Give Monks a 4th, Ranged Spec

Yeah, the straight-healing is def more Yulon and Fistweaving is more Chi-ji.

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Zenyatta or chi based ranged monk like from Lost ark.

I would rather see a shaman tank before monk gets any spec treatment

You just hate pandaren, donā€™t you?

Sounds like my wife

sips tea


I would love a range monk and tank shaman.

Monks have ranged lightening type spell already.

Only if they play the mandolin, or whatever it was, like that lady from Kung-Fu Hustle.


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Great idea, lets add more specs to the game so class representation can be even worse than it is already.

They can just throw beer bottles. That would be awesome.

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Give druids 5th spec, they donā€™t have enough

I always thought the consensus was a 4th spec Monk would wield a bow, so thereā€™s a reason other than Hunter for bows to exist.

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All classes need 4th specs really, but Iā€™d like a ranged chi master 4th spec for monks. Call it Red Crane and make it like Goku shooting out kamehamehas.


A 4th ranged spec? But they donā€™t have a single ranged spec currently!

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Hi 4th ranged spec, Iā€™m dad

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an archer spec would be cool

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Winning by spamming 10/10 jade minions and making peopleā€™s FPS drop. Reminds me of my old starcraft strat: slow down my internet speed by streaming 20 youtube videos in the background and force my opponent to quit due to frustration.

Iā€™ve wanted a paladin range spec for awhile personally. We donā€™t have a ranged Holy dps spec in this game.

Can I get a melee spec for mage? Summon cool swords and axes and spectral shields and whatnotā€¦If Gandalf can do it, why cant I?

Doesnā€™t really fit the class theme. Yes the historical monks learned to use a bow from what I understand, but the idea behind monks in WoW is unarmed combat. If it happens, it would need to be a new caster.

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