Give the Horde a break

…when was this? That is, what actual moment did he actually commit an action as a leader, and not just be leader-by-title-only?

Wanting more content from the current content providers feels like wishing on a Monkey’s Paw.

Not exactly related, but I think I managed to enjoy the SL leveling experience as much as I did it because the Faction Conflict basically doesn’t exist at all within it. You met a Horde or Alliance spirit here and there, but that’s really it until you start doing the Maw/Torghast, which is part of why those suck like industrial-strength Hoovers.


No, that’s not what anyone wants, I’m sure. We’re all mad at what we’re been given, and just venting at the only people we can vent at here, since we can’t at the ones actually responsible for our problems.


Yup, back already because when re-reading my post I realized I’d forgotten to continue this trend. And I’m still in that mental place and really just don’t care if this is petty, I’m gonna finish what I started.

Another aspect of this is the story prominence both factions have held since Cataclysm. NGL, Horde came out of this looking pretty good. 2012 was the last good year for us. Sure, Thrall abandoned us when he got all broken up and elemental-y, married Aggro, lasered Deathwing in the face and made a babbo or two, but he’s still Horde-adjacent. We’ll take that win where we can get it.

MoP: We’re bad, until we leave the Horde, then we get to stand side by side with the real heroes in the Alliance. But no single character dominated the narrative here, so we’ll call it even.

WoD: Khadgar’s our ridealong character. Khadgar is a human mage. Khadgar has a long and stories history with the Alliance. He’s Alliance-Adjacent. The ridealong character in the expansion that shows the orcs they are just prone to evil by nature is an Alliance-adjacent one.

Legion: Don’t even get me started. Khadgar, Illidan, Velen, Alleria, Turalyon, Tyrande, Malfurion, it’s like an Alliance party that my Horde character and Liandrin were invited to (Liandrin left early to change her tabard or something). Order Halls? Nearly all of them are more closely tied to Alliance fantasy and Alliance themes, with Alliance characters. I almost forgot what faction I was playing given how much Alliance was around me.

BfA: See MoP, except we have some Horde ridealong character! We have Saurfang who’s mad at us, Baine who’s sad at us, Sylvanas who leaves us… FUN!!! THANKS I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

SL: I have seen more Jaina, Tyrande and Anduin this expansion than any time leveling an Alliance character. Sylvanas does come back for a bit in this final patch, but she’s already left us after betraying us and after trying to kill us. Pretty sure she doesn’t count. Baine took a seat and forgot to stand up. Thrall met mom. That’s my Horde content.

As a Horde main, I am so overburdened with Alliance characters leading me on my quests that I may as well play Alliance. Because when the Horde characters show up, it’s about a 33% chance they’re also trying to kill me (or I end up trying to kill them), another 33% chance they do literally nothing, or a 33% chance they have a bit role to play that gets overshadowed by what the Alliance characters have me doing with them.

Lke… I get it. I really do. Y’all are so predisopsed to assuming Horde = Evil that you can’t imagine we picked this faction at a time when that wasn’t the case. Because it was so long in the motherflocking past that it might as well have never flocking existed!!

Stop that right now, Micah.

Being a leader-by-title-only who still survives and manages to have neither turned evil nor died is still an impressive feat for the Horde and you know it.

You got this, Zarrin.


I’m…tired skarm. Tired of being told what I want to see isn’t allowed because it might hurt someone’s feelings. I used to be mad.

I’m just super passionate about wanting more worgen content. I know many people don’t really care, but it is what is. :wolf:


I know… you wanted to tear it down the same way the Horde was torn down.
The thing is you have so little idea about the Alliance identity that your method of tearing the down the Alliance was a literal 1:1 story copy of BFA and what happened to the Horde identity.
If you want to tear down the Alliance you have to attack their individuality and the Light and Elune.
Gnomes are superior so we don’t have a religion problem.

At this point I would love ANY attention rather than being used as a supporting character for the Horde main story. Honest to god I would prefer it.

Ok so what do you think the best course of action is going forward? If the Horde doesn’t canonically have an answer for their actions and make it right with their numerous, numerous victims how can any story going forward even work for them?

Every conversation would play out like the one where Genn asks why Lorthermar kept supporting Sylvanas? They don’t have any answer. You don’t have any answer.
How is the Horde supposed to go on and be “heroic” again while completely ignoring this dinosaur turd in the living room? Yeah yeah I know not the players fault but its up for the writers to fix it.

Whats your solution? All NPCs never bring it up again? Horde soldiers bringing up words like Honor. Everyone gets collective amnesia? I played through the new starting zone… did any of the things they said about the Alliance make sense to you? It definitely didn’t to me.


Okay, Shadowlands already did that part then. Probably completely unintentionally, but then that sort of thing just naturally happens when you try to fix another broken thing as fast as you can and don’t know what you’re doing.


Everything after Legion being a N’zoth inspired mass hallucination.

They screwed up the story that bad. I don’t care if it’s a cheap trick, the whole stupid plot BFA onwards was a stupid butt pull that made no sense and has destroyed the story. Just retcon it with apologies to everyone and consider the bandage pulled off instead of the writers trying to fix this massive mess and most likely screw more things up.


So the Horde players experience and feelings matter more than the Night Elves’, Wogren’s and Alliance’s. We already got the bad experience, but we can’t fix it now because the only way to do so is to give the Horde a bad experience? And that’s off limits?

Where was this line of thinking when they made the Alliance experience? Twice!? How come it’s okay to give these awful experiences to the Alliance but we can’t ever fix it because that might give the Horde the same treatment the Alliance got? Twice!


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Fine I will roll with that if it means a complete world revamp.
Though I think I can salvage this for both Alliance and Horde players.


We are in Zereth Mortis with access to a machine that some bad guy wanted to use to rewrite the entirety of reality.

Have the Winter Queen pop in and take two minutes with that machine and undo the last decade. Done.

We got the bad experience too. Read below:

I’m just going to keep leaving that there.


Both sides had bad experiences. Neither sides’ feelings matter more than the other Certainly, Blizzard doesn’t care much for any customers’ experiences. No one wants or deserves (especially deserves) more bad experiences. It was just different kinds of bad experiences.

They served one side a big hot bowl of dog poop for breakfast, and the other side a big hot bowl of cat poop, and for some reason people are mad that they didn’t get the other sides’ bowl?..


It’s the biggest problem. BFA screwed things so thoroughly you’ve basically got opposing goals trying to salvage the story for both sides

Alliance players need some sort of in game actions showing what they can do, and getting retribution for what happened to them.

Horde players have been consistently hit with a villaain bat without any logic to it, there’s no excuse, logic, reason, or any other story justifications for what the writers have put on our back. It sucks, and it feels bad to play it, I mean, I’ve barely played this expansion (didn’t help the none of the covenants remotely appealed to me) got a few hours left on my sub, and I don’t see a reason to keep paying them money if it’s just going to get me scolded by the game.

I’m more horde side so I have more to say on that problem, but that’s the big issue for me with a story fix is that my problem with the horde story is feeling like the game is scolding me as a person for having chosen wrong. And it thus becomes a problem to fix that in the story is that that pretty much tends to lead to the story rubbing it in my face more.

So screw it, wipe the slate and admit it was a stupid mistake and just try and move on.


My anger is not abaited. I’ll keep attacking until such time as I get a ban or my anger dissipates.

You are literally a part of why some of us Horde posters are so hardline against this whole “Alliance retribution” angle. Because every time you try to come up with a way to “fix this for the Alliance and the Horde” it boils down to purely “fix this for the Alliance by making the Horde the villains still, then eventually making them be not-villains because they are broken and crushed down into a more manageable size, subjugated by the Alliance.” And you keep calling this a “compromise” as if you don’t even know what the damn word means!!

If your idea of compromising involves in any way the doubling down on the same narrative that has damaged the Horde practically beyond repair, then stick it in your Smallinose.


just stares at Gilneas. That blizz refuses to commit fully to by just giving it back to the Worgen

At this point…I don’t care who it pisses off, not gonna stop fighting for worgen more content and a resolution for what happened at Gilneas.


I definitely care. I consider myself a very passionate Worgen/Gilnean fan. It’s both a blessing and a curse (much like the Worgen curse :wolf:). Okay, maybe mostly a curse. Honestly, to be a Worgen fan after so long makes me feel like a masochist.
But I can’t help it and I will never stop asking for more content.

So yes, I feel your tiredness, 100%. It’s exhausting. And I bet Alynsa feels the same, for other but still justified reasons. But please, no one needs to leave. At the end of the day we all seek the same thing, the story of this video game we so much care about to change for the better.


Ok… isn’t the whole point of the Horde that they are an underdog, and the world fears them for being different.

So why in the world would you want an experience where when you talk to a human mage in Dalaran or a Night Elf hunter in a druid compound to greet you warmly and an open hug?

You play the “”"""""“misunderstood”""""""" monster faction. Why wouldn’t you want to be treated like a monster?

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Someone explain that to Smallz slowly and with small words so he’ll get it, mmkay?


And we haven’t been that since probably wrath or before.

We were a heroic faction that was treated as monsters by the traditional faction, who frankly, in Vanilla was the overall more villainous (although grounded, and with a big asterisk by forsaken) faction. But then some people thought that oh hey, WC2 was awesome let’s bring that back and they just turned the horde into straight up monsters.

There’s a significant difference between “They treat us like monsters” and “We’re monsters”

Also, a great difference between other factions in the game treating us like monsters for appearance and the actual writers of the game treating us as straight up monsters for the stuff they made us do.


Well, that just what you do to dogs, isn’t it?

Blizzard waved Gilneas in front of Worgen player’s faces.

“Want the Gilneas? Want to go get the Gilneas? Wanna get it!?” they shouted excitedly.

The Worgen players nodded and whined and drooled in response.

“OKAY, GO GET IT!” Blizzard yelled and pretended to hurl Gilneas off into the distance, while secretly keeping it in their hand. They watched as the Worgen players yipped happily and dashed off, searching for their prize. “LOL, stupid people who play Alliance other than Humans and Nelves!” Blizzard chortled to themself.