Give the Horde a break

And so did they.
So, why didn’t they immediately kill Draenei?
Author fiyat.

I never said it belonged to them forever. But if they have the strength to keep it, than they should continue to defend it is all I’m saying. No one begrudges the gilneans for kicking out the Amani because they had the numbers to do so.

It’s fantasy after all, if a race has the might to take it….well no one can blame them. I’ll be honest, if ashenvale fell to the orcs in the future? I’d be defending their right to defend their territory.

You know me, I don’t pick a side in alliance vs horde fights. I just comment on the current state of things. :wolf:

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Leaving out my second sentence that answered your question. Grell look like imps too, yet the Night elves didn’t kill them before they showed signs of fel corruption.

Grell don’t look like Archimonde, the most powerful entity nelves had ever met up until that point, with the exclusion of Elune.

Or maybe not.
Elune certainly couldn’t stop him.

And even Azshara feared the Wild Gods and going to Hyjal.
Archimonde didn’t.

You should play the Draenei starting zones.

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You mean the quest where the Night elf priestess comments about the Draenei’s physical appearance, but quickly befriends them because they help her and prove that they’re not evil?


Yes. You have the answer to your own question.

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Hey, same.

I don’t know what fiyat means.

It’s something that works only because the author says it does.
The Draenei’s crashlanding into what was nelven territory did more damage than orcs had ever done up until that point.
The land is still scarred by them, just nelves gave it to them so it isn’t theirs anymore.

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The Draenei went on a rampage in Ashenvale and killed Cenarius?

No, they impacted the planet, poisoned it, and introduced new invasive space alien monsters.
You should replay the Draenei starting zone.
You don’t seem to remember it too well.


I’m confused know. So you’re saying the Night Elves SHOULD have killed the Draenei even after the Moon Priestess confirmed that they’re not evil and the side effects of the crash landing on a remote island were a mere accident? But they SHOULDN’T have killed the Orcs, who were actively expanding into the heart of Ashenvale, actively killing wildlife and chopping down trees, while also looking like fel corrupted monsters? And that’s bad, because it’s an example of “because the authors said so”, although both events are explained in a reasonable way?


The Night Elves attacked orcs long before they noticed the fel taint. They joked about tormenting them. The orcs hadn’t known the lands they’d entered were previously owned. All the orcs had done to offend them were the following:

1: Not be a night elf
2: Not be a subservient race to night elves.
3: Cut down trees, which is an affront to nature.

I present you with Bloodmyst Isle:

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Your mental gymnastics are only possible because you suppress the pain with a healthy dose of copium. Because I don’t know how you can notice Orcs without noticing their green skin and compare damage on some island in the ocean with an army right in your heartland.


Blood elves skin didn’t turn green when they started their copiu- I mean, Fel Magic.

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… so what?

::He would gently hold your hand as he guides you on the path to understanding.::
Green skin isn’t indicative of anything at first glance.
Fel magic affects different races in different ways.

But you know who did share a skin tone?
Archimonde and (most) Draenei.

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I’m pretty sure they also stink of fel taint.

“Skin tone isn’t indicative of anything”

And yet, the night elves didn’t notice whence they were first tormenting them!

You know what else Draenei share with Archimonde?

You just said that orcs should’ve been killed on first sight because green skin denotes fel magic. But these guys are the walking mirrors of the biggest, most powerful demon Night Elves had ever met at that point: And they’d just (seemingly) invaded their lands, poisoned the lands, and corrupted the treants.

edit: I’m a dumby. I forgot to circle the tentacles.