Give me my legendary!

And thus any legendary (present or not) is unlikely to be a major factor in why you play an alt.

I mean if you were just gooning about doing stuff, yea wouldn’t matter

If you wanted to raid on higher than LFR, they made a huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference

The DPS cape in MoP did obscene amounts of aoe and single target damage

See it’s not about enjoyment. That’s a smoke screen for I want it, just give it to me now, everyone else is getting it, it’s so unfair.

Most I’ve seen that say this, do so without being Evokers, because they hate the class and want them to “suffer.”

We all have, but we are not destined for it.

Joe is, the guy who rolled Evoker as an alt to give it the ‘nothing’ customization for laughs and did a normal pug on a whim. He gets it. Not us.

Thems the breaks.

It still does though, in TW.

And neither the ring or cape were mandatory for anything.
I did Flex SoO on many chars, and farmed heroic for the Garrosh heirlooms until I got them all.

The raids were not designed assuming everyone would have a leggo boost.

When you got into a pug and had your graphics card start to whirl in pain you knew it was going to be easy peasy.

I wish you could get the cool graphic effect without having to wear the whole thing. Love the spooky sha wings, but the cloak is uggo.

Bah ive mained demon hunter legion - BFA, I’m used to people wanting me to suffer because of my class.

I’m still bitter with how people raged like children over DHs.

The raids were not designed assuming everyone would have a leggo boost.

People need every edge they can get. For the record, 10 man guild back in the day and never got close to downing heroic Garrosh.

So you did flex, and I assume Garrosh at the end of the xpac after he was heavily nerfed and made easy to farm

Yea, you don’t need the legendary capes for the easiest raid difficulty and boss who lost his mechanics

You don’t need full gear from the very raid you’re doing to clear it either.

Some people need gear from future raids to down current ones (also means they’re not good enough.) It’s more about percentage of people that succeed.

I know, but that’s not the intended gear level.
Raiders will do anything to squeeze the very last drop of damage/healing to kill a boss, but none of it is mandatory, per se.

The single actually mandatory (questline) legendary I can think of is BfA’s cape.
Or MoP’s cape (account wide) for Ordos.
The rest are all optional, all of them.

So, the answer was yes?

You got the cape from the earlier bosses in SoO and later in ToT if I remember right, so like if you were gunna do heroic you would have the cape there

Yes, none of it is mandatory, just like raiding mythic doesn’t require mythic plus.

Irrelevant to the point of the discussion, but yes, I’ve only farmed Garrosh after the notice that the heirlooms were gonna be gone after MoP.
I also killed H LK 10 with Quel’Delar, and ilvl 239 gear overall, your point?

Precisely. But you will hear complaints from Mythic raiders about M+ until the game servers shut down, because they feel forced to speed up the gearing to ease the challenge and clear the raid ASAP.

They definitely tuned raids in MoP with the assumption that the majority of people would have cloaks. You’d notice it immediately when you got off your main for alt night.

Very relevant cuz you did no content that would require them lol

Nobody clearing heroic wasn’t using the capes

Edit: I mean before the prepatch where they gutted heroic cuz they introduced mythic, just to be clear

Now this is irrelevant

Totally relevant. No one in the group had a legendary and the overall ilvl was 245.
Which means you can clear the highest of difficulties without relying on having the most OP gear available.

The cloak was prevalent in mains because it was easy to get on a single character over the course of the expansion, which is why “everybody” had it, but in any alt group you’d be “cloak-free” and still able to clear things, including Heroic Garrosh, but yes, it wouldn’t be as easy.

Ah yes, for the highest difficulty, they’d assume you’d have the cloak indeed.