Give Nightborne the attention Void Elves get

Contradicting statements right there.

Quel’Thalas left the Alliance. High Elves as a race didn’t. It’s down in the lore that there were High Elves who refused Anasterian’s order to return to continue supporting the Alliance. Likewise, all the High Elves in Dalaran didn’t pack up shop and leave either, including Kael’thas, Anasterian’s son and heir.

The real issue is that while High Elves remained in the Alliance, and were supposedly few in number, Blizzard went out of their way to contradict that in every meaningful way, by having multiple High Elf settlements, and an army of them ready to field for various Alliance campaigns.


Oh excuse me I didn’t think Worgen were being mad and a bully to get repaired and tail added over 10 some years now?

Or how blood elf options in the mega thread are ignored.

People are fed up and people are going to push back and they should it’s not all about void elves which is what people are demanding.


Oh, they do belong on the Alliance. Otherwise we wouldn’t have had patches like 5.2.0 in the past.

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Yeah, how dare 9.1.5 only add stuff for Void Elves. And no one else.


And that is the problem Blizzard made the mistake and instead of removing these NPC the cry went on and on and on.

Mean while the High elves returned to silvermoon and after arthas wiped out the city they changed there name to blood elves they are still high elves but everyone thinks they did some sort of magical race change.

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Yeah and other races still get no love or fixes but you don’t see that do you? when do worgen get tails proably after more void elf stuff gets added.


Which is all the justification needed to give Void Elves every single customization Blood Elves have, because for some reason that defies logic and rationality, Void Elves came from Blood Elves rather than Alliance High Elves. I will never understand what was going through their heads with that storybeat. Never.

Limited resources, limited time, it has to be spent somewhere. You seem to take umbrage with them putting in lowcost/low effort, high requested additions, things that don’t detract at all from what they’re working on.

Would you rather they had ignored Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei in 9.1.5 to add tails to worgen or fix other races? Because I don’t see how the handful of minutes it took to add eight existing hair colors to Void Elves would be enough time to add tails to worgen.

Because unfortunately for you, you guys are the only special case that has enjoyed of not one but TWO chances to get stuff done in favor of broadening your customization and RP options. No other race got that benefit.

And regardless of the quality, fact is, this happened, period. Don´t complain over getting low effort stuff when this was your primary motivation. Nightborne fans never created a whole movement in the forums and media to ask for hand-me-downs from the Nelf race, ergo the devs had to invest actual effort in creating stuff for them for this pass (and mind you, the stuff is not perfect. Male Nightborne faces still suffer from constipated grandpa issues).


So basically the alliance has stolen 95% of a horde race and they won’t be satisfied until they steal silvermoon and get void elf paladins


Do yourself a favor and ignore that poster.

I´ll say her behaviour has said everything it needed to say and that you will be better ignoring her, period.

Not everything my dear… the undead related stuff and the Blood magic stuff are lowerise speaking miles away from you guys´reach. I´m aware we may have to share in Farstrider inspired things, but Blood Magi stuff like Rommath´s tattoos aren´t on the table for you.

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Speaking for myself, I don’t want Silvermoon. I like High Elves, I like their lore, and their lore makes it clear that they left Quel’Thalas. It belongs to the Blood Elves, full stop. High Elves left, seeking freedom, loyalty to past allies, etc…

If High Elves had been added as an Allied Race I’d have hoped for Dalaran to have been their capital instead. Or an elven district in Stormwind that could’ve also been devoted to Night Elves as well.

As far as Paladins, go, they’d have to have void customizations locked to make any sense. I’m happy just having a mage/hunter/priest option though.

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NOT A COMPLAIN i’m stating you don’t have stuff not because void elves stop using that as excuse

ask whatever you want i don’t mind but “we don’t have things because voidelves drain resources” is FALSE

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Honestly,I do believe the elves have enough customization they are at this point the most spoiled in the game. Start giving some to others .


Not false man… the ideal of customization is indeed infinite (it can happen at any point in the future unless Blizz says they are done) but the time and resources necessary to create, develop and implement them for a specified date IS pretty much finite.

So as harsh as this sound, time that should had been used to fix stuff for core races back in january was instead used to fix stuff on something that was out of the schedule (yes, welcome to actual bussiness 101: how to shcedule your work). And that time back then can be recovered right now.

I find a supremely disgusting double standard this “HaVe pAtIeNcE” BS some Helfers sprout in the forums towards us when we had to grit our teeth and see our petitions get ignored so the devs could catter to their demands. The less they should be doing -and mind you, the decent individuals on that community have done so- is to either give tacital support to the idea of minor fixes this pass or to simply say nothing, period.


This victim mentality many Alliance players have is the reason it’s hard to take the faction seriously these days.

What exactly haven’t you gotten and where were you neglected?

Thanks for the laugh.


Nightborne got a lot and I’m super excited, but honestly, would it kill them to add a braid to the elves.


Now, that’s interesting,What if they did have a form of void elf paladin,hmmm.

You know what, I’ll just quote this here for you

The High Elf community is just stealing stuff from the Blood Elf playerbase:
Except, nobody is stealing anything from anyone. I put it this way, you do not hold ownership to everything in relation to the game. Customisations, mounts, etc, they are all part of your Blizzard account which you hold a licence too, and that licence does not give you ownership over the game, including things within it. Therefore, nothing can be stolen when it is by Blizzards decision.

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Would you prefer if I said the alliance spent 15 years whining and crying to copy paste a race from the superior faction because they knew deep down that all their races sucked?

Ps. Im glad you have enough legal knowledge to understand that blood elves cant charge void elves with theft. Props to you


I dunno, it seems like between the new customisation options and now this…

… I’d say nightborne are getting a lot of attention this patch.

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