Give me my legendary!

“by the end of the patch”
You mean after a whole year when Arthas got nerfed to nothing?

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Hammer of Rag was legendary, Thunderfury was legendary. Anyone that can’t see the difference between these items and a cloak that literally everyone has is beyond repair.

Pronounce how you want hon

So by the end of DF, by just rule of numbers, when every Evoker has collected their shiny hand… It’s no longer legendary.

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That won’t happen, but yes, if everyone has one then it isn’t legendary. Besides, the patch it came with is already over and it’s still scarce and therefore, legendary.

You sound like that guy who tried to get me forum vacationed over prestige mounts. How do you feel about everyone having yaks, now?

Yak? Idk what you’re talking about, sorry.

It’s the same, absurd talking point in the same format. Gave me whiplash.

Still no idea what you’re talking about.

Idc how many people have some mount. Idc how many people have some item. Doesn’t matter to me at all what other people do or think.

It’s just that, if everyone has something it is by definition not rare. Legendaries are supposed to be rare. Therefore if everyone has something, it’s not legendary. At least, not in my book. Idc if you agree or not, I’m not out to convince you. Like said before, idc what you think at all. You don’t matter at all.

Legendaries were never, by definition, supposed to be rare. They are supposed to be items of greater power than an epic.

Then why were the first few legendaries so rare? Just like, coincidence huh?

Bow from KJ wasn’t a legendary despite having the same requirements of pure rng as warglaives?

They really aren’t that rare. Some are more rare than others, but Thunderfury was a meme for a reason.

So should we tell them a level 16 DH cant get the Legendary?.. Or I got something better:

I agree NERF DH!