Give South America their own server

Like wut? Why do we have a bunch of non-US wanting to join Thalnos. JUST GIVE THEM THEIR OWN QQ


clearly blizzard is jst racist

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No. They just know south america is just a myth.


i cant continue this without saying dumb things


Paying customers can play where they want, water still wet, etc.


This is an extremely valid request. Like in the EU how people were concerned with language barriers, and Blizz rightfully decided to include additional realms, People in this region need to be able to play with low latency with people of their main language as well.

If Brazil chooses one east coast PVP realm, and the Spanish speaking rest of South America chooses another east coast PVP realm, that will leave English speakers with only 1 US based east coast PVP realm to choose from. I’d wager there are going to be a lot of people upset by that from all 3 languages.

Blizzard most definitely should have seen this eventuality coming based on the feedback in the EU, even if the players aren’t figuring it out until right now. Please consider adding a couple SA realms.


Id be worried more about language, but years of pservers later and I can play with russian speakers just fine, even if I cant read cyrillic, sucks more for them just because by default they get more latency.

Wouldn’t South American folks prefer to play on a server in South America, though? I don’t blame them for playing on the servers that are available, but I feel bad for them having to play with high ping and with people that don’t speak their native language.


This isn’t a pserver sort of thing though… when you’re joining a pserver you’re prepared for that. If Blizz is counting on at least a portion of retail subs to not only check out, but stick with Classic, those players are going to be majorly turned off by the language barrier.

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O dear god no… I didn’t think of this… I don’t want this, I don’t want this dark future.


It will still be majority english and all the text in the game is english, also not everyone is monolingual, so for alot of players, there isn’t a barrier with certain languages.

If seeing spanish will cause you to nope out of the game just lol.


If that’s what you’re getting out of my posts then I’m done replying to you. Have a good night.


Too few servers to get a good one, frankly. Pick your poison. Big private server guilds that will dominate everything, streamer fans that will turn the game into Twitch, sizable populations that don’t speak your language, or zerg guilds from large external websites that will dominate everything. Or multiple of the above!

Dark times ahead.

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they can, but I am sure they would appreciate a designated server for spanish speaking/south american players.


I dont think its THAT much to ask to give them ONE server. COME ON BLIZZARD <3

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You equate people from SA rolling on US servers with a sudden language barrier, wow plays the same, odds are your mage knows what to do without you telling them, you still dont pull while the healers oom, sheep moon, focus skull, X is second, oom means stop pulling.

This game is rote memorization, most groups dont have alot of chat because you are busy running a dungeon, the AH moderates 99% of trading between players, and its 2019 there are programs to instantly translate text in a window, not good for most translation, but its mostly short informal sentences in this game between players.


If seeing spanish will cause you to nope out of the game just lol.

The major player-base in south america is Brazilian. Brazilian’s speak Portuguese.


Some of us played on Warsong and have already had experience with this.


We will need some cannon fodder playing alliance in Thalnos guys. :slight_smile:

There has never been an actual South American server, even though they appear as South American, they are located in the US so in the end its the same.
Also, ping isn’t really a problem, I’ve always played in Emerald Dream all my life with no noticeable issue in PVP (220 ping±), from Argentina.
Btw, I find it kinda funny that you assume most of us do not speak or understand english.