Give the Horde a break

I am commenting on what I see, and so far they are the only one who have made such condescending, talking down to, insulting statements about actual posters, and not ideas and arguments.

I also have a few posts but that’s because I’m a refugee from EU.
This hunter is my only US character. I created him because I really wanted to join you guys, EU story forums are dead in comparison.


You know she is baiting you to say something against the ToS so you get banned right? Although I think its too late for you already.

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They are welcome to keep trying. And now they are going back and deleting posts. That’s not SUS at all.

You seem like a cool person and I always welcome more worgen fans joining the cause friend. I been doing this battle alone for a long time now :stuck_out_tongue: :wolf:

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Naw, you made an accusation. That I always iunsult people. Back that up, retract it, or find a better fight.

You are outclassed here and have had to resort to lies and deciet to gain even a moment of my notice. Step off. Don’t need to be stepped on.

That? That’s what you’re going with? “OMG, you’re comic book Tony Stark!!”

You could have gone with Alynsa Lannister to get a more pop relevant references, and it comes baked in with creepy innuendo. And you went with “billionaire superhero tech genius who also happens to be arrogant”.

The key difference is, you’re not out here pretending we have a long history together that informs you of how insulting I always am.

Instead, you’re just a guy with some very insightful takes.


Oh I get it. Alynsa is the one who talks like they are better than everyone and then tries to gaslight them. Good to know. Opinions discarded.

Alysna, bestie, bestest mocha elf ever, lets take some deep breaths okay? I think we all got what needed to be said out of our systems regarding the horde vs alliance and getting resolution. :wolf:

You are not everyone, friend.

Reminding you of your own actual words is not gaslighting. That accusation works better when we don’t all have the ability to divine the truth by such arcane measures as…

Scrolling up.

Given you’re going ham on the deceit and denial, I’m’a take this as you realize all too well that you spoke out of the side of your neck and have found yourself in a fight you just cannot win, but feel obligated to continue.

I’m’a do you a solid.

Get that last word in, buddy. You’re welcome.


You don’t know her at all dude. She’s the level headed one of out everyone. Keeps the rest of us in check most of the time. :wolf:


I have not yet recieved my ban.

We’re on this ride until then.

Micah my love…

I really haven’t. I have a whole lot more I want to say, a whole lot of things burning my rage fuse. I’m keeping it mostly relevant to the current discussion until someone says the wrong thing.


That’s not even relevant to how Tyrande was treated as a character to make Varian look good. A lot of people love garrosh, especially in cataclysm, then he gets to blow up Theramore and goes to a trial where the celestials already determined the verdict before it ended. Lets not forget the horde version of 5.3 vs the alliance version where they control a robot cat.

This is just about the night elves, I could go into more like Summermoon or Sira for just the night elves. Oh yeah Summermoon and Sira just joins up with the people who killed her so she could continue the genocide of the night elves, what horde characters do similar things?

The horde definitely just walked into darnassus and stole the bell from the city WITHOUT issue. Because again the night elves are show as incompetent and weak, unable to secure an item in their own city, how you describe it is irrelevant, it’s another example of showing how weak and ineffective the night elves are. Because the night elves are pretty much just punching bags for the horde, then horde players complain if people want the night elves to do something.

As developed as a character gets in warcraft, a bunch of cgi cutscenes just for his story, while night elves don’t have the same. The genocide of the night elves was just to make Saurfang sad, how does that feel for night elves? When they are just ignored for most of that expansion after being the generic punching bags yet again.

Is stopping the invasion of ashenvale making the horde suffer more? Do you think the horde should still be benefitting from the genocide of the night elves? How does that make the horde look like the good guys? This is again the thing, you don’t have to destroy the horde or make an expansion about them being the bad guys.

I guess it goes back to the question of, with the horde still invading Ashenvale, is that making the horde look good now? To me, no, they are still benefitting from the genocide they committed last expansion. Why not either get kicked out of Ashenvale or try to help fix some of the problems they caused? Make it so they are no longer benefitting from what they did in BfA? They are still reaping the “rewards” of genocide.

Yep, no hard feelings, I’ve been tempering my feelings on this subject but there is just so much people ignore about the night elves and what has happened to them since Cataclysm and I get tired of getting gaslit (not by you but a lot of forum posters) about what the night elves have gone through and continue to go through.

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Okay hun. I’m just giving you a heads up that I said what I needed to say. And I’m backing off. Hugs I’ll be here though. Posting if something catches my eye. :wolf:

She’s resorted to personal attacks on 2 people tonight and when I commented on that with a common phrase of “why do you always do that?” She tried to twist it to me somehow meaning I know her and has now personally insulted me no less than 4 times.

What exactly is "level headed’ about that?

I tell you what; it’s probably a really good thing I am not a new player who likes the Alliance, but instead a returning player, because tonight would likely result in an actual new player being bullied off this platform because apparently only having a few posts means they are not worthy of speaking with some other posters. :rofl:

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Fear not, for you are not alone now!
It will not be long before we become a whole pack :wolf: :wolf: :wolf: :wolf:


If you considered what she said to either me or Mara as personal attacks…you need a thicker skin dude. I’ve had hard FAR WORSE things said to me on the forum. :wolf:

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Are you two going to start sniffing each others butts now?

And than we ride to victory! Or run…running works :wolf:

Someday… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Scroll up, she literally implied Smallioz was slow or dumb and asked people to explain something to him slowly, all because he didn’t agree with her take. God forbid someone have a differing opinion than her. :rofl: But when she’s literally talked up and defended by you all after doing this I can see why she does it. Positive reinforcement and all that.

Wow Alynsa really? How mean. What I do to piss you off?
But dude seriously just let it go. It ain’t worth it, if she is not worth your time to talk to just put her on ignore.