Give me my legendary!

Oh, so you didn’t clear real heroic.

People screwing around with alts after having done it on mains is totally different from main raid prog. Not remotely the same.

Remind me, what legendary was there for every class/spec in the game in wrath?

So… exactly what I’ve been talking about

Post-6.0 SoO tuning is kinda completely irrelevant to the discussion, to be frank. They didn’t even “gut” the 5.4 difficulties but simply renamed them and extended Flex’s player counts to everything but the top:

Every one of the adjusted difficulties after 6.0 was easier than their pre-6.0 variants. The cloak was certainly required for 5.4 Heroic and generally expected for the back half of 5.4 normal.

Disagree. Hard disagree, in fact. Legendaries with a questline just turns in to an item that everyone has and is required to have. That’s not legendary. SL legendaries weren’t legendary, they were more common than any other item. Same goes for BFA, Pandaland, etc.

To me, legendary is more than orange text.

Please see: literally all of the comments that shoot this down.

Were never the topic.

Legendaries are the topic, don’t be daft. Sorry you didn’t get your drop yet and you’re bitter over it. I haven’t got it either, and that’s totally fine with me. If everyone had one, it wouldn’t be legendary. It would just be a common item with orange text.

Edit: I saw your other comments, I still disagree. Tell me how an item that everyone has is legendary.

Cata style questlines for legendaries was the topic.

Don’t devolve to insults for no reason because you didn’t read.

I never even tried to get it, because I don’t care to be part of the drool-fest over a 1% droprate.

Not everyone had Shadowmourne or Dragonwrath or Fangs either.

Those were absolutely legendaries.

Still not reading, I see. Come back and have an actual mature conversation without the insults after you read through the actual conversation. Until then, have a nice day.


Sorry buddy, I simply disagree with you. Questline legendaries are worthless.

I read everything you wrote. You weren’t persuasive.

At least we’ve established you never done progression raiding in Wrath or Cata to even understand what’s being talked about.

I’m not here to persuade you. I am here to tell you that you have no place in this discussion when you don’t even know how those legendaries worked or what they entailed and that they were not common back then because of it.

Enjoy your evening.

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You are now the arbiter of who gets to have a discussion? I played in wotlk and cata. Those legendaries were worthless as well. The last good legendary was warglaives.

I see you all the time in threads. You think your word is law, and everyone that disagrees with you is stupid. That’s called egotism. Get over yourself.

And yet, you remain incorrect on so many levels. As you’ve made quite clear with this post alone. If you were actually around for Wrath and Cata, you would know just how good those legendaries were.

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I’m waiting for another “but I won the roll when Val’anyr dropped!” comment. lol


Is no one else sitting here in awe that someone is calling a feat of strength achievement, on content, worthless compared to an lfr drop? Is no one else getting vibes these arguments are completely disingenuous?

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Yeah, I actually just finished that one recently. It does not work that way. Not at all. :sweat_smile:

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Incorrect? We’re talking about matters of opinion here. There is no incorrect. Y’all are hilarious.

Keep begging for welfare legendaries. All you spoiled kids want us everything handed to you. Cry enough and daddy Blizz might listen.

I’m not sure I would call it awe, as much as I’d say it’s this reaction:

Somehow, Shadowmourne is a welfare that was handed to everyone. :rofl:


It’s not an opinion when it’s factual. You’ve got nothing, sir. Absolutely nothing.

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Legendaries after warglaives aren’t legendary, not in my book. Orange text means nothing.

Every raider that used a 2h had a shadowmourne by the end of the patch. That’s a common item, not a legendary one.