They need a bailout. They could use some lore beyond Pandaren. And we could use another ranged spec. Make it water-based in lore, and nature-based in mechanics.
So they just become a shaman? =p
You’re going to need to explain that one
sure, once shamans get the tank spec.
The benefit to Elemental, to me, is the utility, the multiple schools, and the blood lust. Giving monks a ranged spec doesn’t seem to disrupt the Shaman’s ranged option.
I’m all for this as long as we get another ranged spec in the game. There hasn’t been one in ever. In fact we’ve lost one.
certain warrior torghast builds are ranged specs XD…if that counts.
A ranged monk seems bizarre, but with that said I would instantly reroll to Monk if the spec played well.
I’m also for this as long as I get a pistol toting Gnome Rogue.
We’re never getting another ranged spec. They stole identity from a ranged spec to give to a melee/tank and made another ranged spec pure melee.
I would love to be proved wrong.
The first 18 years weren’t enough for you?
i think that might need a nerf
I’d love if they finally separated Serpent and Crane.
But also, 4th spec for other classes:
Shaman - Earthwarden (tank)
Rogue - Knife juggler (ranged)
Can we get a DH ranged spec all about tossing glaives at people.
Hell yeah! Spellbreaker! Or Warden?
Wouldn’t mind a Kenshi-esque (Mortal Kombat) spec. Using telekinetic punches / kicks to deliver some wicked combo damage.