Give the Horde a break

Allied Races switch up the dynamic a bit in theory. Bad writing be bad writing though. Also consider the alternatives: cosmic threat, Draenor is Free, etc. Sometime mentioned upthread, and I agree, investing the same care as class halls into faction stories could work well.

I am waiting for the option to join the Ebon Blade with one char, and another with the Illidari.

I’m probably going to be waiting a long time.


the kaldorei have a long and sordid history of killing any race that isn’t subservient to them who make the mistake of entering the forest.

Why do you feel Night Elves are owed Ashenvale, Micah?

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because it is their land…and always has been, never was there a troll…it was always night elf land.

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Let Micah speak for herself.

If it was just about entering their lands, they would have killed the Draenei on the spot. But they didn’t. The Orcs, on the other hand, were a bunch of fel tainted invaders harming the forest.

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I’m gonna let this sit here until you realize what you just said.


Bother to explain why the Night Elves helped the Draenei, but were hostile towards the Orcs?

Edit: Also, nice attempt to dodge the question in a disgustingly passive aggressive manner. Maybe I worded it in a weird way. My point is that the Night Elves didn’t kill the Orcs for entering their forest. They killed them for being fel tainted invaders chopping down their trees.

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Yes, Gurdakar.
Why did the Night Elves help the demons?
They had never met Draenei before.
They had met Archimonde, to whom they are the spitting image.
The greatest destroyer nelves had ever known.

You just made an impassioned speech for killing demons on first sight.
Why did that not happen here?


Because it’s literally their territory Treng. Know who it DOESN’T belong to? Genocidal Orcs :wolf:


So you believe that land is owed to its forebears of ancient right?
Is that correct?

It’s Night elven territory. And yes, they have every right to be territorial and violent if necessary to defend it from literal outsiders. The Kaldorei owe the orcs NOTHING from their own lands.

So you’re prepared to cede Gilneas to the Amani?

They are welcome to try and take it. I woul’dve loved to see them get slaughtered by a bunch of werewolf men :wolf:

Oh, so you don’t believe races are owed land by right of birth.
You subscribe to Might Makes Right?
Carry on.


All I’m saying is that the Kaldorei have the right to defend their land. Violently if necessary. That’s all. :wolf:

I don’t think anyone disagrees with that.
But that isn’t all you said.

Might Makes Right is fine. It’s what the game is built on. I wish more people would engage it honestly like you are now than with the moral platitudes of “but the nelves were born there ergo it belongs to them in perpetuity!”

Emphasis on “fel tainted”. Because, like it or not, Night elves aren’t robots. They can distinguish a helpless blue squid person with a holy aura from a 15 feet teal squid person summoning demons.

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Allow me to introduce you to Archimonde:

Thanks, i know how Archimonde looks like. And all this proves is that Night Elves aren’t mindless xenophobes who don’t think before attacking.