Give the Horde a break

Again this is the problem, it’s not about making an expansion where the horde is evil, this is a strawman, if there are horde still invading ashenvale after BfA, they are benefitting from what they did in WoT, these don’t have to be big expansion stories, they can be smaller zone stories. They are still the bad guys because of the continued invasion and this problem won’t just go away if it’s ignored. Why would Thrall and the new council be okay with their continued invasion of ashenvale? It seems to go against what the council is for.

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Revisionist history at it’s best. I was here, I remember the hastags, forum posts, and in game shows of solidarity, “no shoulders” movements, and loud chants. Horde morale was at an all time high for like 50-60% of BFA. It wasn’t until the Alliance got to do anything but lose against them(the Dazar’Alor Raid) that most horde players started to make any complaints about the expansion. Many were calling it one of the best expansions ever at the time.

Now you all try to act like that never happened because the Alliance won one single battle/raid and the ending of the expansion ignored both factions and your dead queen had a tantrum.

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Still love you bestie. Get it all off your chest. It’s what I’m doing and it honestly feels good. :wolf:

Good luck on that. Hopefully they can let the Worgen and the rest of the Alliance bare their teeth some more than they have. Could use more grounded conflicts like that

I thought the text about that sounded more like the Night Elves were attacking the horde from Ashenvale.

Also, is the forum acting funky for everyone else?

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But you are. By refusing to accept that the problem needs addressed, and doing so must involve the Horde, you are specifically asking for a better experience, one that does not include you never getting a resolution to possibly the biggest plot point your faction has received in the entire 18 years of the game existing.

I’m nowhere near the end of this thread as of now, but watching the sarcastic parallel go straight over everyone’s head is cracking me up.


Sure, if you ignored the posters who didn’t fit your selective narrative. Y’all want to talk revisionist history, but I was here too. I saw the posts from Horde mains saying “thanks, we hate it.” Take your lying bullcrap somewhere else, because it don’t fly with me, son.

Find a fight you stand a chance in. This ain’t it.


Any military victory over the Horde by Alliance being suggested here is being labelled as a punishment on Horde players that don’t deserve it.

How can Alliance bare its teeth if they are not allowed to be verbally or physically hostile against the Horde, its characters or players?


Why do you always resort to personal insults and talking down to people? This is the 3rd time tonight you have chosen to do so. Get over yourself.

It’s been in and out of Read Mode for a few mins now. :wolf:


You got 20 posts. Don’t act like you know me unless you’re gonna post on your main.

Do not expect to lie to my face and be treated with kindness and respect either.


It’s me. My white hot rage is melting the servers.


Are we talking about a simple victory, or “And then the night elves go on a bloody revenge fantasy against the horde, and the horde just have to sit there and take it because they’re evil and deserve it, so no matter what the alliance characters do, it’s all moral and good. Like the Purge of Dalaran, Bael Modan, Stormheim, Taurajo, etc etc”


Maybe she thinks youre my alt? I get insulted all the time here. Wear it like a badge of honor.

You need to be more specific. I don’t know what applies to either options.

Ah, now we must qualify each other, I can’t have a point because I’ve not posted as much as you, and we all know the number of posts you have directly correlate to any points you can have. How many posts must one make before they are equal to you all mighty Alynsa? If I get 100 posts will I be worthy of replying to you? /s

Again; and seriously; get over yourself. Take a step back, and get the hell over yourself.

For clarity: I’ve recently returned to the game after quitting in 9.1, and this is my new main I am leveling.

You’re trying to pretend you know me. You have no history with me. Trying to revision my actual words works better when it ain’t the post right above you.

This ain’t the way. It never will be the way. Find a fight more in your weight class.


Does match the avatar


I am just commenting on things that happened in this very thread, on this very night, that you can scroll up and see. I don’t have to know you to witness what actually happened. The proof is right there on the forums. Scroll up and read your own comments. And there they go again trying to personally attack and talk down to me.

:rofl: Do you have any idea how much of a insufferable douche comments like this make you sound? Who are you Tony Stark from the comics that everyone hates? :rofl:

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I always love the new to the thread low post count alt that hops in swinging wildly and then pretends everyone else is being mean


Listen, I’ve known Alysna for a long time now. And this issue…has been one we’ve been tip toeing around for a long time now. Everyone is simply getting things not said out in the open. :wolf:

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