Give glide a cooldown in combat, outside combat it's always usable

If were going to have half of the people double jumps, 40% movement increase, adjusting trajectory midair, and z axis manipulation. Then it might as well be for every class and probably race.

If you’re going to change the core movement of the video game do it for everyone.

It’s movement 2.0

I love how your description of glide escalates everything I see one of your posts. Tomorrow it’s going to be 200% movement increase and 4 dimensional manipulation.

Also what z axis manipulation, what double jump. Is DH glide a triple jump? Does falling a little bit for two feet count as z axis?

Do you know hunter has disengage and how to use it?

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Show me where I haven’t been saying 40% and z axis manipulation?

Do you know you can Glide right at the end of disengage to make it almost twice as effective on PTR right now? Glide also enhances other movement speed things like priests feather etc.

What a strange hill to defend, man. Nobody cares about this “z axis manipulation,” they don’t even “double jump.”

They get a very tiny little hop before they’re hurled forward. You can’t do what DHs do and make a precise double jump. Dracthyr are not “double jumping,” and they are not “Z axis manipulating” (for whatever that means)

This imaginary world where Glide is the most OP movement mechanic of all time simply doesn’t exist in reality, where Demon Hunters and Evokers already have it and the game isn’t broken by its existence.

And no, I don’t really care that the classes are “balanced around having Glide,” because you could play either one of those classes without Glide and they would still be balanced. The existence of Glide isn’t even a factor in how strong or not-strong those classes are in general.

Glide is not a DPS increase. It’s a movement ability with upsides and downsides.


People who understand how to use glide are seeing huge advantages from it. It’s literally movement 2.0, they should honestly just add it for every class if they add it for half.

Yeah? Is that why everybody is playing Demon Hunter in arenas right now?

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When I sit on a bench for RP that’s z axis manipulation when you think about it.

Every race of demon hunter has glide, so they literally balance the class around it. How do you balance mage around having glide if only 50% of mages have it?

How do you balance for any racial ability?

Some mages are Worgen, they can use a speed boost. Some Mages are Void Elves, they can use their shadow portal thing. Some Mages are Dark Irons, and they get 4% bonus move speed indoors.

Some Mages are every race. I don’t see your point.


I wouldn’t be against that, like have some new goblin glider thing for races or classes without wings. Like give brann a small questline where people unlock that new ability.
You could even let people

Think again… those racials you mentioned have long cds :wink:

Nah, I’ve thought enough.

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Leave Glide alone.


Every post I’ve seen about glide I’ve seen crazy numbers thrown around. “Glide gives you 200% speed! Glide gives you 3x speed!”. That’s… simply not true.

Please don’t touch glide. Glide is fine, it’s not overpowered like people make it out to be. I’m playing as a dragon, I should be able to do dragon things. We’ve already compromised at not using fire breathing for non-evoker classes, we shouldn’t have our tails and wings removed too.

Can you link that post?

Sure can:

The worst is people who act like they have a compromise to offer to other players even if they claim they want to preserve drac racials. Players are not the devs, all you’re doing is giving the devs bad ideas to gut the race.

There is literally no splitting the difference to do with other players. The minimal demand here is to preserve the essence of the racials; we already got Soar gutted for half an expansion because fun was detected in the DF beta and someone (cough Ion) thought the only reason anyone would care about races was mount skins.

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Boy this is disingenuous when the opposition is stating “it’s not X!” I gave you a reasonable range there. The 15x is the minimum of another passive movement skill. For some reason no one wants to talk about that, I don’t get it.

One quote is 30% faster. One Quote is priest can move at 130% overall speed, which is again 30% speed increase. Another said your speed clipped at the height of the boost is 178% before it slows down again.

I think you need to stop skimming over these posts and actually read what people are saying…

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