Give the Horde a break

the only one attacking the other side until now…was the horde…in regards of ashenvale…this logic on itself sounds so…stupid. “Hei, maybe the night elves will attack us”…after the first attemp the horde indeed attacked the night elves there…


So?? Your scenario has the Alliance destroying Silvermoon and Ghostlands. So why skip the next step??? Yes, that is exactly what i want. Horde destroyed 2 cities, so the Alliance should as well. What you are proposing is a true mirror is it not? So lets hear this hypothetical…

Now it’s just creepy.


Awww, so you don’t want to think about such a scenario? I know you made the parallel to show alliance fans it’s not a good story. Problem is you left out the part where the Alliance denies the Horde a victory, just like what happened in UC.

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The kaldorei only attack because the orcs invaded first. But of course you ignored that part, likely because it’s inconvenient for the fake narrative you want to sell others :wolf:


Hey, sure, if that’s what you want.

In response to all of that other crap, the Horde can invade… we’re running out of cities… but sure, Iron Forge? Sure Iron Forge, whatever.

Instead of losing the Dwarven capital to the Horde, the Alliance decides to spring their trap and collapse the mountain in on itself, something the Horde was woefully unprepared for - luckily at the last minute Thalryssa teleports people out.


So not only do the Alliance genocide your elves, destroy their city, and two of their zones. We also have to lay a trap for the Horde and deny them a hard earned victory at Iron Forge. Does that plot line make any horde players feel good though??? Maybe now you can see things from the Alliance perspective.

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I think you’re expecting more of a “Gotcha” moment than you’re going to get here.

Toss on the fact that Tyrande misleads your entire faction and desires to destroy all non-Night Elf life on Azeroth. Then Turalyon bemoans about how awful and racist the Alliance has been since foundation, before getting ripped apart by Tyrande on her way to becoming a raid boss.

And after all of that, losing a city, every battle (canonically), committing genocide, being scolded for being part of the bad guys, losing two prominent figures including an iconic character… then … you can have the Horde tell you how they expect to be given the right to kick your teeth in next for it to be fair.

Because that’s what (some of) the Alliance posters here seem to want.

It’s not a pleasant thought is it? Maybe now you can understand why the Horde isn’t a fan of the idea of being told that.

It’s not about wanting either side of the story. It’s about saying that the Alliance fans here really don’t recognize that we kinda got our butts kicked enough.

(With that in mind, I’d love to have that Alliance storyline in BFA just as a change of pace from constantly being berated for picking the Horde and being hit with the villain bat).


Did you forget the bit where secretly Tyrande did it for the “greater good”??? Also her soul was split by Elune so you can’t blame her. LOLOL. You’re the one who wanted to make the parallel, I simply told you the aspects that you decided to skip over make the mirror not 100% what happened to the Alliance.


The point of which … was … from my original post…


Ah, yes of course. The answer you want is Alliance amnesia right? Gotcha. I think we are done here.

Nope, though I am fine with making this all an N’zoth induced hallucination or using a reality rewriting machine as an attempt at fixing the past few expansions from ever occurring.

But my suggestion (as I said above with Mara) was I would love storylines where Taurens (since Orcs might be a bad choice) are helping Night Elves rebuild, heck Vulpera seem to be good at scavenging for tough to find items. We can create full Horde construction crews to build/repair cities for every Alliance race without a home.

I’m great with “making it better” - just don’t feel like we need to have more “Horde getting beaten like a drum” scenes.

I’m pretty sure we were done when you were maniacally advocating for destroying one of your own cities. I don’t think there was much good faith in anything you put in there, but… I tried. Best I can do.


What kind of BfA parallel doesn’t include a battle for lordaeron equivalent??? You made the bed, don’t blame me when i tell you to lay on it…

It is basically the first true Orcish settlement on Kalimdor. I don’t think it’s too much of a reach to imply they would feel some kind of way about abandoning it. Then again, it’s not like there are enough orcs around to put up a fight to hold it at this point. Many of them died during Siege of Orgrimmar. Many died during the Broken Shore invasion. Many died during Legion invasions in general. Many died during the War of Thorns. Many died during the Siege of Lordaeron. Many died during the Zandalar/Kul Tiras campaign. I know Blizzard likes to play it fast and loose with the armies in this game, but uh… unless they decide the AU-Mag’har transplants were a massive host (and they weren’t, thus the desperate retreat through the portal), orcs are an endangered species.

The Horde controls Azshara and the Northern Barrens. They could way more easily fortify the eastern side of the bridge and the Mor’shan Rampart. Committing troops to an isolated outpost while your standing armies are effectively decimated (especially if The Forsaken have gone back to Lordaeron) seems like a terrible idea.

Not really because you are using Horde story beats don’t work on the Alliance.

Yeah… of course it was, it was formed to fight against an orcish horde invasion that started recruiting other “monster” for world conquest.
Your ideas are not really relevant to the Alliance, its less about “wow look how horrible that must be, you don’t want this!” and more of “none of this makes any sense on any level”

The Alliance was never formed to be honorable or be better or whatever… it was for protection and convenience. Because Alliance doesn’t trust the other faction or monster races that serround them.

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Given the nature of the game as a two faction MMO with paying players on both sides, the best that can be hoped for is that going forward the two factions are more separated, both mechanically and in canon. Mechanically, going forward, Horde players should get quests from Horde characters and Alliance players from Alliance characters. No more central “neutral” figures. Each faction should get its own hub - no more central hubs. In canon (and ideally shown in the game) each faction should retrench in its own territory (Howsoever defined - I am not opening that can of worms) and the members of the other faction should be considered persona non grata.

On a side tangent, damn you all you Worgen fans! Now you have me thinking about finishing leveling one of my Worgen alts.


Oh sweetie, I think you were done when the sarcasm went over your head!

It’s okay, it happens to all of us.

:grinning: :smiley: :grinning:


Everybody’s decimated, though.

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Not 100% sure I agree. It been the same factions for too long. There is only so much you can do. Maybe writing that is significant above average would make it fresh, but lets be honest that, given that Blizzard’s writing doesn’t even rise to “average” very often, what are the odds of that?

What makes even less sense is Dreadmoore is one of the posters that says they don’t want the Horde to be villainized again.
Wouldn’t an Ashenvale occupying Horde army be the same problem again? Or is the Horde continuing the legacy of gromash, garrosh or Sylvanas is going to be framed heroically now?

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