Give Monks a 4th, Ranged Spec

I want a warlock tank spec.

Soul Master spec!


The only 4th spec monks need is splitting fistweaving into its own spec, making mistweaving a caster-focused healer.

Water based? Nah Iā€™d rather it be air based then we can be some type of air bender or something.

Only if itā€™s basically using Ki Blasts and DBZ style energy attacks like that Chi Wave ability.

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So basically they would beā€¦a mage, but with chi? Thatā€¦doesnā€™t seem great. Seems like you would be like this: (skip the kids intro)

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If folks are going to say ā€œSo [insert class here]ā€ youā€™re going to need more than just saying something.

Mage to me is super straight-forward. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s nuance - I donā€™t play a mage - but when I try it itā€™s basically, I throw blue things and they slow you, I throw red things and I can crit, I throw purple things and I need a nerf and some charisma.

Meanwhile, Elemental Shaman for example, is a constant assessment of which is the best ROI ability right now given procs, cast times, and the enemy Iā€™m fighting.

A monkā€™s ranged could be tied in to itā€™s over all class theme. And since theyā€™re getting a new spec, it could be an outgrowth of learning from the tidesages. To me it could easily be the inverse of Discipline where in itā€™s 80% a Damage tree and 20% a healing (through damage).

Iā€™m putting this together off-hand but through serious thought you could make a real 4th spec fly.

Throwing liquor.
Beer, wine, liquor all have different pros and cons.
Beer kegs are big and beefy. They do high damage but are really slow.
Beer bottles are faster.
Liquor catches fire easier and a crit will make the target seriously drunk.
Wine? Bot sure.


apparently there are monks out there somewhere that can break rocks with their voice? sounds OP

Thatā€™s actually a fun idea. Iā€™m of the mind that WW is boring and there should have been a BM DPS option.

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Monks do need a 4th Spec that focuses on Jade Style if;

BRM is Ox Style
WW is Tiger Style
MW is Crane Style

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Carries a barrel full of staves.
/pew pew pew pew

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Itā€™s okay to have a weakness

Nah I donā€™t think we have enough to make it unique thematically without taking from other classes.

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Just copy Hearthstone and make a ā€œJade Golemā€ spec focusing on summoning and abusing an army of Jade minions that grow in power.


They canā€™t balance the classes and specs they have.

It seems highly unlikely that they would make that problem even harder by adding classes or specs.

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thrown weapons like shuriken

I had this thought back in MoP, could make it somthing like a mystic/mist archer. But some of this other ideas sound fun too.

Pretty sure MW focuses more on Yuā€™lon the jade serpent more than Chi-ji the red crane

They just wraped them both in one and have Chi-ji more in fistweaving by my understanding

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