Give Nightborne the attention Void Elves get

This is Blizzard’s fault though. I mean, just look at this.

There is even a second one. Horrible.

When Blizzard added customizations to Void Elves, it was a forgone conclusion that High Elves would never be their own Allied Race. From what I’ve seen, most High Elf players accepted this compromise under the hope that the differences could be minimized over time, which is happening. It started with skin tones, now it’s hair colors. If EE can be toggled off visually, and cleaner/longer hairstyles can be added (likely copy/pasted from Blood Elves, but when it comes to hair I don’t see why all races don’t share hairstyles anyways), then I think that’s about all that can be reasonably asked for.

The picture I posted was from a time when there was still hope High Elves might be their own Allied Race in the future.

It is a shame and I do feel sorry for the people that have missed out on getting something unique. Here is the problem with the Blood Elf people though. They’ve kind of had to give up a lot of their uniqueness to share it with you guys so you guys can have your high elf fantasy. Can you see where maybe there might be a bit of bitterness there? Not saying you don’t understand that at all because I’ve never discussed it with you. I see some of the high elf people say “we haven’t stolen or taken uniqueness away from the blood elves” but it’s pretty clear it has been done. I know that mag’har and lfd share a model etc but they also share a faction and are unique to that faction.

I think maybe now and what I really hope Blizzard can do is work on the void part of the void elf and work on giving blood elves something that will help them stand apart. I guess that is the only compromise that could make both groups happy.

As far as the hair goes ya I agree. At this point when it comes to hairstyles and colors, since they’ve done what they’ve done with the void elves, sharing hairstyles doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore. Maybe they could add certain features on different races to kind of make the hairstyles different. Something like the Night Elves have with the leaves. Maybe Blood Elves could get a braid toggle to add into their hair and so on.


It is reasonable for them to being upset but at the same time it’s also not. The Alliance elves should have been playable since Legion. And as a Pandaren you know how unimportant looks are on the battlefield versus another Pandaren. Nobody cares if you have green or blue eyes in the end, only the HP-gauge is from importance.

I see it. I even empathize with it a little. I remember when blue eyes were announced to be coming for Blood Elves I thought it was petty to take the one visual aesthetic Blizzard had used to separate the two and undo that change. Plenty of Blood Elf players absolutely gloated over it, for the few weeks until Void Elves got their new skin colors, at which point I can only recall one Blood Elf poster still being grateful to have blue eyes (Softsong, I think her name was? It began with, ‘Soft’).

It opened my eyes to a reality that, at least for (in my opinion) too many of those who felt strongly enough about it to post on the forums, it hadn’t been able being unique from the Alliance’s elves, but just rubbing it in someone else’s face that they can’t have something.

For what its worth, however, I don’t hold a grudge or anything of the sort. I’m too old to have that kind of energy and time to waste. I hope Blood Elves get customizations to expand on other thematics that are Horde exclusive, like Dark Rangers/San’layn, Felblood Elves, even new light themes from the Sunwell.

My goal isn’t to see Blood Elf players suffer and feel ignored and get nothing. My goal is to be able to play an elf that has existed in the Alliance since Vanilla, and which Blizzard saw fit to give more screentime and relevance across most expansions than playable races in the Alliance have had.

That doesn’t mean I want more High Elf stories in the future for that matter. I think High Elves were in that right spot to be an Allied Race, because their story had already been told, like Nightborne, or Highmountain Tauren. Void Elves need lore and story and development in the worst way. I’ll be happy to see a few High Elf NPCs scattered here and there in the future, or for Void Elves to start joining the Silver Covenant or vise versa (Silver Covenant studying the void).

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Won’t stop the Nightborne complaints until they get a tunic option for the heritage armor. Blood elves get everything :angry:. They got a dress, and tunic :angry:


Fyi, it was blue eyes plus exclusive Velf pink and lilac eyes plus all the new and existing skin tones (and this last one demanded time to fix the underwear on the models, so not as simple as crtl+c / crtl+v).

So, not mere minutes, at least a couple of hours.

Excuse me, what do you think is people trying to do here? If anything, the “offended” Helfers that come into these threads to complain over the fulfillment of their wishes not being “good enough” is the WTF part of the discussion (for supposedly ubber “pro-everything” people they have a very biased way of demostrating it.

Or do you think saying “muuhhhh timeeeee!!! you guys have to wait cause muuuhhhh timeeeee!!” is a coherent behaviour for "pro-ask for anything you want people?

Fun fact: I don´t even think Blizzard cares over perceived population issues (no seriously, people loves to say the Alliance is dead but I wonder where did they found the data supporting this whyen Blizzard has never revealed anything of the sort?). They simply saw a chance to get praise for the customization promise on a cheap and easy way and took it, ergo business 101.

No more, no less.

Pot, meet kettle.

Not our problem the Belf model is the same as the Velf one -ergo, from a business model is perfectly ok to take some minutes to fix minor stuff like an eye color, a skin tone and a toggle for TWO hairstyles-, so actually you guys should grow an actual sense of self awareness and stop looking like a diva.

Cause refusing to accept you guys have gotten stuff IS diva behaviour, period. You got literally what you asked, stop trying to silence the petitions of other players, period.

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Wow I can’t believe how bad some Void Elf players are about Nightborne given we still have very few hair color options, jewelry that most people won’t use, no new eye colors and more older looking faces despite people repeatedly asking for younger looking ones.

Called it last week, got mocked on their threads by the usual suspects.

Now the rest of the forums (who had all the right to feel fed up with the Helfer BS, free world and all that) are echoing this sentiment and they end up… acting exactly as we suspected, playing the victim and all to justify heavy focus on them on this pass?

Give me a break.

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Misrepresent their opponents, gaslight, and create strawman arguments. All the time with these people :rofl:

No misrepresentation here dears… if you are actually commited to be “pro-every customization any player wants”, why are you here trying to prevent this, hmm? Why are you complaining over what NB got or didn´t got, hmm? Why even bring something as surreal as “we got hand-me-downs” when 2 days ago you were too busy celebrating your “win”, hmm?

Explain how NB players getting something NOT copied suddenly made your stuff second rate… when you literally campaigned for years to get these copied stuff.


Nightborne were so cool. Probably one of my favourite allied races. Seems like blizzard ruined that one

“No misrepresentation here!”
Proceeds to misrepresent
Show me one post where I complain about the new NB customizations or the new high elf customizations. I’ll wait.

Or is it only a few people so you can try to lump the entire high elf side together? :thinking:

This is what is irritating me the most. I don’t know why they think so many people want to play a character that looks like they belong in a senior care facility.

It seems like a common problem with horde character in general. The female trolls have one attractive face as well and most of the horde races. Then you have the blood elves. Sure the elf fantasy is a huge draw to most fantasy people BUT it’s also the fact that they look nice. Grandma usually isn’t most peoples in game fantasy. You can look to the overabundance of blood elves on the horde to see that. A lot of people like to be pretty and fancy. Not everyone of course but blood elf population proves it’s a majority. The faces in the horde races do not represent that and I really wish they would.

Now the Nightborne that is supposed to be this regal fancy race and the NPC’s in the game are very pretty are suffering from the art departments idea that the horde needs grandma and grandpa trying to take a poo face.

I should probably add that I am speaking from a female perspective. I know guys are different and they do like more of the rough and tough look that the horde has. Some girls do as well so I can’t speak for everyone. You can have rough and tough and still have attractive though. I know attraction is subjective but there are obvious ugly and not ugly things in the world.


we actually evolved from the alliance’s night elves

I think what annoys me is that Void Elves get precisely what they want, while the feedback players have expressed for years over the Nightborne has been clearly ignored judging by the customization options they added in 9.1.5. This was Blizzard’s moment to show that they were paying attention and knock it out of the park their first go around and that did not happen even remotely.

There’s also an immediacy of acknowledgment shown to Void Elf requests that is unseen for any other race. Granted, these requests range from minor (hair color additions) or moderate (tentacle removal from hairstyles), but the point still stands.


I would like to see…

Nightborne Male:

  • Skin colors: 2, 11, 12 from night elf males. Would love the red/pink skin tones.
  • Hairstyles: 11 (mohawk), 14 (undercut), 16 (flipped) from night elf males.
  • Hair colors: 3 (dark forest green), 7 (light frosty blue), 9-15 (shades of purple/pink)
  • Moustache: Groomed, would love a full upper lip cover like the night elves, groomed looks good from the night elf males.
  • Beard: The trimmed bear look would look good on nightborne males, that night elf males have. Would also love the full and chinstrap facial hair options that blood elves have.

Nightborne Female:

  • Skintones/Haircolors same as male
  • Hairstyles: 9 (soaked), 19 (sombra - love that overwatch hero), 20 (shaggy) the night elf shaggy looks way better then what the nightborne got, would love the full wavy hair shaggy hairstyle. The nightborne shaggy has straight hair?

Nightborne Both genders:

  • Eye Color: Would love to have additional eye colors, yellow like Azshara and the former night elves would be nice. So would white, and the fel green for the felborne.
  • Arcane Hair Glow Toggle: I would love hair arcane glowing effects over the hairstyles, this could be a toggle to some/many of the hairstyles like the horn caps for dranei or void elf tentacles. An example would be this.

Love the arcane glows it invokes a magical power feel.

Hand glows: An option to have the hands glow magically would be heavily appreciated.

It would immensely enhance the nightborne fantasy to have the hair and magic glows.


I have to agree with you especially when Void Elves weren’t originally getting black, white and brown hair colors and I supported black and white from the get go but when they raged all over the forums about it they were added really quickly, yet I highly doubt that same time or effort will be given to Nightborne after our feedback.

Well, If you are “so different” to them, explain:

  1. Your presence on this thread -I mean if you didn´t come to support more attention to the NB customizations you are here because…?

  2. Your double standards regarding “lumping the rest” of the players in any categorization. Cause why is it only bad to lump you guys while you are so hasty to lump us all, under the “gaslighters” name, hmm?

Tl;dr: grow a self aware bone and don´t act towards others the way you don´t like people acting towards you, simple as that.

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Oh my gosh, I surely hope for this because the current new hair colors for Nightborne are just blah, I really wasn’t impressed by any of them because most of them are just more of the same which we already have. :sob: :sob: :sob:

Same here just because I really like pink stuff so have my support. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: