Give Enhance updated mobility* please

Edit: Leaving the rest of this up but changing my thoughts based on conversations in here. Buffing enhance mobility is a much better, simpler way to go that doesn’t add to the increasingly bad design of cc immunity and non stop defensiveness. Decreasing feral lunges cooldown and making spirit walk grant immunity to roots/slows for its duration would be much better overall for the health of the game and for enhance too. Maybe damage can still be slightly shifted out of doom winds though and into lash/ice strike/ele blast.

Every melee of some sort typically has cc protection in some way. Warrior with demolish and berserker shout, monk with conduit, rogue with cloak, dk with amz (and death charger preventing knocks), etc. Right now Enhance has no on demand cc protection, everything is pre use and can be countered (grounding, tremor) and neither help with the main issue. Not to mention enhance has the worst mobility out of any melee in the game now I believe after dk and ret updates this expansion.

Doom winds lasts 8 seconds, disarm lasts 5 seconds. Trinket the disarm, you get followed up with more cc (or just kited) and that’s the end of your go. Can only trinket every other doom winds go, and you won’t always be able to trinket offensively either.

So my ask is this: Remove one of the pvp talents we never really take (Unleash Shield and Electrocute) and replace it with this: Spiritwalkers Grace now grants you disarm immunity for 5 seconds and increases movement speed by 20%.

This would do many things at once. It’d make spiritwalkers an actual viable talent for enhance in pvp without messing with the class tree, it would help with mobility slightly and it would give enhance some breathing room for its doom winds go’s. There is a talent in the class tree that lowers the cd of spiritwalkers by 30 sec and gives 20% move speed as well.

Id also ask that some damage gets shifted out of doom winds a bit and into lava lash/ice strike in pvp as well with this change so we aren’t getting guaranteed one shot go’s.

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Shaman doesn’t need another anti fear mechanic. I can maybe see it for the disarm, but we can chill out with the “every single spec in the game has a fear break.”


I was debating typing x/disarm immunity because you can honestly replace fear with anything there. Maybe stun immunity or incap immunity or whatever, anything works. I think stun/disarm immunity makes the most sense though and I agree we don’t need another fear break. It can also just be for disarm with no extra cc immunity added as disarm is really the main problem.

Disarm DRing with nothing and lasting 5 sec (out of 8) every single doom winds go is just too good. I don’t mind some specs being able to kite enhance but it’s a bit annoying when full melee lobbies also have multiple counters for our damage.

Edited it to remove the fear component

You don’t need a CC immunity. The one on monk is already toxic, and being unable to stop people’s damage completely because they didn’t set up for a kill is bad.

Yeah it sucks to be disarmed, but man come on.


Why not use something to cover for your burst windows?


How do people think stuff like this is a good idea


I mean we definitely do need a disarm immunity, what do you mean set up for a kill? Enhance barely has cc, it can’t really cross very well. Can’t do anything during lasso, we can hex healer or off target dps at most if we don’t get cced/interrupted and cap doesn’t last long enough for a real go. And in 3s, again, there are multiple ways to stop an enhances damage which is why you don’t see many in 3s it’s extremely counterable and a very slow spec.

Disarm is too good into an ability that only lasts 8 seconds every minute. Talk to any good enhance main they will tell you the same thing, it’s just too many weaknesses.

What do you use? Give me an example of what you’d do to ensure you get your doom winds go reliably. If rank 1 enhance players can rarely do this and find it to be an issue im wondering what you think the rest of us can do.

Have your other team mates cross the people who can disarm you on a go.

It’s not like it’s a warlock or shadow priest disarming you, you’re just finding it annoying queueing into rogue, warrior, and monk.

You actually have a bunch of CC, it’s just not spammable.

I’m pretty sure that’s not why you don’t see enhance entirely but hey what do I know.

And talk to anyone else, giving enhance a guaranteed Doomwinds go with peel immunity would be stupid.

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Any CC ability from myself or my 2 teammates. Cover your goes so you dont get disarmed and waste it.

Normally I’d be against this but every other melee can cover their damage rn

Frost dks pop ams on their go
Celestial conduit
War can zerk shout or whatever
Ret can bop/bubble for their damage albeit that’s pretty dumb
Assa rogues can cloak for their damage, dumb but you can’t punish rogues anyways

Yeah screw it give doomwinds a cc immune component we’ve given these kinds of crutches to every other spec

I mean bm hunter can do 2x the damage of any other spec walking backwards with passives who cares send it


I mean it would be counterable because spiritwalkers is purgeable/stealable, so it’s not like it’s guaranteed immunity. And this is also why I said they should shift some damage out of doom winds and into lash/ice strike with this change. Spiritwalkers is also a 2 min cd or 1:30 with another talent, so it would not cover every doom winds go either.

That is absolutely a main reason, not the only reason but it is a pretty big one. Enhance can do good damage right now it’s just barely able to if you face anything that can kite and/or disarm.

I can go over the other reasons: It has no MS, has no disarm, CC is bad especially compared to other melee but overall it isn’t very good, it’s utility is good but has been nerfed over time pretty heavily or given to other classes (poison cleansing went from 30 sec to 2 min cd, wind rush cd increased a while ago, tremor given to warriors in the form of berserker shout, static totem cd increased, earthgrab is good, grounding and ranged kick as a melee are the only 2 very good unique bits of utility we have left), offhealing and survivability is a lot worse after AGs removal and mobility is bad.

Just don’t need to exist.

You want to power fantasy I have a pretty cool skyrim mod load out that will make you a literal god (flying standing upright and blasting out dbz level of explosions)


Is this coming from a monk with infinite mobility and also cc immunity and also ms and also disarm? I know monks haven’t been great in a while but I’m definitely going to disagree, think at this point it should exist. Or disarm needs a nerf.

Is bladestorm toxic too?

Because at least conduit doesn’t break roots already on it.

While true, shaman has grounding, tremor, can instantly reset the cd of either one of these every 2 minutes, AND they also protect the team; not just the shaman. There are very real pros and cons and different classes are different and that’s okay.

I really don’t think enhance does.

I think it could use some mobility help, but it can also do more than most melee dps while rooted; way more than dh/war/ww, for example.

Also, if you’re consistently getting disarmed on your go, then cc the guy with disarm or position where he can’t stop you. Also, wow is a team game and you have partners to help you the same way you can help them with your team totem utility!

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At least keep hyperbole out of it.

You mean green peace bladestorm?

They could go this route for sure that would also solve the issue as kiting an enhance is extremely easy so if we don’t want to solve the disarm thing then we solve the mobility thing, that is fine. only reason I didn’t make yet another post about it is because I’m afraid of mobility bloat corrupting this game man it’s crazy but yeah they absolutely could just buff mobility for enhance. Talked about it in the last thread, feral lunge 15s cd, spirit walk giving root/snare immunity and that’d be good enough.

Is grounding not a thing for Enhance?


Stop trying to get on Remi’s good side.

Grounding, roar of sacrifice, spell bop, and revival shouldn’t work when I press combust then.

I have no way of stopping these things reliably!!!

Spending GCD’s fishing for your buffs as a “counter” is stupid.

“Yeah this enhance is just melting my face off here, gonna spam spell steal/purge and hope I don’t die in like 3 seconds!”

Not taken from you, though, and playing turbo means you’re immune to every fear set up if either of you has eyes. This isn’t even a downside, this is just making enhance better into warlock and priest lmao.

Shortest cooldown kick now and grounding being aoe cloak of shadows for your team is disgusting when you’re fighting casters.

Compared to DH, rogue, and warrior? Sure.

Compared to spriest? No.

Plus you have ways of brining people to you, or rooting them. Not everyone has a freedom.

Again this whole thing just reads like you’re sick of queueing into WW and Rogue who are overtuned and stunting your damage which, while frustrating, is happening to everyone my dude. You don’t need an immunity to cover for this.

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Of course it is, does grounding stop disarm/stormbolt/kidney shot/thunderous roar/etc? It only stops magic cc, which is very good for sure but also requires pre-use (which is completely fine, just not as easy to use as berserker shout or conduit/demolish immunity) and doesn’t stop what’s being used on the enhance usually.