Give Nightborne the attention Void Elves get

How hard was to saturate the already pastel colors they have in their current hair, again?

Heck, after 9.1.5 all races should eventually receive access to both “normal” and “crazy” hair colors, just like irl people can put “normal” and/or “crazy” colors on their hair tints.

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I really love all of that Terronax and I pray they listen (like they claim they are) and give us some of these things we’ve been asking for.

The hair colors are really just different variants of blacks and whites. Blue black, green black, purple black and so on. I’d like to see some actual different colors. Like a real blonde or a real brown. Maybe a peach or even an actual purple and not a faded blackish purple.

So far these customizations feel very uninspired. They remind me of the Nightborne release and the unfinished look just keeps on going with them. I thought maybe they already had Nightborne customization ready but it’s looking very last minute thrown together now. Wish they’d just dump the whole model and give us the npc model and start over.

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Man, simply put it, why limit color customizations in stuff like hair or tattoos?

Apparently, hair color means nothing regarding “racial visual aesthetics”, so let the players use whatever damned color they feel like it with any of their toons, period.

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Yea I would like to play with those colors on my nightborne. I was hoping for a pinkish redish skin since the horde is all about the reds. My night elves go for those reddish skins. I had my undead use the orb of deception on them, they look cool if night elves were horde gear.

Would be nice to have a look like that for nightborne! I am excited for the changes either way I hope they will add my suggestions.

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Like I said a few minutes ago for as quickly as they gave Void Elves black, white and brown hair colors I would imagine not very hard because after Void Elf raging they were handed it almost without delay so.

Also I agree with this fully because a color wheel for any and all hair colors whether normal type or crazy type exist so I don’t see the problem with us having those option eventually, hopefully.

What exactly do the NB miss? They even get their weapons now.

These topics to get spammed at a lot. It’s better for all of us if this gets done sooner than later.

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Too many of the Nightforce face options are wrinkled and old. Should these options exist? Absolutely, but we already had them. Instead of rectifying this deficit and giving us varied youthful faces, they added even more haggard faces (under eye bags, darkness, smile lines). Even the most “youthful” looking faces have weathered complexions and underye darkness and smile lines. The male Nightborne in particular needed the most improvement and they arguably received the least.

Player request: Arcane hair and skin effects. What we got: more barely visible face and body tattoos.

They really need to fix the nightborne male lips. They look so weird on many of the faces. I don’t know why they have so many of the nightborne males scowling. Like can we get nuetral face tones for them? Why are they so grumpy? The npcs look so smooth faced and relaxed.

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After combing through the Nightborne customization even more I’m just going to say it, they just did this stuff in the last week. They had to have. The hairs look so generic and the hairline is awful. It looks like they are giving them the thrown together treatment all over again. It’s pretty infuriating and they really are showing that once again they aren’t listening to what we’ve been asking for. Old lady faces, scowls still existing on the males. Small deviations away from the hair colors and skintones we already have. It looks lazy tbh and I’m unimpressed and back to my previous suspicion that they really aren’t listening, they just say they are.


This is why I’m not sure why so many Void Elf annoyances in this thread are freaking out about how much new stuff we got because it’s more of the same rather than actually new like new.

Ok if that is the case I want Menari Erredar but I want to be able to have the Draenei skin tones , I want Nathanos type undead but I want them to have the human hair colors and eyes. I want Night Borne to be Carbon copies of Nefls.

Heck if Blizz is going to take the identity of one factions race and give it to the other faction , they may as well do the same for the other side.


Also please revisit their racials. They are ab absolute joke. Please bring them in line with the other races.


1: High Elves in Dalaran are the majority that stayed in the alliance .

2: Kael’thas was angry with the Alliance when they would not come to help his people and was the one who renamed the survivors of the scourge invasion to Blood Elves which even with the large loss of lives still made up the majority of the High Elves.


THey were never going to go to the alliance . That whole part in 5.2 was to push the part of the story about the bell going through Dalaran via the Sunstriders.

That had nothing to do with High Elves and the Alliance . It was just a plot line to a story .

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Nightborne need help and have needed it for a long time.

Void elves need to quit cutting in line.


I liked the NB that I met while questing, but somehow the player models did not translate. Them and KT are the only allied races I haven’t unlocked. Don’t get me wrong I want to like them, just like worgen they aren’t there yet though and hopefully it won’t take 10 years like it did with worgen.


Yet by the end of WC3 they had for the most part been no longer a part of the Alliance for years due to leaving after the end of the 2nd war (end of WC2) .

Just because some stayed loyal to the alliance doesn’t mean the majority of them did and where was the Alliance to help them after 90 % of their population fell to the scourge ?



Because they are supposed to represent a hearty sea faring race

High Elves descended from the High Borne which was the Ruling class of the Night Elves .

Who were banished by Malfurian .

What are considered the Night Elves today are those that made up the peasant class of the Night Elves .

THe Naga were Night Elves as well as the Satyr.

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void elves can be a void elf or a blood elf

player nightborne can be neither a night elf nor a nightborne