Give Monks a 4th, Ranged Spec

Sure Monks can get a 4th spec… Right after Demon Hunters get a 3rd spec. Preferably Ranged.

Let’s see

Throw Stones
Throw Hot Water
Fire breath
Mega Chi Burst
Flying Slippers (or Boots)
Machinegun (oops, that’s out of place)

I want to watch that movie again now.

Give Monks blademaster.

While we’re at it can we give Paladins a Dual-wielding DPS spec as well since they’re on the same boat as monks?

Not a class I would really associate with range.

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No, don’t need more leather wearers in this game.

The ideal 4th spec for monk would be the Crane School.

The problem is that the 4th school of monk isn’t really about combat, it’s about study, meditation, and history classes, lots of history classes.

It wouldn’t really make sense as a combat specialization.

While I like this idea, I would only agree to it (in a fantasy world where we have power) if we did the same for shields. 3 classes since 2004. What gives?!

FWIW I’d take any ranged spec for Monk; I don’t need no stinking bow!

I support a monk range spec - whatever it is. Bow/chi etc

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But monk… already exsists as a leather wearing class.

It wouldn’t add any more leather wearers than what there is currently

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Which is odd considering that blizzard would put Yu’lon as a more caster dps style (as shown by the legendary cape) instead of healing.

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Please don’t do that to my culture. Add a new class, but as we speak, Monk is culturally accurate as is.

Yes. Chi balls, chi blasts, chi lighting, chi tornadoes and beer being tossed in every direction with glowy animal friend and storm, earth, and fire clones. Would be pretty fun. Oh and the statues don’t forget the statues.

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Not before they give DH a 3rd spec.

Sure, after they add a hunter tanking spec.

it would be neat to see Monks gain a ranged martial spec. Throwing weapons, chi waves, chi energy, detonating chi spheres, maybe summoning celestials like Yu’lon and Chi’ji invoking their red and green fires on targets or aoe. I’m not opposed to it, as Monks did have a few ranged abilities that were pruned. Spinning fire blossom definitely comes to mind. Also as mentioned above them using bows would be interesting as well, finally another ranged physical damage dealer.


@Telar, I think that sounds like a really great ranged spec for monks.

As far as a second class to use ranged weapons, ever since warriors lost the ability to equip a ranged weapon, they’ve seemed like the logical choice to give a 4th spec utilizing ranged weapons to me. Seems odd that the class that used to be able to equip virtually every weapon type in the game can no longer do so.

Whichever class is chosen, it seems clear to many people that we need a new ranged spec/class. It boggles my mind that in 15+ years they’ve never added a ranged spec.

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Apparently MW was originally supposed to focus on Chi-ji, but in testing players found red healing confusing, so they switched it to Yu’lon so they could make the spell effects green.

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You can’t give DH a third spec because training wheels only come in pairs.