Give horde a Human model

Opinion on the undead model has shifted a lot over the years… earlier on a lot of people rolled undead specifically for their frame and animations. In my eyes they actually got downgraded a bit when all races were changed to use the same basic set of animations. There have always been calls for a boneless option, but those didn’t really get strong until the past 2-3 xpacs.

Just wait and they’ll be more forsaken barbie soon

You already got Humans. Sure, they’re decaying and ugly, but they’re Humans.

Yes but we want a nice looking undead model so human undead like nathanos or just give us the human frame option for undead since we had to literally give belfs to alliance.

Yes, Kul Tiran model Orcs. Fat Orcs ftw!


what we need is another race of animal people so that the horde will have 3 total

to be honest though fat orcs would still probably be more popualr than kul tirans

Make the Horde ugly again!

Stop with these Vulpera. Nightborne. Cute races! Give Horde ugly races like Ogre!

the amount of vulpera x worgen content that exisst now is absurd. i have heard so many stories from the goldshire in involving the two races


We’d make a cute baby.

And I’d wear the pants. Yiff Yiff!

i want boots that show on tauren and trolls!

There will be no trade. The High Elf compromise was with Blizzard, not with you.

You get nothing.

I’m human, slightly damaged and moldy but still good!

I got no eyes but I do have a gun!

we would and i hope this becomes canon if the factions ever combine
i wanna see a vulp worgen romance in game

Orc females resemble a pretty close model to humans.

That’s where you’re wrong we simply need to cry like the alliance did and we will indeed get something as we deserve

You also got Blue eyes btw. So Blizz gave you the exact same thing they gave us.

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I’m really going to enjoy pointing back at this time period when people claim the Horde never whines about anything. Look at you people go! The Dead Sea has less salt.

Listen guy I just want awesome looking undead ok this seems like a good chance to cash in on it.

Do the final two ARs as Alteraci on the Horde using the forsaken skeleton, and saberon on the Alliance using the worgen skeleton.