Give me my legendary!


Certainly felt legendary doing it, but I guess it should have been a 1% drop rate off arthas instead to be a proper legendary

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Exactly. That is how it occurred on small servers where no guilds were able to kill heroic ragnaros.

On larger servers, you saw dragon’s rest RP three or four times a week

Three or four times a week vs three or four times an hour for the Evoker legendary. :clown_face:

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Well the dragon’s rest RP was only on one server.

Evoker legendary emote is REGION-WIDE.

Wow, if the dragon’s rest RP was region wide, holy moly, there would be a never ending dragon infestation in the skies of orgrimmar and Stormwind. Lolol

Lol… Ok, sure :ok_hand:


If that’s your best response, it is quite clear that I am correct but for some reason you want to still attempt to disagree :slight_smile:

It’s the only response you can give to someone who is so wrong that they have to double down on their wrongness, just because they are obsessed with desperately trying to be right.

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who is correct but you don’t want to admit they are correct, so you say the only thing you can think of, which is

I love my fist weapon.

I enjoyed the process. Only thing that should be changed is the emote

BOOM! Right there, a person happy with their acquisition of the legendary.

See it is much better being a drop from challenging content instead of a welfare quest

I loved how they scaled the drop with difficulty of content too


evokers who do harder content deserve the legendary more!

Thank you!

Oh yes! Everyone loves a 1-3% droprate! :upside_down_face:

Exactly lol. Obvious troll at this point. No point in engaging further.

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Caligula did the harder content and thus deserves the legendary more!

I say congratulations to you Caligula! Well-earned :slight_smile:

I hope you do great things with your newfound legendary power!

Guy never even cleared mythic

Clearly he deserves it more than people that do cuz rng is legendary

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Well Caligula cleared heroic sark multiple times.

I’ve been playing a long time. I got the wotlk leggo.

That was great. It dropped in raid. Guild made their 3 best healers roll off. I won.

Was a lot more involved than this. But it felt like a leggo.

This is headed back in the direction leggos should be.

Back in the day I was hardcore. Not so now, I am not won for giving trophies to everyone. And leggos should not be for everyone. Otherwise they would be green

Thank you! Well said!

I agree 100%

Agreed. That’s why I say headed.

I reckon players like me shouldn’t be getting it