Give me my legendary!

go away troll.

Yes, that whole 3% droprate is so much higher than that 1% or 2% droprate! :rofl:

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It’s pretty clear that blizzard wanted evokers to clear mythic sark to have a better chance of getting the legendary. It was never meant to be something that everyone who clears nothing but normal get the legendary.

I don’t recall ever seeing them everywhere. Even years later I don’t see it very often. Way back when it wasn’t really a matter of “Oh look, here comes another DK with Shadowmourne to kill me” in PvP. It was more of a “Oh…oh no” because the few that had it REALLY stood out.

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The funny part is the quest afterwards requires you doing just this. Granted the number is incredibly low (20 when a heroic boss CAN drop up to 5 whereas LFR averages less than 1), but they clearly already added the tech for such a system yet didn’t make it the acquisition method for whatever reason.

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That’s fair

Guy can’t even complete the DK start zone, not sure how I even began to take anything he said seriously when he can’t even play the game

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Maybe you were on a small server with only one raid guild that never managed to kill heroic LK.

Nope. You just don’t remember things correctly.

What server were you on?

Oh yes. I literally watched people run when we saw someone with Shadowmourne, and it wasn’t often that we did. lol

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Borean Tundra back then. It was quite populated, and it had more than a few raiding guilds. I’m on Turalyon now which has certainly seen better days.

I resisted in what ways I could, and it was always futile. :sweat_smile:

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Everyone did not have Shadowmourne when it was current content lol.

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Well every player that had shadowmourne really didn’t bother doing random battlegrounds, they were busy pushing glad with their 3s and 5s teams.

So if you weren’t doing gladiator level arenas, it would make sense that you never saw a shadowmourne

This concept seems lost on him, no matter how many of us say it. Head in the sand, continuing to argue, that’s their way to go, no matter how wrong they are!


A lot more than you might think had it. It was quite common

It’s as if they weren’t actually there. :thinking:

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killed him every week since week 1

I still remember how hype it was seeing the first guy to get shadowmourne on the server, that was a proper legendary event

Was on Arthas before start zone wants to cry about me being on a small server or whatever

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OMG yes! I was present for our server first. It was amazing!

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