Right but every other melee has to eat the disarm as well. So this seems pretty balanced.
I think we have absolutely created an insane mobility arms race that, IMO statted with pve and druids getting displacer beast on top of everything else in legion (which was since pruned for obvious reasons, but EVERY other class got stuff to compete with it).
However, I think the only real outliers atm are mages and rogues. I think if you reigned those two (and crippling poison) in then you could adjust everything else accordingly.
I’m not sure why I have to say this a third time, but I’ve already told you that ideally they shift damage out of doom winds and into lash/ice strike with this change.
And that isn’t stupid, that is called counterplay. Plenty of purges that can deal with it.
That’s the thing though, would they actually remove mobility at this point? I definitely agree that’d be my preferred way to go and also agree it’s mages and rogues that are the outliers here, but I’m not so sure the devs are interested in removing or scaling back mobility especially if it effects pve. Mobility is something players consider really fun, so idk if they’ll do it.
Compared to rogue, DH, warrior, hunter, windwalker monk, DK, paladin, mage, rogue and evoker you mean.
Compared to lock, spriest and elemental shaman, no. Those classes are easier to keep up with, spriest though is insanely tanky so it doesn’t really matter if they can move or not right now at least.
Technically speaking only only true for like most, monk still can do most of its damage rotation outside of fist of fury.
So it disarm does to us is basically make us squishier.
So you’re playing with an Rdruid and then what. If we’re unlucky we just don’t get your go?
Greater purge has a cooldown, and if they don’t fish with scour you’re screwed.
This is dumb and you know it.
Unless I’m missing you massively saying this, no you haven’t. And if they shift your damage out then you don’t need the CC immunity, problem solved.
And again, if you understand this for your buff idea which is ridiculous, then you should understand that only some of the cast having a disarm is your counterplay.
You are massively missing this yeah. I’ve said it multiple times, scroll up. Read everything before responding ideally.
Not if you can’t really counter it reliably. Feel free to pop into either of the r1 enhance shamans that stream and ask them about this if you’d like.
There are other ways to solve it like increased mobility, won’t solve the disarm issue but it will help with getting kited so uptime can at least increase.
Can you grapple weapon while disarmed?
What if the play is to have his disarmer disarmed during the disarming attempted by his own teammate? Assuming he’s playing with ww/war/rogue/boomie.
That ship has long since sailed.
I’m just making a point cuz I saw a frost wwdk AMS and celestial conduit to cover the go and I’m like
Yes because sometimes when I get disarmed when they’re trying to burst into me I’ll just disarm them instead
You can trinket disarm, that’s what they expect you to do like warriors
You have grounding and anti fear totem like warrior has berserker rage and spell reflect
Don’t use your trinket on a 3 second cheap shot/stormbolt
No difference from TSG
Sure lemme just go talk to Venruki about balanced class changes for mage.
Brb while he puts frost mage on B tier again, whoops.
Appealing to a biased authority is stupid.
Sorry missed it at the bottom of the first post where you said “moved a bit”.
Do you want hot hands to hit like a truck? Then no Doomwinds for you.
I mean I’ll be honest if I had my own way here I’d remove most of that kind of stuff. I think DK ams is fine since you can dmg through the shield or just use non magic cc, but cc immunity for demolish/conduit etc is pretty dumb imo. I’m only asking for it for enhance because of how far it’s fallen behind in that regard, and I’m not sure the devs would be willing to walk it back in general.
To be fair though, there are other options of solving this issue. I do think they could just nerf doom winds a bit, buff lava lash and ice strike, maybe a little ele blast buff too and then give enh increased mobility (feral lunge cd increase and root/slow immunity from spirit walk for its duration) to increase uptime. That is probably the simplest and easiest solution.
They’re babied and we need less of that.
It’s sadge.
Enhance needs literally nothing except big mobility buffs(feral lunge 15 sec cd, spiritwalk gives slow and root immunity and is 45 sec cd for enhance instead of 1 minute)
I don’t disagree with this either to be honest, can just read what I said above what you typed there.
Yeah maybe asked for too much here, I don’t disagree at all and what you said is right. I said this right before you made ur post lol.
Though I’d probably still want dmg shifted out of doom winds a bit with more mobility. Less gimmicky would be better for the game I think?
The conduit change is stupid as hell.
Also bad DK’s running in with AMS/IBF up to be unpeelable without a disarm sucks.
Hunter existing currently with like 5 walls, healing, ros, feign target drop/damage reduction, physical roots on slow trap, etc sucks.
Theres a lot of questionable design right now that just blows chunks and I get that it’s unfun to fight man, I do. But adding to that isn’t the solution.
I do think feral lunge should root tho, like warrior charge. And maybe have a shorter cooldown.
Yeah you’re right adding more of that is not the solution. I think spirit walk granting root/slow immunity and feral lunge getting a cd reduction (like bubblebuddy has been suggesting) is the best way to go overall.
And I agree that a lot of the cc immunity stuff is not great design in general. Gonna change the title real quick to reflect all of this
For the first few seconds at least so you can make some room. Like 3s of not having a rogue just instantly applying a 70% slow would be great.
Is Greenpeace blade storm really that bad to y’all? I mean I didn’t want another channeled ability, but it didn’t feel good to just constantly get interrupted by like everything with it