Give the Horde a break

Certain Horde players will never be satisfied no matter what Blizzard gives them /s

At least Tirisfal Glades are still there. With a mini revamp coming next patch, apparently.
Also Lordaeron Keep is blighted but it won’t stay that way forever.

Teldrassil and Darnassus are gone for good.


And don’t forget gilneas. It’s been a plagued mess for over 12 years now :wolf:

But you know, I’m somehow supposed to feel pride because I have a blue background on my toon


Horde players and Alliance players bot got screwed in BFA, just in different ways.
Our enemy is the screwers, the people who made the crappy story.
Should we be enemies with the people who made the game? No, but that’s a separate issue.


It took them what, four years to revamp Tirisfal Glades? Even if it’s barely a revamp it still is an update.

Meanwhile they may as well delete Gilneas from the map after 12 years of nothingness and no-one will notice.

And just to be clear, I’m not against of updating Tirisfal, I love the zone. I only wish other zones would get the same treatment.

Yes, I admit it, I’m jealous. Give me my Gilneas update :wolf:


quel’Thalas and Lordaeron will be updated next, i don´t suspect to see any kind of updates on alliance side aswell…^^

No one does. And that’s a very telling problem.


Really? At this point, is anyone still surprised?


The only thing you’d be missing is the return of a beloved character who also literally abandoned you. But the Alliance doesn’t have any characters who just up and walk away from them, leaving them with a genocidal maniac, so I’m not sure who you could get there.

I guess you can get Magni back?

I mean most of the current neutral characters are previous Alliance characters who like to lecture us about the horde, because apparently it’s wrong to want Justice for multiple wrongs, we gotta turn the other cheek and keep getting hammered down. So just take one of them, they basically abandoned us, and add them back to the Alliance proper. Boom done.


You seem confused. Thrall wasn’t just a “Horde character”. He was a Horde leader. You want the one-to-one comparison? Magni’s the returning character. He’s the only Alliance leader to have walked away from the Alliance.

I mean, even then it’s still a weaksauce version, because Magni didn’t put a genocidal maniac in charge in his place, beginning a seemingly unending stream of unstable or brief leaderships for the entire Alliance…

But it’s as close as you get.


Anduin seems to care more about the Horde than the Alliance, and is even willing to sacrifice people that belong to a race who was just genocided. And refuses to even help them. They may not have specifically said he left, but in Actions he’s left the Alliance quite some time ago.

But yes, please make it about Magni and not Anduin, I am so tired of this horrible character. Dwarves are superior.


He literally fought the Horde. To stop the Horde from killing his people. This is just a big pile of nonsense.

When exactly? I mean, not BfA because he was leading the Alliance to stop the Horde. Certainly not Legion, given he was just sorta there like everyone who wasn’t in Legion’s main cast. And not before that because he wasn’t leading.

Y’all got this hyperbole thing going for so long, you all have started believing it as literal fact. It’s weird.

Actually, as already established, it’s not about either of them at all. It’s about psycho-mad Tyrande burning Quel’thalas to the ground because “UNFAIR”, and Turalyon realizing he’s just a worthless piece of crap.

Magni, in this instance, amounts to a couple of lines of dialog that mean very little. Maybe in the hypothetical expansion after this hypothetical “BfA, but Alliance Bad” expansion, he can kinda hang around and let the Horde mains do all the work.

Anduin, for the sake of parity, will sit on a step for half the expansion until he’s finally ready to say “For the Voidlands” or whatevs. That seems pretty legit.


The feeling came up because Anduin was used over and over again the alliance action…more or less instilling a sense of guilt…that they dare to want more than just stopping the horde…something like justice, Vengeance…things like that. And Anduin was very often used for that. I think you know this yourself, so why are you arguing against it?

That was the problem with Anduin, yes, he stopped the horde, but at NO time was the horde under Anduin ever in danger of suffering consequences after stopping, and Anduin kept trying to say “No, the horde is not that evil…look at act X of alliance Y” with what background at that moment.

It brought up a fanbase against him that is told over and over and over again “wait and see”. …only to see that anduin seems more concerend how the horde feel…as “how the alliance feel”

and this isn´t to deny…


So what you’re saying is that Anduin…

Is Baine.

Cool, he gets the Baine treatment.


The difference is, Baine is not supposed to represent your whole faction :wink: Anduin shall

Anduin shouldn’t represent the entire Alliance to begin with.



He is though.

During BfA, while Saurfang might have started the rebellion with the PC, Zappy and himself, he only managed to recruit Thrall until Baine finally snapped because Sylvanas was being too mean. Rescuing Baine is the incident that fully starts the rebellion. Post-Rebellion, Baine is the spokesman for the Horde Council, pushed as the most prominent member, and is effectively their leader.

Baine, for all intents and purposes, does represent the entire Horde.

Hell. BfA shows Anduin doesn’t represent the whole Alliance. Tyrande walked away and did what she wanted and Genn went with her.

Anduin is absolutely the Baine stand-in.


This whole topic is weird because there’s two distinct conversations going on about what alliance and horde fans want. It’s little wonder blizz does whatever it wants when the fans themselves can’t even agree on most things :wolf:


I’m just saying, nobody actually wants the Horde Package. Some subset of Alliance fans might think they do, but they don’t; they want a lite-version with the percieved fun bits, but without the problematic ones. Likewise, some Horde fans want to taste that Alliance Package and see how that feels, up until they realize it amounts to a lot of doing nothing at all for two years.

Rather than trying to debate who wore it better, the best option is to leave the faction crap alone. Not every Pandora’s Box needs to be opened. Sometimes you can just leave them closed and instead open up a pizza box of delicious pizza.