Give horde a Human model

The Horde already got an Alliance model, in the Nightborne.

I love how all these Horde posts blow this way out of proportion. It’s like hey the Alliance finally get high elves after asking for them for years! And then the Horde think they are owed something in return even though they are spoiled already and get everything that they want. You Horde are just such brats.

They still haven’t booted her? Are they nuts she’s a walking pr disaster waiting to explode especially since people know they can goad her into going off.

Her name is Calia. It’s on the way.

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Kul’Tirans with horrible racials for the Horde :slight_smile:

It makes sense to me.

Forsaken should get the human model as a 4th option.

Nightborne should get an undead nightelf ranger skin and retain the night elf idle stance if they use it.

Why deny other people the fantasy of playing characters that exist in the lore? Apparently the wall has been broken. You can do whatever you want now.

Humans are boring.

I’d have been happy with Dark Irons or Man’ari Eredar, but there’s nothing else on the Alliance I want.

Are you forgetting about Upright Orcs?

No lore has been broken. We just have High Elves playable now. That’s it.

Except they aren’t high elves. When they go into combat they’ll spontaneously combust into void.

Yeah, horde already has:

Pretty sure the undead model is the skinny kultirn model.

Cool. They still look like High Elves. Even then, anything can change and they very well may change their racial to glow blue with arcane or something while in combat.

That, or it just follows the new High Elf lore in which they’ve begun studying the Void. It’s not much different than a fel-eyed blood elf using arcane magic in their racial.

Yes, I’m surprised it took this long for someone to mention them. The theme for the Shadowlands works perfectly to include them, too.

Me personally? I just want more handsome males. No, I’m not gay. Yes, I like to play conventionally attractive looking characters, male and female. Male humans, night elves, whatever else. They look so… so… weird. The Warcraft CGs really exemplify how weird the in-game models really are, with Anduin looking like a literal child as he is supposed to, and in-game he’s some ham-jerky Gold’s Gym lifetime member. Then of course the alien proportions of the night elf males, with their midget pelvis and extremely ovoid upper legs, which are actually more rectanglish.

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Plenty of unwilling human donors exist on the Alliance.

CALLED. A. UNDEAD. YOU. FANGED . NINNY. We’re bony and grey but we’ve got stuff to say, stiff as a bored but won’t be ignored. Sure we’re squishy and holey and full of nipping bugs, but we’re basically normal humans! shrugs

You guys have had a human model since the days of Vanilla, albeit passed their expiration date humans.

We don’t want no stinkin’ human model.
Vrykul on the other hand…

What about a undead ooze half ogre half gnome?

The only way to balance this out is to give us another elf race. San’layn come on down!

listen i know this is a bait thread but i do think you could do some interesting stuff with alterac humans. gimme my mandatory orange bandana customization pls