Give glide a cooldown in combat, outside combat it's always usable

What an absolutely childish reaction, and one laden with insane amounts of projection on top of that.

You can think Glide is OP all you want, but when you start assuming that everyone who disagrees with you must be doing so for selfish reasons, we can see that in fact you are the one that only wants Glide gone or gutted so you don’t feel the need to swap to Dracthyr.

You are the one motivated by player power here. Plenty of other people in this conversation probably are too, but plenty have different reasons.

It’s a mark of maturity to understand that people can disagree with you for valid reasons.


I hope you maturity police the rest of these threads, I’d point you to the most egregious like those calling the people challenging Glide as is Flat Earthers/conspiracy theorists and the post I’m replying to calling them insane.

Best of luck in your debate, I’ll leave it to Blizzard to figure out what the right answer is.