless fel corrupted creatures. And you’re trying to paint that as “racism”, athough the explanation is evidently fel corruption?

Well for starters, I actually played the vidja game.

You mean the same campaign where Tyrande observed them working with the orcs who killed cenarius as they continued to destroy the forest? I need an actual example.

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I agree.
But they didn’t feel the need to set the example with a race that appeared to be mini Archimondes.
A race that looked like a demonic overlord known for working with Nathrezim.

See. You’re fine with some biases, but you ignore when they aren’t applied naturally.

So, you played dumb about the whole “why didn’t they attack the Draenei” thing, although you knew it got explained in the Draenei starting zone?

My point is that the only reason they didn’t kill the Draenei was author fiat. You do not risk the world tree on one priestess’s word that these guys aren’t invaders. Especially when they have seemingly corrupted the land and the treants.

There was a mountain of evidence against the Draenei, despite their innocence.
Metzen used Author Fiat to ignore it.