Give Nightborne the attention Void Elves get

This is true but you can turn the table game here at every given argument because it only shows how petty both elf-players are in general. No sides wants to give up and everyone let themselves easily get baited.

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my man i’m in your side but lets be real, we wanted copied things not because we didn’t want to spend resources, it just happen that we one already existed in belf

that doesn’t change the fact that velfes didn’t get more customizations than nightborne, i went into ptr and void elves customization pales beside

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I will be happy when they get more void customization. I think it could have been their turn if they didn’t receive the copy/paste though. I guess that’s my biggest beef with it all. The high elf customization took away from what I personally would have rather seen. In the end I’m sure they’ll get it eventually but it just sucks that the natural customization they got detracted from what they may have gotten without it.

I’m sorry I agree with Roxy you all diluted void elves down so bad and ruined them to satisfy your fake outrage over High elves this is my biggest issue with your type. those who love the void effects get NOTHING to expand upon those customization’s.


Void Elves are the new greedy race, sorry Goblins.

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I do agree Void Goblin is next for void elves.

“With you’re type”? You want to run that by me again?

Not the Pro-Helfers fault they were too busy arguing against us, which caused our threads to get way more attention.

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But the majority of Alliance players asked for High Elves even before the Void Elves where on the table. It feels not right reading such posts without accepting the given context of the whole situation.

As long as they don’t take our gold we’re fine.

Did I type it wrong? I didn’t see anyone asking for more void options. No all I saw was i want more blood elf options. congradulations you ruined void elves cause of a temper tantrum that happened in BC cause you all feel ripped off there was no High Elf.

Cut and dry.


Speaking for myself I was hoping for Kul Tiran hair colors to be copied. They’re on the cooler spectrum from Blood Elves, for one thing. For another, they use the same hair textures as Void Elves. So, it felt like a copy/paste that wouldn’t outright take from Blood Elves, but still provide natural hair colors, and were at least slightly different.

You’re not wrong, but I am happy with what we got, that’s for sure, and I’ve seen plenty of people celebrating about it too.

it’s completelly understandable, alliance always wanted high elves since vanilla, nobody asked for void elves, they were created from thin air, void fans are fewer and newer than high elves fans and blizzard needs desperlly lure people to play alliance

most void fans i see are horde or alliance that don’t play the race

we ruined for who? you don’t seem to play the race, we enhanced it for us who actually play the race

…some Blood Elves and Void Elves players on the forum want to have a word with you.

Right, so link me one post of mine where I am asking for Blood Elf options?

I can’t agree with this. Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei both desperately needed work, and Highmountain Tauren, too. Nightborne was definitely top of the list of Allied Races that need work, and to be honest, while everything they’re getting is great, I feel like they already need another dedicated pass because it doesn’t feel like nearly enough.

I can’t agree with this either. No resources were really spent to give Void Elves anything new, other than purple eyes, which is a Void Elf thing. The skin tones and hair colors and even ear lengths are all copy/pastes. So, no resources were detracted from working on void customizations. It’s only that void customizations haven’t been worked on yet.


Excuse me ?

Velfs got all of the new belf skin colors when SL launched and now are getting more hair colors in the same expansion .


I’d like to see some handsome, young looking male faces for the Nightborne. The females have some faces that fit that bill, though I think some of them could do with an airbrush pass to smooth out some expression lines here and there. Expression lines make you look older IMO.

The males need some non-angry-scowl, smooth, and handsome faces.


And they were ignored.

and the fact this person wrote this shows me void elf players are still not happy


They got Void Elves though and they still weren’t happy. Then they got natural skintones and they still weren’t happy. Then they got their hair colors and they still kind of aren’t happy. Now they want to be called high elves because they aren’t happy about that. Once they get that then what will it be? It’s not just about high elves. It is about a group of people that feel entitled to be the center of this whole customization thing. I’m not talking about all of them because I’ve chatted with quite a few that were grateful and understanding. I just think they should really tone it down a bit. Every post I get into where customization is being talked about turns into a void elf customization thread. They need to just slow down and get back to their megathreads and let other races get talked about for a change.


Points to Fenelon’s entire thread with nothing BUT ideas for more void options for void elves Not all of us wanted helf/belf options and nothing but. Personally all I wanted was black hair because black hair should have been a default color for a void elf. I’m sure as heck not in the ‘change the race name, give paladins, turn off EE, etc…’ camp. I’m also a supporter for more unique customizations for blood elves (including dark ranger and san’layn options) because what do you know? I play characters on both factions and my Horde main IS a blood elf.

Don’t toss everyone into the same pot

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i’m happy with customizations what i dislike is false statements like the one in the title