Give South America their own server

I know 220 isnt that bad due to spell batching but 220 is pretty bad. Lmao.


In first person shooters like Counter Strike it is actually kind bad but not impossible to play. In WoW at least I never had an issue.

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This post sounds like it’s coming from someone who definitely didn’t play in Vanilla because you just made a lot of false statements.

Classic isn’t like retail where communication is almost a completely lost art and it’s not needed. It isn’t like retail where people join a dungeon and don’t speak. Communication is important and it would sure be helpful if we were at least all able to do that.

How dare people want to actually be able to communicate with with people they come across, right? I’m sure the people from Brazil would prefer this as well so they can communicate also.


Every major geographical zone needs it’s own server simply because of latency issues that are causes by gaming at such a distance from the server.

No matter how blizzard handles long distances connections; they are always crap to play on.

Local-ish servers are way better for the player and the people that play vs


Huehue BR?

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Yeah I know there hasn’t been a SA server in the past. I still think there should be one, because why not? It’d be a nice thing for Blizz to do.

No, you misunderstood what I said. I said SA people would most likely prefer to play on a server where most of the population speaks their native language. That’s completely different than saying South American people don’t know English. For example, German is my second language but I’d still prefer to play on an English server since English is my native language.


It would just be a HUGE HELP :smiley:

Hello everyone,

MVP Julipo from Latam reporting for duty. I’d like to make a few comments

  • In South America, we’d never had our server. We always played in NA with 120-200 MS.

There are always discussions about this, of course, because of the MS.

And I don’t think that would be a solution, for anyone. We have 3 servers for Latam in Retail (though, they are located in the USA). And the number of players is considerably low in comparison to NA or even Brazil. The population will be even lower in Classic, the realm would not be able to sustain itself. (And it would be worse
and practically unplayable if we have one PvE, PvP, RP-PvP)

And I don’t think we have the infrastructure for data centers in South America. Overwatch servers (we have 3, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil) are a mess (errors when joining a match, match not found, lack of players, high ping, disconnections, etc). So I don’t even wanna imagine data centers here for WoW xD

PS. Excuse English
 I’m still practicing for the First :frowning:


i got an idea.

How about.

Hear me out

All of the people who speak english play one faction, everyone else the other. Cant talk to them anyway.


I mean this started with a post saying a guy was leading 3000 Brs to Thalnos and similar numbers of LA players to the other non-streamer pvp east server. What if they made a single South America pvp server?

The LATAM community has no more than 1000 players for classic. confirmed and have a 50-50 faction distribution. no way they got a server.

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It doesn’t work. I played on Warsong. There are about 50% of Brazilians who know quite a few English words and type it in a broken way, but understandable to a point. Then the other half completely ignore you. Sometimes they type in Portuguese likely laughing at you to other Portuguese members or just outright ignore what you say. When the server is a good ratio English and Portuguese things work, you can form groups with your own, but the problem is when transfers are enabled for the server and the English players flee like the plague is chasing them and all of a sudden the Portuguese players demand that you speak their language or you can’t join because it is their server and English speakers should go away. I paid a lot of money to transfer from Warsong to Ravenholdt many many years ago to get away from it.


Agreed. Give the boys their own stuffsss.

/signed in agreement

well i saw this coming
 a few days ago i made a thread asking if anyone knew if there were going to exist LA servers 
 aaand i guees this is a no.

Probably i wont be playing classic if blizz doesnt open atleast 1 server. Even if a know a little bit of english its a lot easier to join a group or raid if everyone speaks the same language, not mentioning making friend in game

anyway id love to have 1 pvp server in classic for spanish speaking players

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One of strengths that classic has over private servers is the community. It cannot flourish without communication. A free server, hosting people day and night, from every corner of the world, generates a non-blizzlike community. We are back because we want that community. We want to come home.


You are completely ignoring two facts.

  1. It is been a lot of years since Warsong days. There are a lot more English speakers in Brazil now than back in the day.
  2. Brazilian vanilla/classic community is way different from Brazilian community in retail. They are used to play on international private servers using English as the language for world channels.

The vast majority of Brazilian alliance players play at Stormrage, several Br guilds are there. and most players don’t even suspect it, this shows the bias of most players.

I play in Stormrage, for obvious reasons I did not post with the character to avoid retaliation.

His argument is very valid, because the BR community on private servers is huge, and many people do not even suspect nationality.

I would gladly take a south american server if it comes with real localized servers in brasil / chile.