Give horde a Human model

I am okay with this. Shrek needs to live.

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The only Human left would be the Syndicate. But not sure they wanna joint people

The horde already has undead humans and blueberry night elves.

I’m sure they can write-in some Alteraci survivors somewhere. Not all lore needs to be old, some can be new too.

Alteraci humans.

They hate the Alliance, specifically Stromgarde who just got their land back and did the Horde dirty.

Alterac see’s the opportunity to convince the Horde to help them kick the Ogres outa their home and help them restablish while they start a shadow war against the Stromgardians and Aerie Peak.

Meanwhile the Raventusk push up and assist from the other side of the Hinterlands.

Before you know it the Horde gets Alteraci humans, the Alliance has Wildhammer, and the Horde gets Raventusk. Throw in the Stromgarde humans to the Alliance and boom.

4 new races.


Well the Forsaken took all the map around they used to be Human cities there before cata now its just Undead weird farm

pfft. i preffer if horde got the draenei models. especially if it were say… the mogu. mogu pallies! for the horde!

That is another thing. With the Forsaken position weakened around Lordaeron with the loss of Undercity, Alterac reestablished can help to buffer the rest of Horde lands and serve as a jumping off point for Horde forces coming from Andorhal and beyond.

The Alteraci are a good idea for the Horde.

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The only Alteraci unaffiliated to alliance like I said would be the Syndicate

Stares in undead

Give horde Vrykul.

There are no Alteraci affiliated with the Alliance. They were destroyed and torn apart during the Second War. The Syndicate are whats left of their nobles and the people banded together to stick it back to the Alliance.

Thats why im saying they would be the only avalaible Human to fit to joint the Horde

Oh sorry I misread you on that.

I agree. They’re the best option. I have a whole scenario in mind for it too! I think it would be awesome!

Really? Well here’s the short version:

Twitch has made a “safety council” of about 8 or so streamers they trust and hand picked. One of these was a a streamer who has shown nothing but toxicness and caused drama. Reason? A few statements(summarized) “she”(trans) made: “Most gamers are white supremacists”, “I don’t like voice chat in games, its not fair and we should get rid of it”, “I have power, you should fear me”(after being chosen for council), ect…you get the point. Oh and this person identifies as a deer and actually goes to their backyard with their partner and…eats grass.

But yeah that’s what the deer girl thing is about. As for the drama she caused, Twitch CEO had to come out and make a public statement saying the safety council have NO power and only help to influence decisions, nothing more. Afterwards she made weak fake apologies on twitter for her questionable statements and actions since being chosen.


Or you know, just give Undead a new spine.

human cyborg for the horde :joy:

yes, another reason for people to leave alliance… at this rate they might as well faction change all alliance to horde if they did that. Alliance just become npcs.

Ogre using the KT Model maybe? May be a bit small but it would fix the whole “No Female Model” issue.

Then again, Tauren are technically scaled down from their “cannon” size for game play purposes… eh, it could work.

elves 4 everyone?