Give South America their own server

The division was the direct result of a campaign by some Herod a$$hats who made multiple and well publicized posts threatening streamers if they came to Herod and relegating SAs to a different server. Pretty sure that if people were able choose without undue influence, the spread would be very different.

I agree.

Also the Spanish community was going to Faerlina but when they heard streamers were going there they chose to instead go to Thalnos.

Faerlina = the best server bc of streamers, but the worst at the same time, bc of streamers aswell + Small Latam community going horde
Herod = full of closed minded people, probably trump supporters.
Thalnos = Cool US & Canadian people + Brazil +Latam community.


I will be on Faerlina.

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Thalnos. With all the filthy and dear deplorables <3

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South America exists O_O… I thought they sank to bottom of ocean after their governments and zombies ate them… They don’t have population might be the case as well cost and resources. Cheaper to lump them in. Just avoid their server and you’ll be fine. That or pick up another language.

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The data center used for Overwatch is the same as the center used for WoW in North America / EU and so on. All games are hosted on a hardware structure that can be scaled to function VS the system load of the game that’s being hosted.

If the Center or centers that they have in South America are badly implemented or the connections to to those centers is poor then you will experience problems, and that is unfortunate.

There is a reason why we annouced thalnos beforehand, we dont like queues. most people going to other servers is good for us, GRACIAS GRINGOS


Except that you can understand me because you also read and speak English, and not every one in North America lives in the United States or is in the United States Army where the term was originally used to describe the incomprehensible language (English army marching song) from the Mexican point of view. (circa 1848)

I understand that the term has evolved to a semi derogatory term and frankly I don’t care, but for the sake of education I assumed you would enjoy this very brief and incomplete history on the word’s origin.

My thoughts exactly, which is why my friends and I picked Thalnos. I’m curious to see if we even notice it’s the unofficial SA/Brazilian realm. I doubt it.

because we pay sub just like you

Would you care to elaborate what would be a “broken language”? I’d love to see your philological arguments.

Yes, Brazil is a third world country. A 210 million ppl third world country, with a diverse and economically unequal population. What (very likely) implies there is a lot of brazilians wealthier than you.

No you don’t. You have never seen a brazilian “scream jajaja”, simply because it sounds as weird to us, Portuguese speakers, as it sounds to you, English speaker. In Spanish, however, it does sound like a laugh. That’s why some latin americans use it, but brazilians don’t.

Also, virtue signalling about others’ “blatant sexist/homophobic vitriol” doesn’t give you blank check to be stupid.


I don’t think it’s too much to ask either, but just one server? then which language would it be in? because, by choosing just one language you’re going to upset either someone who speaks Spanish, or someone who speaks Portuguese. Easier to just open 4. 1 for Spanish pvp, 1 for pve, then do the same same thing for Portuguese

It would be considerate to have a SA server for the folks who live there, for sure. That being said, “language barrier” isn’t that good of an excuse as most people will congregate into communities who speak the same language. I played FFXIV on a Japanese server for years without problems and I’ve done a lot of PVP with Spanish and Portuguese speakers in Retail in recent times. All it takes is a bit of consideration and paying a little extra attention to what you’re doing and all is well. A few well-placed Google Translate macros will help a lot too.

Well, that would certainly dis the Brazilians, wouldn’t it? since they don’t speak Spanish?

If Blizz made servers available based on language, they’d need approximately 4,500 servers (6,500 languages in the world, but 2,000 of them have less than 1,000 people that speak it).

OCEANIC would need an English server, a Thai server, a Vietnamese server, two Chinese servers (Mandarin and Cantonese), and a Tagalog server for the Philippines.

EU would need an English server, a French server, a German server, a Spanish server, a Portuguese server, an Italian server, a Greek server …

And here in NA we’d need a French server for our northern cousins in Quebec.

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Somehow I think it will all work out well. Just two more weeks and I can quit reading these forums.

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Part of me thinks we should all just play together but there are some issues with language. Sometimes have to look up words even though on US server. Wonder if some way to fix this issue.

WHO CARES DUDE if u have some problems with your head go and see a doctor it is a damn server.
In U.S.A they are more than 300m people living and they all live together

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nah ur just racist

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9th biggest economy btw