Give glide a cooldown in combat, outside combat it's always usable

You literally said Pteradax is a tier above glide, we are not the flat eathers…


Love the hyperbole in here.

Shouldn’t you guys be advocating for all racials to be inactive in PVP in general instead of just a chosen one.

Shadowmeld is way too powerful for what it has been for a long time. Gnome having a 1 min get out of snare should also needs to be higher. 1 min is a bit to short.

Almost all the racials need to receive the Nightborne treament. Any active use racial should have a 3 min cd.

Agreed, including glide.

imo nightborne should have gotten a channeled flare where they shout “AN ILLUSION WHAT ARE YOU HIDING” instead of whatever nonsense they currently have

Honestly, if they kill Glide, they kill 90% of the reason most people would want to go Dracthyr. Night Elves and Dwarves have had op racials for some time now and they’ve done nothing about it, so if they ever touch Glide, I imagine if that’s not reason enough to rebalance the others as well?

Only in combat, a 3 minute glide everywhere. Is way to long for what it is.
Remember that’s it’s only faster if you spam it in a straight line, and not gliding once.

I 100% think all racials should be inactive in rated PvP, but that’s not something Blizzard has ever wanted to do and they’ve had plenty of opportunity. They have historically made adjustments to overperforming racials.

In this case an outlier racial exists and should be adjusted, especially before people reroll or more likely race change due to mid expac and then Blizz nerfs it after anyways.

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The cope is strong with this one

Yea, a 2 minute CD when timed well can negate 1 incoming spell is strong. But changing how you do movement in a game entirely is on a completely different level. (We forget to add in this discussion that Drac’s have a knockback and a knock up)

I think this is the best solution. Just disable all racials for PvP, there are too many busted ones, and glide is the least of them.

For dungeons / raids, if it is important to the design to not cheese knockbacks, then add a disable / stun to the knockback so players need to position themselves correctly and not derp it with leap / blink / DH and evoker glide / disengage.

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Because PvP is THE most dynamic content. No oneis able to fully predict what a human brain can do in compare to the lesser content of pve. Not to mention the two list of things that people would need to have to: 1) be able to enjoy pvp and 2) be able to actually play it.

They also clearly stated why they removed pvp from the great vault. You ignoring that does not change what was stated.


No thanks!

Anyone pvping in wow knows that it’s PvP in a mmoRPG. Racials add flavor imho.

Anyone seeking non racial pvp have games like OW2 to enjoy.

I’m going to say it again, giving a long cooldown to a thing like glide would be ridicilous.
Disable it in combat, or give it a small cooldown so it’s not spammable (because glide is only faster if you spam it, one glide isn’t faster then walking the same distance)

Giving it a cooldown longer then a minute would be dumb.

This is what I have been saying

No it’s not… Stop exaggerating.

How often you see DHs double jumping or even gliding in high rated pvp

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I’d say once DH’s get to about 2100 and above they start to learn to abuse z axis mechanics

It literally is. Jump glidimg is much faster than running. All of the classes added to lizard are at a big advantage

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That would utterly ruin the race. It’s a freaking dragon. Dragons fly.


There is no need to nerf glide whatsoever.


Oh yeah, how much faster? At first it was 30% now people are claiming 60%.

I know exactly how much speed I gain from bunny hopping in dungeons: just enough to keep up with a rogue.

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Glide already gets stuffed by literally any snare in the game.

It doesn’t need this nerf.