Give South America their own server

It’s okay to be BR :slightly_smiling_face:. Honestly, you are welcome on NA servers. Ignore the naysayers.


Currently I and a lot of Brazilians already play in NA realms and most of you don’t even realize it. There are several guilds of Brazilians that you play with every day and don’t even suspect.


Do Brazilians even play MMOs anymore? Or rather, does a significant population play?

Moreso, isn’t it a third world or second world country? Can they afford a sub or be bothered?

I see a lot of BR folks screaming “Jajajajajaja!” and some pretty awful tripe on F2P games, not many screaming jaja or blatant sexist/homophobic vitriol on sub based games.

Honestly, I don’t understand what’s this all about. What do you mean by only one US based realm? All three EST PvP realms are going to be US based. Wherever the spanish/br community decides to go they will be the absolute minority by a huge margin.

I mean, what are you expecting? A realm with 0% non US players? That doesn’t even happen in retail, where these guys actually have their own realms.

I personally welcome every South American on Thalnos.

I’m Canadian, am I not welcomed to join Thalnos since I am a non-US player?

The point is that, in EU, there was similar language barriers that are present and they did give each server to respected languages. Where over here in NA, they arent.

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Brazilian here.
Give us SA server and I will still play NA


There are a ton of potential reasons why Blizzard may not have done it. Infrastructure, player count, legalities, maybe the SA players didn’t care enough to ask for it, or maybe the EU players wouldn’t stop asking for it.

Does anyone know or remember which server options were available at classic launch? I don’t recall seeing these divisions on any other MMO launch I’ve played.

EU and NA are completely different beasts though, not comparable at all. And it wasn’t really because of the supposed ‘language barrier’ as much as their only two PvP realms being completely full.

And even if it was a language thing, non-english speakers in EU outnumber non-english speakers here by a huge margin in both number of players and amounts of different languages.

Yes and theres still multiple servers to compensate for that over there. You’re right we are completely different thats why it should be only 1 server here.

not sure if you are so ignorant or just trolling. Im not even brazilian but “jajaja” is not brazilian/portuguese, its spanish equivalent of “hahaha”, go back to school.

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I’m honestly not too sure about that. Thalnos is still medium pop so there’s room to be filled. I can understand a new EU PvP realm but I think we’re not quite there yet.
And there’s still the expected population drop ahead of us.

Please give them a server, it’s not racism rag and azralon players are total trash please get them their own space.

Sorry dear but they don’t teach broken foreign languages and their internet memes in school. Go back to bed.

If it is a local server… YES, PLEASE! =D

Otherwise, whatever… It’s not like we can’t speak English.


For east coast you have:

Faerlina-Streamer Server.

Herod-Mega server where everyone goes to avoid streamers and Thalnos.

Thalnos-Spanish/Brazil community server.

People can play where they want. It’s a small segment trying to limit SAs choices but the truth is there is no rule or law that requires them to abide by the “demands” of a small selection of people. None of the servers are designated for specific people so get over it.

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You have three servers:
Faerlina: which as streamers, but everyone is welcome
Herod: full of a$$holes trying to tell people what servers they can or can’t play on
Thalnos: full of cool people who just wanna have fun without the toxicity of Herod.


Im not biased to any of the servers. I was just putting down what the average person thinks of their server choices for east coast.

If you look Thalnos is the only East coast pvp server to not be full and Herod was the first and only server at the start to be full.

Which backs up that people are avoiding both Faerlina and Thalnos.

Now Faerlina and Herod are full while Thalnos is still only Medium pop.

Again my opinion of Thalnos and the Brazilian community is im glad they found a home and i hope the server thrives, im simply just pointing out what i have noticed on the forums and what has been said on the forums.