Give me my legendary!

I’m tired of this bs rng! I’ve killed sark every week.

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/10 char

He doesn’t drop a DH legendary, hope that helps


Making the legendary a rare RNG drop on top of a questline was stupid. Should’ve just been like Cata legendaries.


No, not in the slightest.

The RNG reward of the legendary makes it feel that much better when you finally get it.

If everyone could just pick up a quest and start the legendary questline, it wouldn’t feel very “legendary.”

I applaud blizzard for returning back to the good ol’ legendary system we had back in vanilla and TBC with thunder fury and warglaives.

I hope that every legendary going forth uses this system because it makes legendaries feel legendary


There’s bad luck protection on it and the chance you’ll get it gets higher with the higher level raid you do. Seems like a good system to me.

Yeah this as well. What difficulty have you been killing sark on?

If you can kill mythic or heroic sark, you’ll have a much higher chance to get the legendary, which is something I also applaud because those who clear the harder content get the legendary first and that’s how it should stay.

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On a 1% droprate that is still not much of BLP at all for people.

A 1% droprate with BLP is not a good system. Allowing people to do a long questline to earn it was a good system.

Nothing should be that low of a droprate. It doesn’t make people feel good at all.

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That emote we’ve all seen a metric ton of times is a literal meme at this point. It’s not like it needs to feel any more inclusive than it already is. There’s so many things in this game that need to stop being RNG. It’s just luke warm gambling.

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It makes everyone feel great when they finally get it!

Imagine how boring it would be if you just got the legendary from one LFR or normal sark kill, that’s very boring

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The fact that they had to make it region wide to make people feel like it was easy to get is the worst part about it.

They made this thing stupid to get and the few I know who got it weren’t excited in the least, they were relieved and bitter at the stupidity of it all.

Well most people who got the legendary were clearing mythic and heroic sark.

What difficulty sark were you doing every week?

Naw the questlines for legendaries were so much better. Shadowmourne and Fangs of the Father were superior journeys.

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No those were boring. Everyone had the legendary and it wasn’t very legendary anymore

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You clearly didn’t do them when they were relevant, lol.


Oh yeah it’s going to feel sooo great when it drops for me 3 expansions from now while farming transmog.

Id much rather work towards x number of fragments in a questline. At least then there is a trackable finish line. Even with bad luck protection I could never see the legendary.


Yep! The new one should have been the same. And the droprates in the raids were based on difficulty, so it was going to take more time on lower difficulties than higher ones.

People could slowly work towards them, get a good storyline and felt like they accomplished something.

With RNG it’s just a game of chance, then go spend a crap ton of gold. It’s not a good system.

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That’s basically what’s happening now. There’s no skill involved, only RNG.


But that is working as intended. Every patch of WoW has had the harder difficulty content dropping the best gear.

If you want the legendary, just do the harder content, it’s a pretty easy concept to grasp