Give me my legendary!

You were on a small server and you weren’t doing gladiator level arenas, obviously you would never see someone with shadowmourne

You are still incorrect.

I remember seeing trade chat going nuts and then in Dalaran just seen buddy RP walking around on the mount you get from it as well with shadowmourn on his back

Basically had a parade of hundreds behind him

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You mean the person who got shadowmourne had a parade of hundreds of other players with crimson death charger as well?

We don’t get that kind of feeling anymore… le sigh. Those were good times!

Maybe it was just my server then (Doomhammer during wotlk) because it definitely was not quite common there.

It wasn’t. It was literally every server that didn’t have Shadowmourne being common. It’s not even common now. LOL

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Are you saying hearing a triumphant roar echo even when you’re in another plane of existence isn’t as hype?

Just the private server he played on had that going on, you could buy the shadowmourne for the 29.99 “donation”

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Yep. Completing that questline was a huge deal. Not everyone raided heroic, and it was either planned or completely random who the items went to. So yeah, not everyone was able to get it while it was current, which made it a rare but special sight.


Yeah obviously the smaller servers didn’t have many shadowmournes simply because there were maybe one or two guilds on the server who actually raided

I got shadows edge on my DK back then and even that was considered good consider the saronite and bloods required lol

Never managed to get frost infusion though, rip in piece

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The funny thing about drops vs quests (in relation to the old ones) is that you end up with more people with the legendary while it’s relevant. It’s just more frustrating to get, but you’re intentionally being argumentative if you are blindly ignoring all the world chat spam.

There were no back to back Tarecgosa events going on weeks until well into Dragonsoul being on meme farm.

Yeah, I’m still in the infusion portions of the questline on my pally. I’m sure I could have gotten it done by now, but eh.

Doomhammer was not a small server back in Wrath lol

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You were probably on a very small server and had no guilds who were able to kill heroic ragnaros

Questline was great in all honestly, well the infusion parts at least

Having to do very specific thing during already harder bosses was sketchy as hell lol

Plus the what, 1000 souls you had to farm?

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Well it might have seemed big to you back then since you are looking back on it with rose colored glasses

You could get the 1000 souls in a single lockout just by farming trash before first boss with a group of five people though

Guilds literally had to tell people that only one person was getting those legendaries, because of how long and involved they were.

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Nope, you had the day when the high end guilds got theirs, and then it petered off. Then everyone got DS heroic geared, went back for the guild achievement, and then a lot of people had it. Well after it wasn’t bis anymore.