Give the Horde a break

Gilneas, the STARTING capital, that’s in game, isn’t really there.*

Really dude? Really? You’re feelings about the worgen reclaim Gilneas is irrelevant. I don’t care that hordes feeling get hurt in the process. There are issues worgen have you can’t even being to comprehend :wolf:


What kind of logic is this?

Also the Goblins may have lost their starting zone but they later got Azshara, build a giant goblin head that has a palace on top of it and Bilgewater Harbor, which is considered their new capital, even if in game it’s not functioning as one it’s still pretty big.


Sorry that the discussion got out of control a little bit yesterday, I know my passion for retaking Gilneas and the worgen in general can be a bit much for people to take. I just really want SOMETHNG in game the be proud of.

Even this arguement, people overlooked that the worgen were and are a victimized race alliance side. I’m not going to apologize for what I said, because I meant every word of it.

I honestly try to look at both sides of the arguement (Alysna knows this) but on gilneas….I’m not budging, ever. :wolf:


Would you like this Scenario?

Second Szenario: blighted gilneas, The worgen have learned well from the night elves, their powers in druidism have multiplied, there are a number of druids - led by the worgen archdruid from felwood - who heal the land. The forests of Gilneas are said to be hateful to the plague, and there is something left in it, be a kind of “dark presence” left in the land that attracts the undead…the worgen are the measure against it, and it is a selfless act for the people to voluntarily become that to protect the land from the undead, the undead that has already destroyed Gilneas once. This dark presence can be harvested from the ground and it will take a long time to heal it completely. It also attracts former Scourge members, but also reckless apothecaries who want to come to Gilneas with expeditions of the Forsaken…the Worgen are already waiting for them…the pack is ready for the hunt.


Goblins have Azshara and that base there as well as Gallywix pleasure palace. What do worgen have? A haunted tree in darna…oh right, they aren’t even allowed to have that, they aren’t even allowed to play through the conclusion of their own starting zone story. But this is another thing we were talking about, trying to deny, in this case, worgen players something instead of trying to ask for more stuff for goblins.

I love reading suggestions like these and I think a lot of this is a great idea, I don’t know how I feel about the kind of horde protecting the boarder of ashenvale, but the night elves definitely need to be built up as an actual enemy and not just a punching bag, but yeah I do agree that it’s definitely going to take some time to build them up as anything from the joke blizzard made them out to be since cataclysm.


I’ll accept almost anything as long as it will progress the Worgen story and is on Gilnean soil.

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That’s a really neat idea. It gives us Gilneas and gives the worgen some teeth. Nice job :wolf:

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Because that’s what would be selfless, the horde must be allowed to commit a selfless act, it must be shown that it also include THESE elements. There is heroism in the Horde, and taking this position, even willingly going against your own faction if necessary, is heroism, but they should not do it for the night elves, but for the Horde, as a sign that the Horde has grown.

I already suggested the one about damning Sylvanas to hell, in this respect I was right, even if it is forever, I am at least…to some extent…relieved.

Don’t really get the resistance to Gilneas being reclaimed. I never understood why they went through the effort of making that place just to shut the door on it, just from a pure design perspective. Seems like a lot of work and a lot of unique assets (at the time) for something that is basically just a temporary starting zone.


For some reason I can’t quote the part I’m replying to, but it’s about glossing over an Alliance version of Undercity.

You realize in this story you’re advocating for having another Alliance city destroyed, right? I wasn’t being lazy when I skipped that part - I was being nice since, you know, Gilneas was already blighted and it felt like it was enough.

I don’t even understand anymore. You’re so upset the Alliance didn’t have a response to the Horde blighting their own city, you want to have the Horde attack an Alliance city and then have the Alliance destroy it themselves first? And have the Horde be unprepared for it?

… I’m at a loss for words here but … sure? We can add that in?


Yeah it’s crazy, I thought at the time it would be something the worgen would retake eventually, I didn’t think it would just be abandoned forever with how much work seemed to go into it just for a starting zone experience.


I don’t even understand Ashenvale, on the one hand the Horde playerbase doesn’t want to be portrayed as evil, but holding territory that belongs to another is evil per se if you kill the owner by doing so…so why necessarily want to stay there?

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With all the atrocities, it makes you wonder why the horde factions still stick together

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I ask myself the very same question every day. There is no satisfactory answer.

The zone is already there, the hardest part is done. It’s empty, their only job would be to add some NPCS here and there and some quests to show the reclamation. Some parts of the zone are in ruins now, but they do have a phase of an intact Gilneas, from the early levels of the Worgen starting experience. It exists and it’s beautiful.

See what I mean, almost zero effort for such a huge company. That’s what drives me crazy. And I understand that a return in Gilneas didn’t fit the narrative of some expansions. But it did fit in BFA…but even then they decided to do nothing with it.


For the same reason that they keep committing out of character atrocities: the writers.


Dev1: “Hey, you know what would be a cool idea?”

Dev2: “Burnin down treeeees yoooo…”

Dev1: “We can’t do that at work man… California’s big on no smoking inside.”

Dev2: “Right… right… true… what?”

Dev1: “We should make this awesome set of assets. Straight Victorian gothic style.”

Dev2: “I love Victorians!”

Dev1: “Right. And that’ll be the city for our new race we’re adding!”

Dev2: “New race?”

Dev1: “Gilneans!”

Dev2: “…”

Dev1: “Worgen!”

Dev2: “…”

Dev1: “…walking wolves without tails…”

Dev2: “RIGHT! I remember them! I suggested them! I thought that was a dream.”

Dev1: “And then, after seeing these cool assets and buildings, the players will experience losing them and never gain access to them again!”

Dev2: “But… why? Why harsh on the tailless wolves man?”

Dev1: “That loss will be motivation for their characters! Vengeance!”

Dev2: "But… we already took their tails… "

Dev1: “So I figure by the end of next quarter, we’ll have the entire zone mapped out and…”

Dev2: “Wait… we’re going to build all this just to never use it again after …”

Dev1: “Player intro.”

Dev2: “Whoa, it’ll be like a testament to the struggle of players, so much time spent on something that seems so important, just for it to meaninglessly pass by never to be seen again. That’s deep man.”

Dev1: “Yeah. That.”

Dev2: “How will we explain why we spent so much time on something that almost no one will see?”

Dev1: “Two words. Faction. War.”

I just made myself sad.


Apart from maybe Grom’s memorial and the Warsong Camp, they really don’t have much that would make them even want to stay in Ashenvale.

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I find the Warsong camp a very bad example in that context. Grom’s Funeral Place, okaaay…sort of, but Warsong Camp definitely not.

you stay in ashenvale to ensure you have a bulwark against the night elves should they come to attack orgrimmar.