Give Enhance updated mobility* please

Not sure what the solution for it would be but to be honest I think bladestorm with how often it can proc/be used should still be slow able or susceptible to some cc, and probably shouldn’t have stormbolt useable during it or interrupt, one of the two.

hey i remember that i was there

That’s a bit of the difference between what conduit does to us now we can’t do anything interrupt or CC and it doesn’t remove roots and slows already on us

Stops boomy’s, which is 1 of only a few in the game lol.

Point being that Enh has strong anti-CC capability already, between grounding and tremor. Does it work on all CC? No, because different classes are different.

We need more counterplay / misplay potential in the game, not less.

Displacer Beast was added in MoP, and was mutually exclusive with Wild Charge for as long as it existed, so it was really a mobility trade off rather than proliferation.

That said I agree the main ranged outlier for mobility atm is just mage, as always.

Completely agree. Bladestorm should be disarmable again, and you should not be able to use any abilities during it.


wow thats not cool man

Don’t forget the preservoker with shroud!

You are good enough to say this why even mention it nobody is using theie divine shield to get their burst off because they die next setup.

I am not gonna sympathize wuth enhance gruevances until ascendance doomwinds burst windows get nuked. The fact that I need multiple externals to survive them is just laughable.

Are you sure?

we don’t play ascendance man you are completely cooked also just freedom horse away it lasts 8 seconds. And the burst doesn’t need to be nuked, but if we do get more mobility then they should shift some damage out of doom winds and into lash/ice strike/ele blast.

And a lot of specs need multiple externals to survive burst in general at the moment. Game is just bursty. Sorry ur spec is doing negative dps not my fault


Please don’t speak for the lower of lawns

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Is he still doing it? They nerfed totemic ascendance this patch by a ton

Idk I’m sure he’ll find a way

maybe. It got nerfed by 50% tho it was a big nerf and ascendance is not great either rn overall by itself. way worse than last patch but I’ll look out for the mower of lawns maybe he’ll do it again

When I cast chaos bolt I should be immune to kicks/knocks/stuns. It’s only fair.

Side note: Nerf WW survivability now that they do damage again. It should be punishable when they transcendence on my port as that should be their main escape.

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You know arena matches are not 1v1 there usually someone else enabling your go. Just because few play a spec doesnt mean its ok. Its cheese paired with another giga burst overtuned spec like mm or ww and you spend everything in the opener.

Sorry not sorry

Yeah but you can. Ret does full damage with bop or bubble up.

Even if you have to press to deflect a go you’re still able to do damage, like a mage being forced to block and press veins inside his block. Makes no sense

Also something I’m surprised more rets do since bad ones never bother with sanc, good ones are too high to be allowed to do it is pre sancing themselves on their go.

Sanc is such a cheater button I don’t know how more dont take it.


Its 8 seconds , on the gcd, for a spec with no haste. Come on just because you can do it doesnt mean people do it. And if someone does it they are dead next setup because you have to press them. Same with warriors parrying air. You just kill them.

Pre sancing maybe, since some matches theres close to nothing to sanc (like va mages pre sancing the snowdrift on your self).

How good is stormbringer this season? Enhance is really fun but I hate playing totemic.

The only thing enh really needs is 2 charges to feral lunge. If they gave us that much it’d be enough imo. And it’s honestly a pretty reasonable request.

The damage, survivability, and everything else is fine.