Give me my legendary!

? the only healer legendary in Wrath was Val’anyr and Fragments weren’t all that uncommon, especially if you were working on hard mode keepers which all had a second chance to drop a Fragment.

It’s very interesting you’ve referenced this legendary in particular because it was still far more deterministic than how the Gem drop off Sark currently works.


The entire reason 1% droprate legendaries were left behind originally was because they felt so terrible to get. The questlines were more highly involved and felt better to get.

LOL right?

Not to mention, he references winning the roll on it when it dropped, which wasn’t even a thing.

Not trolling at all. I don’t like giving trophies to people that come last.

I don’t deserve it as I haven’t cleared mythic.

If you all ran the game it wouldn’t be called a legendary. It would be called a welfare item only coloured orange.

The title of this is awesome. Give me my legendary. It’s the attitude of everyone in games today. Give me it now.

Good luck. Wan want want and do nothing in return.

People asked Seinfeld what the secret to his success was. He said “Do The Work”

Shadowmourne, Dragonwrath and Fangs were never called welfare items.

I also have no interest in continuing a bad faith argument with someone who lied about getting a legendary.

This don’t work bud, you claim to feel accomplished from RNG (that’s not how the item worked) but RNG is also bad


It doesn’t work, because that’s not even how Val’anyr works.

Edit: nevermind you covered that. LOL

Lies about getting a leggo?

I’m working on my leggo now.

No… no it doesn’t. I got the Sark cloak / mount skin before getting this and killed sark on several difficulties.

Having a quest with kill him 10 times or something would have been way better.

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Yea I was originally gunna leave it, but knowing the clown twins (who 100% isn’t the same person) would probably use that to defend RNG good and weeks of work bad


Yeah…this has been almost physically painful to watch them and that other guy attempt to debate with people. They desperately want to be right, but…well…

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I kinda wanna see another completely wild and made up claim tbh

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Do the work peeps.

You know what’s required, do the work.

Who knows it may drop a Bruto for you too

And I’m not convinced they’re even different people.

Edit: actually, by the last comment, I know they’re the same person now. lol

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The Warglaives of Azzinoth never actually dropped in the game back in BC. Aliens randomly chose a person to give one to, and they had to enter a code and have it mailed to them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I bet twitch drops are all the rage on the forums

Gold for the meek

See, thats what made it a proper legendary

You had to get kidnapped and probed by aliens to really show how much you deserved and worked for it


You should be able to gather interesting gem shards then eventually attain a cracked titan gem.

Lucky people can finish it in a week (as is now) but others would see they say 200/5000 after a week and know there’s a light at the end.

BLP kinda but visible.

This was one of my suggestions in the other thread about this. I’d have to find the exact post but it would have scaled these drops based on difficulty and provide a deterministic acquisition while still allowing the low chance of the full drop.

Have suggested stuff similar to this in the past.

Think it’d be one of the better ways to do it.

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Most people are okay with putting in the effort. I know I would be. RNG just feels horrible sometimes.

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