Give glide a cooldown in combat, outside combat it's always usable

A sugestion for glide, since it’s a controversial abbility.
In combat you won’t be able to use or their is a cooldown attach to it.
Outside combat you will still be able to use it.
If that’s still to strong, then remove they boost glide give you when using it.
I think removing glide as the racials is simply ridicilous and takes away form the race fantasy.


It’s not controversial or even particularly powerful. Adding a cooldown to it would be like adding a cooldown to drinking.


No, and theres a big chance i wont even play a drachtyr warrior for the transmog issues. But i dont care if others play it and have fun.


It’s absolutely game breakingly OP in arena and all of competitive PvP to have glide.


Make it just slow fall, no boost. Their tail swipe and wing buffet on a 3 minute cooldown means it’s in line with things like war stomp, but realistically it enables more degenerate play since it’s 2 temp stops. Needs to be on the same cooldown on 1.5 minutes.

Boom - Dracthyr is suddenly on the same power level as every other race.


Pvp as always been full of imbalance and broken things. There is a reason why is one of the less played modes in the game right now and it has been like that for years. And Blizzard knows it because they even removed pvp rewards from weekly vaults lol.

I’m honestly at awe that people is actually scared of gliding breaking the little pvp side when there are specs/classes so disgustingly broken right now that are soloing entire batallions of people in bg and arena.

I think gliding should be the less of their problems right now if they want to “try” to balance pvp


This is a bad idea.

Just give Evokers a passive that lets them glide in combat and non-Evoker dracthyr can only use glide outside combat.



Agreed, Evokers and DH are balanced around the fact that they have glide.


TLDR: “I don’t pvp so I don’t care about your part of the game, or the health of the game in general”

Uhm… They took PvP rewards out of weekly vaults because most of the PvP community did not want the randomness of loot, we literally asked for that change.

The reason blizzard cares about PvP’ers is because our subscribers carry the game during PvE content draughts and we are an incredibly inexpesive playerbase to keep satisfied. (One BG/arena map per xpac as apposed to 10 new dungeons and 4 new raids, delves, outdoor WQ’s, zones, etc). ROI is much higher on a PvP sub than a PvE sub.

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Isn’t the other way around the same?: “I don’t pve or open world so i don’t care about your part of the game or if I’m ruining your race fantasy”

Instead of trying to look for a destructive solution that only benefits one side, isn’t better to find something good enough for everyone?. Like the allready mentioned either cooldown/non use in combat/instances.

I’d rather just not have glide than have this compromise.


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Options have been suggested Non-Evoker Dracthyrs:

  • No glide in instanced content
  • No glide in combat
  • Glide on a CD when used in combat

All good options IMO

People are hiding behind “race fantasy” for wanting the huge advantage

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The worst race because you took away their one compelling utility. You know, the reason they don’t have a racial dps boost.

You guys are insane. This is just crazy.

If they nerf glide, they need to go through and nerf every niche piece of racial utility. Shadowmeld, Pteradax, Stoneform, Combat Analysis, Escape Artist. Each which is a tier above glide in usefulness.

I mean, honestly in a hyper competitive game, difference in characters is just asking for imbalance. Better get rid of 38 specs so we can get the balance down perfectly.


I don’t think you actually believe this, but if you do, you just simply don’t understand the basics of movement in this game and the impact it has on increasing dps/hps as well as reducing damage taken

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It’s okay, you want them to ship as is so you can have all the power. It’s okay to admit that. You can pretend they don’t ALSO have mastery, which is in line with crit/haste/vers of other races. Glide is the only thing that people are saying shouldn’t go to the other classes IN ITS ENTIRETY, take the slow fall wings. You have Soar for that “fantasy,” but again, I believe this is just you posturing because you must obviously want the clearly broken ability at your disposal.

The two interrupts which average to one every 1.5 minutes is in line with similar abilities that have cooldowns you keep referencing, they’ll be fine if they keep those with glide as only slow fall for non-evoker.

You can’t really talk about Glide without talking about the rest of their kit, since you like to fall back on other abilities that are limited by cooldowns. Compare it to Dark Iron Dwarves indoor movement. Conditional 2% vs. 40% anywhere with slow fall, momentum stop, and height shenanigans.

They have a Mastery Boost racial… You really don’t know much about glide or dracthyrs I am gathering

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as someone looking forward to rolling a dracthyr (probably warrior, maybe rogue haven’t decided), this is the way to do it. There’s 0 issue to having glide in open world content, things only break when you cheese competitive mechanics which (wouldn’t you know) all happen within instanced areas.

if you are seriously going to complain about glide tech in World PvP, you have a lot of issues.


shadowmeld has a lengthy cooldown and likely is a little too strong honestly, the rest of these are lowkey fine.

Pteradax espicially proves how broken free glide (in instanced combat anyways) really is. Yes, Pteradax is faster, but its’ a 30(?) minute cooldown.

combat analysis is like, maybe a 2% DPS boost total during low gearing phases of the game.

being able to finish movement phases in raids ~50% faster for casters/healers is far more impactful than 2% dps boost of the mechagnomes.

Obviously I’m correct. And the numbers will bear them out. You guys can pretend the sky is falling all you want. No one believes you.

The earth is round. Period.

And, I’ll make a public apology on Dec 1st if I’m wrong.

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