Give the Horde a break

There’s a reason a lot of regulars here have Smallz on ignore.


Yup, doing so, I aint into this toxic, you’re not part of the in club so we’re gonna talk down to and insult you crap. Anyone can post here about any topic and have whatever opinion they’d like on it.

Because someone else personally insulted him? Take a step back and re-read tonight’s exchanges and you might see how toxic this all looks to an outsider.

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It continues to amaze me how players can hold other players in such contempt because of WoW’s atrocious writing.


Trust me. Smallz earned every ignore he’s gotten on this forum.


And tonight so have a few others. And also this forum has earned it’s toxic insiders club rep. I was told not to come here to discuss the story of this game. Now I see why.

Can we please just leave poor me out of this? I didn’t do anything!

Well, you’ve certainly done your best to make sure it lived down to your expectations.


You want to do a “who wore the ugly shirt contest” for each expansion to say the Horde didn’t get it worse than the Alliance?

Then Garrosh counts.

You’re right, Horde characters don’t jump ship to the Alliance for their genocide. They jump to Zovaal’s side. They jump to the literal enemy of all life and decide to exterminate the universe because unfair.

It was literally a stealth mission, complete with a teleport in and out. You’re way overstating this.

And the whole purpose wasn’t to develope his character, it was literally a destruction of his character.

How do you Alliance fans actually not see that??

The problem isn’t me not providing you with a scenario. The problem is you think the only way for the night elves to get a W in Ashenvale is to murder more Horde who decided to keep things gained from genocide.

No, and that is part of the god damn problem y’all keep missing. No, it looks freaking terrible, it is freaking stupid, and it’s in a book that is both terrible and stupid.

Simple solution: The few remaining Horde forces in the area are given a message via arrow: Leave or die. A small army of sentinels de-Shadowmeld in their ranks. The Horde GTFO away from scary stealth night elves. Sentinels now stand guard around Ashenvale’s borders, with the clear message that any Horde who walks in, never walks back out. Extend this to Azshara too. The Horde, trying to not be evil and dumb for once in the last decade, actually do this because they need to focus on themselves, and not provoke their righteously angry neighbor.

Boom. Solved.

I feel bad that you and Micah got caught in my crossfire. You’re both top tier people for me.

These are just a lot of things I’ve been keeping in for a long time. I’m just… Tired of it all. I’m exhausted with this idea that the solution to the problems still present in WoW is to double down on what caused them in the first place.

My exact words were to explain something myself and others repeatedly have explained to you “slowly and with small words”.

I’d hope by now you’d know if my goal was to insult you, I’d’ve been more eloquent than that.


Ah yes, the ever popular “Why aren’t you happy with this awesome win that is everything you’re complaining about being wrong with the horde story?”


It’s okay hun. We all said what needed to be said and have been bottling up and tip toeing around for a long time now. No hard feelings, you’re still my bestie and I still love ya lots :heart:


Sometimes people do get angry about the story for sure, but I wouldn’t take a lot of it personally. There is also something I like to say is “forum fatigue” where you have to have the same argument over and over in different threads over a long period of time where people are still getting things wrong or saying “well x showed up that should be more than enough”, it wears you down and you will start to get a little more frustrated with these same arguments. Alynsa is a great poster, but sometimes I think people on these forums, even me, are going to start getting worn down by these arguments too much.


The thing that honestly puzzles me is that in this thread you have been saying things I have been saying for a long, long time.
I just don’t know what it is about how I say things that makes people sooooooo damn angry.
Guess I will never know.

I don’t think the Horde “player” or Alliance “player” will be able to compromise though, the medicine to fix the Alliance is in Horde’s medicine cabinet and they refuse to share it or else they won’t have any anymore. So we are at an impass.

This is a zero sum game.


We all are. And the whole NE and worgen getting a resolution has been the elephant in the room we all been ignoring. We know it’s there, we know it needs to be talked about…but it just devolves into stuff like this thread did.

I’m glad we all got the things we been bottling up out in the open though. :wolf:


I get it, but toxicity is toxicity and we shouldn’t be excusing it. Just take a break if you need to, don’t go personally insulting and talking down to others. “I got tired or frustrated” is not an excuse to act like a #### to someone, not irl and not online. And saying it’s normal or excusing it is just perpetuating it. It’s normal because we keep excusing it instead of calling it out.

Yeah and that’s not good either, for night elves we get to see it happen and then have to fight these undead night elves. Then if they came back as dark rangers for the alliance lead by the people who were working with sylvanas and trying to commit genocide against their own people? Now THAT would be horrific.

Yeah a stealth mission, where you break in and steal the item the night elves just secured and are trying to protect, but the night elves are shown to be too incompetent and weak to even protect it for like a few days.

I don’t think someone who participated in several genocides should really get much of an arc, but people seemed to like it. I didn’t like it and I was tired of hearing about him just as I have been extremely tried of hearing about Sylvanas all this expansion but to a more extreme degree.

Yes, this sounds great, but this is kind of what I’m saying anyway. It’s not about blowing up org or doing to the horde what was done to the night elves, that isn’t waht I was saying, but stopping the horde invasion of ashenvale and starting to heal it would be a good resolution to the story.

No, I totally understand. When you have these arguments over and over it wears you down a lot. I don’t take it personally <3


There is such a thing as toxic positivity too. When people are too concerned with being nice while ignore how people feel on certain subjects. Even though this is wow we are all humans IRL and have emotions, trying to bottle up our feelings all the time in an attempt to show a happy face or be nice all the time isn’t something I would ever expect from anyone and I will be fine if someone insults me and do the same back when I get heated as well. I don’t think there are a lot of hard feelings here, but I think a lot of us at the end of the day are upset with the incompetent developers.


NElves push Horde back to the fringes of Ashenvale, Worgen take Gilneas and maybe some of Silverpine and Hillsbrad, Forsaken rebuild Lordaeron and maybe some Alterac or Plagueland spots. Hurray. Baine says the Horde was wrong, Alliance is justified, etc. Double hurray.

They don’t stop. Genn keeps trying to push the Forsaken out of EK. Tyrande keeps trying to push the orcs and goblins out of Azshara. Horde Council deals with too many chiefs and can’t effectively deal with threats on multiple fronts. Thrall has enough, takes back Warchief, stops moping, announces they’ll not meekly accept the executioner’s blade.

Now you’ve got members of the Alliance demanding aid on multiple fronts, people on both sides grappling with peaceniks and aggressors, and high resolution conflicts with no clear villains (more specifically: heroes and villains on both sides, sometimes both at once). Confine the conflict storyline to PvP content. Dragonflight or whatever can be the PvE stuff, and treat the heroes as being above the petty squabbles of their factions because saving the planet is more important.


It’s hard being a gnome, a cute lightforged crusader is the true path to peace!

Yeah, this has just been something that has been ignored for too long. It’s still annoying that worgen were ignored basically after they do their starting zone and you have to be horde to even see the conclusion of their story…


So are you goats born with the Horseshoe or do you get it at your 16th birthday?

That’s literally what it is for me right now. I’m just… So… URG!!! I’m sick of it. I’m tired beyoind tired. I see the words “Ashenvale” or “Gilneas” or “Lordaeron” or “Warchief” or especially “Saurfang” and it’s like a trigger at this point.

And it doesn’t help that a lot of people want to treat it as some kind of “I get all, or I get nothing” scenario. There are resolutions where both sides get to have a little shine on them. Where we see both make a measure of progress and start the slow crawl away from the next Faction War and to places where they can grow relatively independent of each other.

But nine out of ten times, when someone suggests that? It’s not enough.

The ten forsaken who remain in Lordaeron after getting defeated in Undercity, then defeated in Arathi, then defeated (allegedly) again in Lordaeron (according to a mission table) choose to just surrender and flee to Orgrimmar like everyone else and leave Gilneas and surrounding areas uncontested for the worgen? Not enough (not at you Micah, just that it’s fresh in my mind).

The already-diminished Horde decided to cut its losses in Ashenvale because that’s just asking for another meat grinder, and instead decide for once in the entire existence of the Horde to try and make a show of good faith by abandoning all points north of the Barrens and Orgrimmar to show the night elves they really just don’t want to catch those hands anymore? Not enough.

It’s more war or its nothing.

Like, I get neither of those are ideal for anyone. But it’s less-than-ideal-but-something for both sides. The Horde shows a modicum of growth by not trying to push themselves into another future war. The worgen and night elves gain their lands back. It’s a step.

Ehh. I think I’m done now.

Well. Except for one thing.

So. You.

… You’re not wrong. Smallio gets no apology. He knows what he did. We could possibly talk it out, but he has chosen not to. He gets those small jabs because he earned them.

You, however…

This was where I took issue, because it states I have a history of talking down to and insulting people.

As others can and have attested, I don’t. And frankly, walking in here day one and assuming you know my history reeks of bad faith discussion.


You certainly didn’t deserve to be treated how I treated you, even before you made that comment. I was a jerk to you. I was brushing you off from moment one. I made that bad impression, all by myself.

And I’m sorry for that.

This discussion triggered something in me, I had some things I needed to say, and I let the heat get too high. I shouldn’t have attacked, diminished or insulted you. So again, I’m sorry.