Give Nightborne the attention Void Elves get

Sorryh I have a right to be upset As roxy has said

Every thread turns into what void elf players want no one else matters and it gets fustrating and people are fed up.


I hope we would, the request for darker skin tones for elves originated from the High Elf request. It’d be kind of a jerk move to add them just to Blood Elves.

They are still trying to make up for the Mechagnomes which tanked so dramatically in the community.

There will be always people asking for more. It’s natural and every race got several requests. But most of these requests can’t be taken serious at all. Asking for a whole city? Never going to happen. This entrope-effect? Yes, this can actually happen in the next few years. Changing the race title to High Elves? Also very likely, if they continue to work on the character creator.

The High Elves aren’t the only race which is locked behind another race. The Mag’har, Trolls, Dwarves and even the Draenei have the very same problem. I predict three features getting asked the next few years:

  • Race title
  • Entrope effect/glyphs
  • Voices

I do agree with this. But they aren’t the only one. Who was the first group to brigade the community manager after their recent post? The Blood Elves. Nobody is holding back here and I do wish some of my requests get also through the line but I believe these High Elf-topics will fall to Worgen-levels of activity after everyone gets their quota filled in 9.1.5

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I still want to know why it’s only Void elf players who act so entitled. Every customization they get more and blood elves don’t.No we just get ripped off.

Now that other races are being adressed and worked on it’s a huge issue

your post is a problem you feel void elf players got nothing. How long have other races been waiting to be reworked and fixed.


I agree Nightborne still aren’t where they need to be. I don’t know what it is going to take but something about them still just feels wrong.

I think maybe I’m not explaining this correctly. What I’m trying to say isn’t that it took resources to make the natural things for the Void Elf and that took away from resources for void stuff. What I mean is that if they went ahead and used resources for void stuff while also giving the natural stuff that would be pretty irritating to a lot of players seeing void elf get that much stuff, whether or not some of it was easier and some of it was hard. Because of that I feel like it will be a while before they get void stuff instead of possibly getting it sooner. Maybe that makes more sense. It’s the perception.

Exactly . We got a void elf in here going we got what we wanted because we asked for simple things and that it wasn’t all of the void elves doing it .

No what happened is the majority whined that they wanted helfs and not velfs .Now Blizz has pretty much given them everything they can to destroy the identity of the void elves .

I’m just hoping with the skin tones and other things like toggling of hair tentacles that Blizz has at least made it o they are like Worgens now with their human forms.

Once they go into combat they are forced to go full on blueberry and stay in that form until they have to actually press a spell to change back .


BINGO and they do NOT see it. Troll post or not asking for silvermoon happened when void elves were created and people warned this would happen and here we are.


Their claims are justified through lore and an actual player requests. You don’t like the outcome but their wish has been granted now. The takeaway of all of this is not to screw the minority faction over and give them what they actually want to play, for almost a decade. And the request wasn’t even a lunatic one, it made actually sense because the High Elves have a permanent presence through the Alliance story. All of this is still a retroactive make up for the mistakes Blizzard did. And they know this.

Would you have liked it to get a purple orc because the lore doesn’t justify Mag’har Orcs at all? And of course, no straight back either. Would you have wanted to be treated like this as a minority player faction? No? All of this is happening because Blizzard ignored them on purpose and put a poorly executed race into existence. You would have also fought for Mag’har Orcs, wouldn’t you?

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that’s because in every customization threat people repeats once and once again they not having things because velf have all resources that’s false because

1)in this case nightborn have lots of customizations added, people dislikin em it’s another thing

2)almost 0 things were created new for void elves (NOT A COMPLAIN as you trying really hard to make me looks like)

all resources could be used for every other race

stop using void elves as spacegoat blizzard is not withdrawing resorces for void elves

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You know what Corlia, I’m going to stop you right here:

First of all, you say that the High Elf fanbase acts all entitled, but that is the behaviour coming from everyone, whether we are High Elf fans, Blood Elf fans, which ever. That is the behaviour of everyone.

Second of all, you’re acting like everything Void Elves recieved directly come off the Blood Elves, but stop and think for a moment. Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, Kul Tiran, they have normal skin colours. Almost every race on the Alliance has normal hair colours. The eyes did not come from the Blood Elves, and originally, the Blood Elves were not going to get Blue Eyes. This is the behaviour of some who thinks they have more of a say over everyone else then cries when Blizzard doesn’t cater to them.

Third of all, I would stop with this trolling and contradicting, especially when you’re here saying Void Elf players are complaining, but you’re complaining that the Void Elf players recieved something.

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Oh here we go, some serious fails at lore. the elves were no longer part of the alliance. you people forget this. A handful stayed behind the rest left and returned to silvermoon after what happened with the alliance.


Honest truth it wouldn’t of phased me if they didn’t add Mag’har . They came I thought they looked cool plus I liked the pet health passive they had and changed . If they wouldn’t of brought them in I would of probably stayed a goblin .

The only thing I really want added is the scars from the normal orcs to go wit hmy eye patch mog .

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No you stop and think why is it every time a patch comes out void elves get a free hand out and others do not? Why has the void elf community been so coddled over. It;'s taken way to long to get things fixed for AR and yet void get a free hand out.

Show me where core races have received updates like void have. You can’t and you refuse to accept that statement cause it’s inconvenient to you.


Not false statement whatsoever man… not Blizzard´s problem you guys decided to ask first for low hanging fruit giving them the chance to scapegoat in actual hard work customization development. This you guys got for 9.1.5 and the stuff you got for 9.0 ARE customization passes, regardless on the time invested on them, period.

Until Fenelon took the initiative to ask for actual Void related stuff for the Velf race, those petitions used to get buried under the “gimme, gimme the Belf skins / hair colors / eye colors / hairstyles / etc.!!!” suggestions. Guess which path was more convenient for Blizzard, to actually develop new innovative stuff or to give those posters their coveted low effort copy-paste, hmm?


Thank you!!! out of likes so have these :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I think this doesn’t requires much discussion. The lore can and will prove you wrong here.

There are people out there who want to play certain fantasies so badly and if the developers ignore them out of spite, then things go out of control. The Void Elf-crowd is such a phenomena. The Void Elves were Blizzard’s answer to never give the Alliance what they wanted. Just think about this for a second and how mind-blowing spiteful this is.

If you think Void Elves are getting free handouts, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

I’ll put it this way, who do you think Blizzard is actually going to listen to? People giving positive feedback, or the people acting with negativity and trollish behaviour?

the company had stated a long time ago they did not want to be a copy and past lord of the rings. you keep thinking elves belong on the alliance when the elves left the alliance
how does that even work?


yet result is the same you not having that you like not because void elves but because of blizzard or bc you disliking what you having

why to use void elves excuse in every single AR threat?

I mean, it´s actually hilarious when Blizz ends up caving to their petitions and still Blizzard loses.

ALL the racial models in this game can use a second round of customizations. Velves are in their second already, and apart from some actually genuinelly taking their gains, I see the Helfer posters of always continuing with the “buut, buuut!!”.

I appreciate Fenelon, I genuinely feel sad he got screwed up for 9.1.5 on getting more voidy stuff just because other people was more commited to spam the forums. That certainly wasn´t fair for him, but to these people? /ROFL